Monday, October 31, 2005

Steelers Half Time

Half Time... Steelers 10, Ravens 10.

Update: 3rd Quarter, Steelers 17, Ravens 10.

Yawning...getting tired now.


Steelers play the Ravens tonight in Pittsburgh.
A home game....will they break the curse?


Thursday, October 27, 2005

World Series

Yawn. Something about the Chicago White Sox just won the World Series since 1917.
Bring out the Deep Dish Pizzas.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Do the crime, pay the time

When in Rome do as the Romans do. Especially when it involves a criminal act.
Capital punishment may be harsh in the eyes of some countries, however the verdict has deterred criminals for ages, at least in Singapore.
Laws of a country remain in effect regardless of citizenship. I have speeding tickets to prove that. But this case involves more than just speeding tickets, it will cost a man his life.
Drugs or controlled substance is not tolerated in South East Asia. When caught with drugs weighing more than 2 quarters is an immediate death sentence in Singapore. Unfortunately this young man was caught with almost 1 pound of heroin while in transit in Singapore. His fate lies in the political wrangling of clemency pleas between the Australian and Singapore government. Can another country interfere with the judicial systems of another?
From CNN, and from The Age.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What's wrong with these people?

What's wrong with these people on a death watch? Counting the dead? Lives sacrificed for the Liberty of the calculator? Smash has his piece.
Why they are staying in the Guard: 1st Lt. Bruce Bishop, 31, a Salt Lake County firefighter, said he'll stay "because as I look around at the state of this nation and see all of the weak little pampered candy-asses that are whining about this or protesting that, I'd be afraid to leave the fate of this nation entirely up to them." Bishop, who served in Afghanistan, is among the 450 Utah Guard members deployed to Louisiana. Most are volunteers.

Someone said to me last week, "America is always helping others, why aren't other countries helping us out in the same manner?" My reply, "This only shows that America has a bigger heart."

My take on my children joining the military, is simply that they will see the world I cannot show. Most of all, poverty. Let's face it, our children are very fortunate and spoilt. Trying to explain liberty and democracy in the TV age, forget it! Discipline? Clearing the dining table is a battle already. Someday I will really like to say I spanked the butt
am a proud parent of an American Soldier. Keeping my fingers crossed.

The cost of an Ink Stain

The scene that went through my mind, "2 women embraced, a grieving mother of an American soldier, the other, an Iraqi woman with a purple stained finger." The loss and the gain.
How far the world has come, a country oppressed under horrendous conditions passed a referendum on their first constitution. All the insurgents, IED, threats, suicide bombings could not silence the voices of FREEDOM. (scene from Braveheart going through my head now). Michael Yon describes the process from the streets of Iraq, that the human toll as reported by the media was blown out of proportion. Yeap he is definitely not a "Parachute Journalist".

Blown out of proportions? Geneva Convention allows the cremation for hygiene. Jason has done the research, how about this for verification.
Take that!

Here is a detour, if you have to smuggle, then it is time to quit.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Operation Eden.

Stumbled upon this guy... wow.. reality check.

More rain

Monday Blues....
The rain began on Saturday, continued through Sunday into Monday. But it is HARVEST!
At least I got to put my Jeep in 4 wheel drive this morning. What a rush!!

In Spring, rain makes grain.
In Summer, rain means I use more Gain.
In Fall, rain brings aches and pain.
In Winter, rain means I'll be scrapping my window panes.

Currently the temperature is 43F or 6C with RAIN!!

What is the weather in your neighbourhood?

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Yawn.... was there any doubt?
Steelers 27, Bengals 13.
I bet there were some family conflicts here in town over this game.
Big Ben earned his pay check this time. Proving he is indispensible too?



Steelers play the Bengals on Sunday.
The bad news: the pick is on the Bengals.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Back in Bizness.

Okay... I am not moving previous blog entries onto this site. Tooo cumbersome and frankly they are outdated. We had our fun with fried chicken and the Steelers. The reason for this move is the ease for comment by readers. No sign up for this circle and that tupperware party. (I hope)
Now a fresh start.

Recall Michael Yon, a favorite blogger of mine? Refresher here: he is an embed. He is also back in business in Iraq also with an update on Operation Rhma. The armed boys in their fatigues remind us of compassion and charity.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The answers are...

Question: Can Steelers make it without Big Ben?

Answer: Resounding NO!!

Question: Who is the lady on my list?

Answer: Ms Condoleezza Rice.

Give yourselves a big smack on your backs if you answered the questions correctly.

Post from Oct 16, 2005.
Steelers play the Jaguars today, without the Big Ben, who still has a boo-boo on his knee. PS. I have not watched the last game that I recorded. Salute!
Update at halftime:
Jaguars: 10, Steelers 14.
Update: 9mins remaining in the 4th Qtr
Jaguars: 17, Steelers: 17.
Update: 1 min 11 remaining in the 4th Qtr
Jaguars: 17, Steelers: 17. (Still )
Update: 19secs remaining in the 4th Qtr,
Steelers Intercept!!
NOOO!!! Overtime!!
Jaguars: 23, Steelers: 17.


Welcomed to the Castle of ...... (will get back with you on the name)

Let's see how well the furnishings and the residents get along here.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Steelers play the Jaguars today, without the Big Ben, who still has a boo-boo on his knee.

PS. I have not watched the last game that I recorded.


Update at halftime:

Jaguars: 10, Steelers 14.

Update: 9mins remaining in the 4th Qtr

Jaguars: 17, Steelers: 17.

Update: 1 min 11 remaining in the 4th Qtr

Jaguars: 17, Steelers: 17. (Still Image)

Update: 19secs remaining in the 4th Qtr,

Steelers Intercept!!

NOOO!!! Overtime!!


Jaguars: 23, Steelers: 17.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

October 12, 2005

Loads of corn entering the facility, moisture = 19.8%.

7% Shrink with $0.235 discount when corn was $1.58 this morning.

Hmm... a little too wet?


Just for the Steelers Fan, Big Ben incurred a boo-boo when another boy bumped his knee, perhaps he was the dish and Big Ben was the spoon. All the king's horses and the king's men tried to put Big Ben together again.

But the King's doctor said, "Pull your thumb out from the pudding, put some ice and cut-tape on and you will be okie-dokie for Sunday's games against the Jaguars at Pittsburgh!! That is an order not a request!!"


PS: I haven't seen the playback yet. I think I have 3 weeks of programs on the cable box to catch up with, Crossing Jordan, Lost and the game.


Just for the Steelers Fan, Big Ben incurred a boo-boo when another boy bumped his knee, perhaps he was the dish and Big Ben was the spoon. All the king's horses and the king's men tried to put Big Ben together again.

But the King's doctor said, "Pull your thumb out from the pudding, put some ice and cut-tape on and you will be okie-dokie for Sunday's games against the Jaguars at Pittsburgh!! That is an order not a request!!"


PS: I haven't seen the playback yet. I think I have 3 weeks of programs on the cable box to catch up with, Crossing Jordan, Lost and the game.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Germany, if approved, will have their first female Chancellor. Interestingly her coalition is made up of parties of the similar lines,
To be completed at a later time.

Or you may continue this post by adding your comments.

Monday, October 10, 2005


With 10mins left in the game, the score stands at Steelers 24, Chargers 22.

To avoid jinxing the game, I have set I-Control to RECORD.Image


Steelers: 24,

Chargers: 22.

Pittsburgh going to the Superbowl ? Does this mean I cannot watch the Steelers play live anymore? Image


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Things that make you go HMMM

It all depends on how your mind works.
*my cheeks hurt.

Then again, this is only my opinion

I just cracked my fingers, ready to extract those lingering thoughts in the hollow-sphere called my brain. The grace period for free storage is up, storage charges will begin incurring at 3 cents per month with a 10 cents drop charge. (Okay only 1 person will understand that line).

2003 marked a dawn in war stories; the waiting period is days if not hours from any theatre. Milblogs brought to the web of millions of readers the stories from the frontline and sandboxes. I don't have to wait for a rocking chair and pipes for recounts of battles, courage or valour. Remarkably the DOD seemed oblivious of their existence.

Mainstream media, aka the TV earned many vulgarities from me whenever a body count or an IED is detonated. That was only 5% of the daily activities in the GWOT. The other 95% of good was only accessible through milblogs.

Lately there is a buzz in the blogosphere, something in the name of OPSEC. Apparently some milblogs have been tagged and are shutting down, either voluntarily or by recommendation. (What the...?)

Here I go. The redemption for the LIBERTY, that the Coalition Forces are trying to preserve and secure, is most evident in milblogs. Shutting down more sites leaves number of injured and dead truely the only public news on GWOT. After years of faithful reading, these blogs do not jeapardize any operations. Bloggers are responsible reporters, especially when they have taken an oath to Protect and Serve. The public wants to know and need to know beyond "mini-skirt or flashy tie with unmovable hair" newscasters reading from an approved script. Pictures tell a thousand stories, these sites have millions or gazillions (is that a word?). Do not discredit the bloggers just because someone has a porn site as an external link, or so they say.

If Michael Moore's fantasy movie can be played on movie screens, why can't I read about the reality?

Details of previous wars were learnt 50 years later in textbooks. This time let the details of a MRE spill from the pouch like the falls over Niagara. Untouched, uncensored, undiluted and un-coerced. There are some media that money can buy, but showing the truth with integrity is priceless.

For all the milblogs and after theatre blogs, hat tip and Salute!!

Go thank them while you still can or read their reasons for shutting down.

Armor Geddon

SFC Dixie Sappers

For a list of more milblogs to fill your cravings go to here. If you are a blog junkie (like me ..denial), add it to your Favorites.

PS: This is my civilized version. Now I am itching to read the OP SEC guidelines. I read the FarmBill released in 2000, all 340 pages of it, just don't quiz me on peanuts. Yeah yeah... I need a life.

Then again, this is only my opinion.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


This girl has been named the sexist woman alive.

Here is the list of questions that went through my head:

  1. Who is she, never heard of her.
  2. 2.Has she reached the legal age in most states, excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands?
  3. Does her mommy knows about this?
  4. Does her DADDY brag about this?
  5. My choice for the sexist woman, in my opinion, doesn't need to be scantily clad for the title.

What is your next question? Who is the sexist woman on my list?

She is:

  1. Graceful, especially in couture.
  2. Loves football, ie. NFL football, aka American football, aka not soccer.
  3. A musician, a well trained musician I may add.
  4. Highly intelligent, including access to intelligent information too.
  5. Financially secure.
  6. She tamed stubborn men.
  7. Fluent in many languages.
  8. Gourmet chef, or is rumoured to be one.
  9. Anyone who interrupts her will be silenced with integrity and respect.

Stay tuned for the answer. Feel free to speculate. Image

No I am not taking bets, no one paid up the last time. Image

Ah Sox

The battle of the socks Sox resulted in the bleached White Sox securing victory over the RED SOX .

How did that happen?

1.Red Sox players did not have enough baked beans for lunch. Ran out of gas.

2.Been there done that, oh, the World Series. Yawn.

3.Red Sox felt charitable.

4.Boston have homies from Los Angeles, no sweat.

5. Another excuse to more drug tests on the players, what better way to turn white sox BLACK.

Fighting words. I am not spitting in my hand.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Contains What?

This is a label from a can of TUNA.

Look under allergy warning.

I took a double take to ensure I was reading it right.

Who gets paid for writing this label?

PS: The label on a can of Clam Chowder reads, "Allergy warning - contains clams"Image


Steelers play the Charges on Monday, October 10th.

(Monday night Football Image)

I am not watching the game. But I will post the scores.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005


It is 8:57am. No sign of the brown truck. Muahahaha...ALL MINE!

Yes I do have a bucket of fried chicken here, cold pieces too.

Watch me devour them.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Weblog (def) : online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log.
MilBlog(def): military blog.

March 2003. Shock and Awe. Operation Iraqi Freedom began. Life here stateside continued with some sense of uneasiness, nevertheless life continued. Without any television in the office, I was introduced to the world of weblogs, beginning with Lt Smash. Smash gave first hand accounts of life in the sandbox, as a naval officer who introduced the words "pustule" and small-pox. Blackfive joined my favorite list providing news from an Airbourne view. Mrs Chromedome relayed the events of her husband's life as a military police in Iraq, her readers sobbed with her when Chromey's Tour was extended . Chief Wiggles told the stories of the Iraqi children who delighted in receiving toys and the warmth of their families. Images from Afghanistan were breathtaking and heartbreaking, smiling women and hungry children. My daily blog diet grew to 15 sites, the number dwindled when the writers returned (all of them safely) and resumed civilian lives . Too long of a tongue twister, Military blogs became MILBLOGS.

Milblogs did not jeapordize the lives and operations of the military. Milblogs connected the reader to the frontlines without the censored newsanchor.

Most importantly, milblogs carried the lives of Afghanistanis and Iraqis to me, without death toll or insurgent attacks. Those stories were war stories of heroism and valor, but mostly stories of heart; Captain Carter shielding an Iraqi woman caught in the cross fire with his own body, the happy father of a new born, naming his daughter Gary after the American soldier who carried Gary's mother miles to the medical hospital, the Iraqi mothers feeding hungry American soldiers.

Operations after Operations of clearing insurgents on the streets of Mosul, senior officers' valor that shook his men, women supply clerks who will not stand down in an attack. The grand opening of schools and hospitals. Celebration and music filled the Afghan village for the first time in 20 years! Untold stories that never made it to CNN, NBC, ABC or even FOX.

Why am I repeating myself? Yes. I was a blog junkie, still am.

Some guy had an idea to publish a book based on milblogs!
No kidding.
Why not? 2 of the editors have a soft spot on my favorite list, the project is in good hands.

As I have said many times about my stand in the war against terror, the media should tell it like it is.
Now the world will read it like it is.

(I cannot recall any good quotes for the conclusion, yet).
Tuesday, Oct 4, 2005 - 10:15am (PDT)

The Fried Chicken Challenge

This afternoon a mini survey was conducted amongst the simple souls present.
"Fried chicken or cold pizza for breakfast?"
1 participant did not favour either option.
1 participant favoured pizza.
My choice remains the same (you should know my answer by now).
Another participant belted, "If you get the fried chicken, I will show up tomorrow morning."
Did I hear a challenge?

UPS Man, you are on! Bring your own napkins.
What can brown do for you?

Incidentally on the subject of food, may I remind my dear readers of the festival tomorrow, DINE FOR AMERICA 2005.
Please go see Ramona, especially since her other half is very close to me at OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE! (I am trying to win brownie points for Ramona's cookies).

Tuesday, Oct 4, 2005 - 12:01pm (PDT)

Sunday, October 02, 2005


No Steelers score this weekend. Phew!
The quarterback was home signing autographs.
Sunday, Oct 2, 2005 - 09:50pm (PDT)

2 more days

Circle your calendars for October 5th, 2005!!
This is a nationwide event! Want to do more to help in the relief efforts in the south? Get out and eat!
I am pushing for Outback Steakhouse, where 100% of profits on 10/5 going to relief effort, 25% of that to Dine for America.

Ask for Ramona if you are dining in. (She's the best!!)
Personally I may be ordering the curbside service for a Bloomin Onion.
If only they have a bucket of chicken, extra crispy.
Sunday, Oct 2, 2005 - 09:46pm (PDT)