Now that Mr Insurance man has reviewed the scene of carnage, the stinky soggy pile began its transition to the curb. Fortunately there is some room.

This was taken at 12 Pm on September 1, 2007
Unfortunately there are some who consider this misfortune as a shopping trip. They even stop to pose for me!
At around 2 am, this couple decided to stop for some chairs. I went out to greet them.
"Do you understand that these are contaminated?" I asked the lady. "But you have nice stuff." She said. "Thank you, but do you understand that these have been sitting in sewer water?" I asked again.No answer from her. "You mean you got flooded here too?" said her companion."Yes, and that is why we have to throw these out." I said.They got into their truck and drove off. I think I embarrassed them.
Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Half of this pile were taken by the men in the van.
By mid afternoon, another session of afternoon sale. This time, 4 men in a white Econo Van and a flat bed trailer pulled up. They tried to pull the cords off the appliances.
"Just yank the cords off the monitor, we can use them for something."said the elder man to a teenager.
"Here is an ironing board, a chair, a nice dresser too," said the teenager. "We can use a chair for the garage."
They loaded the trailer with what they can "use".
Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fifteen minutes later, a pair of ladies pull up in a maroon Chrysler Concorde. Out came a girl no older than 12 perhaps, she heaved a BROKEN chair into the trunk and another into the back seat. Instructions flew from the car,
"take that thing on the ground too." Referring to a rocker foot stool that was immersed in 18 inches of contaminants.
"But it smells funny,"said the girl."Just take it," roared the lady in the passenger seat. The little figure strained to lift the still dripping stool into the back seat. The problem arose, the back seat is full, obviously this is not their first stop. Shouts and screams, the little girl curl herself and closed the door.
Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe I should have a "Donation" box outside. Hang on, the donation box may get taken too.

Business is good.... I think.
My thoughts: there are some in the world who have less than what I throw out, to call as their personal possessions.