Monday, September 17, 2007

Up Close with an American President

My scope of American history is fairly shallow, compared to my upkeep with politics. The closest interaction with American for me is when I was 3 feet away from the Presidential bus years ago. Talk about pathetic.

Over the weekend, a treasure of the American past was discovered. Fort Meigs is located 45 minutes north nestled in metropolitan Toledo. The frustrating traffic surrounds an area rich with nature and history. This is a true fort built in 1813 to defend against CANADA. I want one in my backyard!!

The day's activities consisted of well disguised Colonial Members, dressed in uniform or elaborate dresses indicative of the era. Somehow blue jeans and cotton seemed out of place. The girls took fancy to a man in a black suit and a top hat, perhaps, his authoritarian figure enhanced his delivery.

"Four scores and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent
a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men are created equal. "

We had too much time left, so we ventured into the gift shop too many times.

We had a close encounter with Lincoln!

I think this is her Halloween costume, a cross between Davy Crockett and a lady of the night.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Week Round'up

It is Friday! Again!

We made it through the auspicious First Week of School!! The event is easier when the student is interested in academia, fortunately for me, for now, at least with this kid.

FEMA paid a second visit this week, an effort to curb corruption and maintain consistency. This second group reviewed the questions that were asked in the previous interview as well as retraced the physical inspection. An impressive undertaking by the Federal body, perhaps lessons stemmed from Hurricane Katrina. Well done, thumbs up, for keeping it honest.

More businesses that were affected by the flood have announced their intentions to either close or relocate. Some have been the cornerstone of Main Street for over 30 years, unfortunately. The gathering of a town in the heart of town on Main Street seem to be gradually eroding away to mega Malls with multi-million dollar stores. On the other hand, the current economy has strapped the average consumer to use price as the leverage for their purchases. Someday the nostalgia may revive the simplicity of downtown history.

The local mosquitoes are out for revenge! Curfew begins at 6PM, please remember to dash into the house and close all doors behind you. Else a swamp of little buzzes will lock in to your location and close in for the attack. Reconnaissance reports show these attacks will continue until frost, therefore, preemptive strikes against such attacks are crucial. Multiple lit candles with funny scents become imaginary barriers and paint all exposed skin with Kevlar type bug sprays.

Frost!! No!!! Summer is almost over!!!

Time to find the Winter coats, gloves and other Eskimo gear. Again.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On this day ...

On this day a few years ago, the world stopped and started crying and then we got angry.

On this day, a few years ago I had to explain Terrorism to a 4 year old.

On this day many years ago I decided to take the middle name for my next child as Walker, in respect for George Walker Bush.

On this day many years ago, I am reminded of our complacency to live in FREEDOM.

On this day many years ago, we lost a relative in the Towers.

On this day many years ago, my children and I planted the last flag in the largest Healing Field in Findlay.

On this day, as with every year, I plant the Stars and Stripes, just for respect.
On this day, we stop and remember a few words,
"We will not falter, forgive or forget."

"Even grief recedes with time and grace. But our resolvemust not pass. Each
of us will remember what happened that day, and to whom it happened. We will
remember the moment the news came - where we were and what we were doing."
George W. Bush, September 20, 2001, Address to the Nation.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sad rivalry

On this sunny afternoon, we are indoors enjoying the resuscitated central air, many thanks to Mr Rodney Chaskel. (bow to the man) Yawning as we watch a local boy and his team shame the Browns. I mean shame, 24-0 at the turn of the third quarter.

As we freeze, we are comforted with the thought that we have heat this winter.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Christmas in September

Bye bye old tree, ornaments and everything else with it.
Overall we lost 3 Christmas trees and countless of ornaments.
Except for one ornament we saved, some significant meaning, our little ornament of Elvis and his hound dog. We saved the King (hahaha bad joke).

The girls and I ventured into the fabric store to seek out a few essentials.
Pattern for a Christmas tree skirt and potential fabrics.
Our last and only tree skirt was a handmade gift from the girls' aunt. Time has been kind to the simple decoration, but the flood washed it to a different scent.

This new pattern consists of 8 panels. According to the current plan of distribution from the girls, each member of this household will be represented by a panel, leaving a single panel as an overall "family" panel.

I wonder how much excitement this will bring.
Can't beat mom's best gift to the girls last year, toilet paper.

FEMA was here

The dogs went into attack mode, breaking the serene late morning filled with chirping birds and Disney Channel.

"Yes, can I help you," I tried to bellow through a tiny crack of the front door, with a chorus of barks.

"I am **** from FEMA," he said.
"Let's see your ID please," I replied.

He held up his badge hanging from his neck.
The dogs headed out to the backyard.
2 steps across the threshold, he was stopped and I snapped a picture of Mr FEMA. My reason for the picture identification was explained to him; the insurance adjuster took 11 days while Mr FEMA appeared on-site within 48 hours of registration. Of course my over-cautious compulsion is reasonable.

Next on the agenda is paperwork, fortunately all necessary documents were prepared in a manila folder, alongside another marked "photographs". Mr. FEMA came across skeptical of my claim after his visual inspection of the first floor of the house. This is not the furnishing of a home in need of Federal assistance, may have been his thoughts.

The official tour of exhibit carnage. His presumption of the house based on above ground observations quickly changed. Evident from his astonished look, he is taken aback at the scene spread before him. Debris may have been removed, what remained obviously still carries the evidence. Judging from his expression, mutterings and ajar mouth, Mr FEMA is stunned.

"The hydrostatic pressure on this wall must have been horrific," he finally chirped.

All in all, this inspection was educational and complete.

Next, fill out all the paperwork in the mailbox.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I am suspicious

With this ordeal of cleaning out a house for no reason, besides a disaster, we have to deal with the human disappointments. The insurance company with their irrational communication took 11 days to respond.

Now the next agency we were referred to contact...... FEMA.

This time, they took... err let me see, registered on Saturday, showing up on Wednesday, Monday was a holiday, well TWO days. Yes we have a winner!!

Of Course I am skeptical. (The government is efficient?)
Of Course I will ask for 2 forms of ID. (Cannot be too sure, the first one may be fake.)
Of Course I am nervous. (Federal agents here, may have been a spy in the last month.)
Of Course I will sweep the carpets. (A lot of doggie hair and I think some cookie crumbs.)

We'll see who gets eaten first, probably the mosquitoes will emerge the winner here.
Those little blood suckers are EVERYWHERE!

Almost time for FEMA dude to show up. Let the games begin.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I forgot my camera

Usually I am too eager to snap a picture or two, however this photo opportunity registered after the fact. Wrecked with blisters, pain and out of ideas, I asked the local United Way for help with debris removal.

Behold after 3 days, the phone rings and within minutes, 3 volunteers showed up. 4 pairs of hands shattered and shoveled countless floor tiles into trash bags. We also dismantled a huge entertainment center and other tasks. With the process, we exchanged some formalities. Then the wise crack lines began concocting.

"With a principal and 2 teachers here, I have the smartest house on the block.
"This is one way to get ahead in class."
"I did not learn this in school."

The level of education accumulated really did not contribute to the solution, rather the extra pairs of hands mattered the most.

To Principal Mike Wallace and his 2 accomplices, hat tip.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Junk or treasure?

Now that Mr Insurance man has reviewed the scene of carnage, the stinky soggy pile began its transition to the curb. Fortunately there is some room.

This was taken at 12 Pm on September 1, 2007

Unfortunately there are some who consider this misfortune as a shopping trip. They even stop to pose for me!

At around 2 am, this couple decided to stop for some chairs. I went out to greet them.
"Do you understand that these are contaminated?" I asked the lady.
"But you have nice stuff." She said.
"Thank you, but do you understand that these have been sitting in sewer water?" I asked again.
No answer from her.
"You mean you got flooded here too?" said her companion.
"Yes, and that is why we have to throw these out." I said.
They got into their truck and drove off. I think I embarrassed them.

Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?


Half of this pile were taken by the men in the van.

By mid afternoon, another session of afternoon sale. This time, 4 men in a white Econo Van and a flat bed trailer pulled up. They tried to pull the cords off the appliances.

"Just yank the cords off the monitor, we can use them for something."said the elder man to a teenager.
"Here is an ironing board, a chair, a nice dresser too," said the teenager. "We can use a chair for the garage."
They loaded the trailer with what they can "use".
Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?

Fifteen minutes later, a pair of ladies pull up in a maroon Chrysler Concorde. Out came a girl no older than 12 perhaps, she heaved a BROKEN chair into the trunk and another into the back seat. Instructions flew from the car, "take that thing on the ground too." Referring to a rocker foot stool that was immersed in 18 inches of contaminants.
"But it smells funny,"said the girl.
"Just take it," roared the lady in the passenger seat.
The little figure strained to lift the still dripping stool into the back seat. The problem arose, the back seat is full, obviously this is not their first stop. Shouts and screams, the little girl curl herself and closed the door.

Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?

Maybe I should have a "Donation" box outside. Hang on, the donation box may get taken too.

Business is good.... I think.

My thoughts: there are some in the world who have less than what I throw out, to call as their personal possessions.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Finally. The Men from Allstate

2 gentlemen walked up to the front door a little after 8:40am. One introduced himself as the insurance adjuster and the other as Field Manager. Both hail from Texas, although they do not have a twang.

The first ten minutes were spent exchanging excuses and reasons, their excuses for this extreme delay and my reasons for being speechless.

Next to the business at hand, the damage. Tweedie-dooo, tweedie-dee, he examines the carnage in the basement and the remaining appliances. Little doubt on the damage, hardly any questions on the cause. The adjuster measured and probbed, while the field manager was trying to get a feel for our level of cannibalism. Subtly I had mentally prepared my battle strategy, ready to pounce and debate on any queries, armoured with defense systems comprising of Powerpoint Presentations and Excel Spreadsheet. NONE. A week's mental anguish and multi-scenerio preparation were untapped. Such a disappointment.

Overall the adjuster rated the basement a disaster, we exceeded the deductible and allowable coverage just on the floor tiles and wall panels. Here I was ready to fight tooth and nail over the breadmaker, which is sitting by the curb.