Thursday, December 27, 2012


Sent from little phone

Only in Pittsburgh

Sent from little phone

Singing pigs at the meat department

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Evil elf lord's tamago

Courtesy once again of andy at wholey foods at the strip in pittsburgh.
Sent from little phone

Mango salmon roll

Courtesy of Andy at Wholey Fish in Pittsburgh.

Sent from little phone

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 08, 2012


If only my friends can see me now.

Sent from little phone

Almost done

So close to being done.
You have the number to call if you want some.

Sent from little phone

Breaking news

The Evil Elf Lord has control of my phone, thus the endless posts of chocolate.

Whirlpool of chocolate

I would drink that all ... says the Evil Elf Lord.
Sent from little phone

Liquid yummy

Who doesn't want to swim in it?

.... maybe Mom who has to wash the chocolate covered kid with brown stuff all over her hair and in her ears.

Sent from little phone

The third

This is the third one of the line.

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Chocolate chocolate chocolate

Swiming in chocolate....mmmmm.

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They will all be gone by chrismas ha ha .

Sent from little phone

What is this?

Sent from little phone