Monday, March 22, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hat tip to T-Bone

I am dreading the time I break the news to the kids, the passing of a musical great.

Tom "T-Bone" Wolk is the glue in Hall & Oates. My kids were born after the 80s, but they sing to these musical greats, including watching our favorite episodes of "Live from Daryl's", Christmas Episode. (another blog).

In every episode of "Live from Daryl's House", is the man with the hat, with the musical fingers.
Best fingers on strings.

Daryl & John, if you read this, wear a hat for 1 show, we will know who it is for.
T-Bone, we will miss you, music will not be the same, at least not from Daryl's House.
