Sunday, November 25, 2012

Leftover 2

Fried corn patties.

Sent from little phone

Leftover 1

Turkey vegetable soup .... for the one under the weather.

Sent from little phone

Evil elf lord's request

Sent from little phone

Turkey resting

Sent from little phone

Enough for 4?

Sent from little phone

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Team Rubicon Rules

Years ago in a dangerous land far away, a group of brave men fought dangerous tyrants who strangled a land into oppression. This fearless group of men fought on the streets of Fallujah,  protected the civilians and rid these cities of the Al-Qaeda stronghold. Most of their firefights are archived on milbloggersphere, i.e., Michael Yon's (fantastic journey with Ltc Kurilla and his troops of Deuce Four on the streets of Mosul is a must read.)

By the way they are called the United States Marines. They swept through the streets of Fallujah with guns and muscles. Taking out the bad guys into the trash pile and brought back clean ied-free streets to the children. Proudly these warriors came home state-side and became civilians. Gone were the fatigues, guns and humvees, back into blue jeans, debit cards and beat up ford pick-up trucks.
Unfortunately, some if not most of them brought home PTSD, meaning difficulty adjusting to civilian life, in part non-battle conditions. Many are on medications to help with the symptoms, which also carries the various side effects.

In January 2010, Team Rubicon was formed, they merge the skills and experiences of military veterans with emergency first responders.

In the wake of SuperStorm Sandy,  Team Rubicon with their military super muscles re-emerges onto the streets, this time with chainsaws and shovels not guns and humvees. Imagine 1000 veterans marching into town. Yeah!
*imagine this silly cheering at the pc when the news first erupted.

Team Rubicon is now in the areas stricken by Superstorm Sandy, helping to rebuild the streets again. This time with chainsaws and shovels. They call this Operation Greased Lightning.

An update I just received, Team Rubicon needs help  with teams on the ground. Help here.
Also members of the TR reported do not, I repeat, DO NOT feel the need to medicate their PTSD symptoms.

Here is their Facebook page with pictures.

These warriors just keep giving and giving.

Warning to potential looter, beware of Marines with shovels and chainsaws, they took out terrorists with IEDs, they will take you out like smacking a mosquito.


Monday, November 12, 2012

So the election is over

The elections here are over, finally.
We can return to our usual programming and our mail boxes are not overflowing with party mail.

Unfortunately there are some who did not win and half the country felt let down.
We now know which of our neighbours are of the other party, you know from the other side of the tracks.
But on Wednesday, November 7th, 2012, life goes on.
We still bitch at the bastard in front who is travelling 5 mph when we are running late, the price of gas at the pump, running errands in five directions at a time, cleanup from Superstorm Sandy, trying to help with the cleanup from Superstorm Sandy.

Not everyone cast a vote in this elections of officials, only 65% of the eligible voting population voted.
65% is a shameful turnout in a country that has the luxury of FREEDOM.

We do not have to walk over mountains and descent valleys for days to cast a vote with a blue fingerprint. 
We do not have to dodge gunfire and announce our choice by setting out our right foot or left foot.

In most cases we cast our decisions digitally, thus there should be no excuse for the remainder 35% not to participate in the fundamental rights of a citizen. 

Yes dear overseas readers, there were Americans who did not vote. Only here do we exercise the interesting choice of not voting.
Freedom, some forget to cherish it.

I received this today


You may have served in Combat or in non-combat.


You may have retired out or you may have served for a short time. 
 You may have been a draftee or a volunteer. 
 You may have served in the Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or the Merchant Marines, 
 BUT YOU SERVED.  YOU DID YOUR JOB HONORABLY and for that I am PROUD to call you Brother.
 You may have served during Korea, WWII,. Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Iraq or Afghanistan, But you served, you did not run.


You have a DD 214 with those words "HONORABLY DISCHARGED"  two of the most noble words in the world.


Again I am proud to know each and every one of you.
 Today is Band of Brothers' Day* ; send this to all your brothers, fathers, sons and fellow veterans you know. Happy Brothers' Day!
 To the cool men that have touched my life: Here's to you!! 
I was never a hero, but I am thankful and proud to have served among them.

 A real Brother walks with you when the rest of the world walks on you.
 Send to all your Band of Brothers, because the fake ones won't.

Saturday, November 03, 2012