It is Friday! Again!
We made it through the auspicious First Week of School!! The event is easier when the student is interested in academia, fortunately for me, for now, at least with this kid.
FEMA paid a second visit this week, an effort to curb corruption and maintain consistency. This second group reviewed the questions that were asked in the previous interview as well as retraced the physical inspection. An impressive undertaking by the Federal body, perhaps lessons stemmed from Hurricane Katrina. Well done, thumbs up, for keeping it honest.
More businesses that were affected by the flood have announced their intentions to either close or relocate. Some have been the cornerstone of Main Street for over 30 years, unfortunately. The gathering of a town in the heart of town on Main Street seem to be gradually eroding away to mega Malls with multi-million dollar stores. On the other hand, the current economy has strapped the average consumer to use price as the leverage for their purchases. Someday the nostalgia may revive the simplicity of downtown history.
The local mosquitoes are out for revenge! Curfew begins at 6PM, please remember to dash into the house and close all doors behind you. Else a swamp of little buzzes will lock in to your location and close in for the attack. Reconnaissance reports show these attacks will continue until frost, therefore, preemptive strikes against such attacks are crucial. Multiple lit candles with funny scents become imaginary barriers and paint all exposed skin with Kevlar type bug sprays.
Frost!! No!!! Summer is almost over!!!

Time to find the Winter coats, gloves and other Eskimo gear. Again.

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