Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Something to read or talk about

Singapore is a little little country in the South East Asia, so small that most of the world is oblivious of their existence. They are really really spoilt there. Really.
The headlines in the International Herald Tribune, Business Section, "In Singapore, a local Switzerland for Asia's wealthy".

How spoilt you may ask....

Singapore's vision for the high-life can be found at Sentosa Cove, a
secluded development on the edge of a small island theme park off Singapore's
coast. Chandran is building his home there, among sites that sold for as much as
$9.9 million each. Sentosa Cove has a 400-berth marina with 10 spots for
mega-yachts, two golf courses so far and a casino resort on the way.

That spoilt.

One for the fans or fan or errr ...maybe

To those who have kept up with this post, my apologies to you. Unlike previous seasons, Dancing with the Stars have gone unscathed this time. Simply due to my lack of interest in this season's participants. *yawn. Bring in John Travolta!! Travolta, rumored to have charming dance ooze from his pores can revive the ailing interests in spoilt beings trying to be hard-working. *yawn.

The political scene is waning with the Democrats running down main street with their tails between their legs waving a white flag before the first sissy punch is thrown.

Another drunk politician is laid to rest, so more vodka can be shared with the rest of Russia.

Grandma was right, never trust the Japanese or a Communist. Years ago the Chinese tried to export soy-sauce made out of HAIR. Rivers close to a chemical plant were flowing green and orange, according to a Chinese authority, were due to high levels of nutritional iron and vegetation. *scratching head. Selling blood is good for the body because it increases the level of regeneration of the body, by the way, the fatigue is not due to AIDS, just your body resting. To increase the richness of the pet food, whisk in some melamine and make sure we use some of that cheap contaminated grains. No one will know, after all the world is so dependent on China, there is nothing they can do.


Nothing much happening, just the same old same old routine - errr .... perhaps.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Which government would you be in?

Singapore is back in the headlines again, the Singapore Government to be precise.

In an article, Reuters on the disputed earnings of Singapore government officials, an apparent raise is scheduled for the members of the Singapore government, sparking a wave of controversy amongst Singaporeans. 20% of the population earns S$991 monthly or S$12,000 annually, compared to the S$1.2Million annual income of the officials.

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The salary of the prime minister of Singapore is more than three times that of U.S. President George Bush and about four times that of Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. But that is not enough. Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong may soon be getting a hefty pay rise as part of a controversial ministerial salary hike that has infuriated many
Singaporeans. Lee, who is estimated to earn about S$2 million (669,265 pounds) per year, said last month that the salaries of Singapore ministers, top public officials and judges have fallen way below benchmark private sector salaries and may need to be doubled.

"Itis critical for us to keep these salaries competitive, so as to be able to bring in a continuing flow of able and successful people," Lee said in a speech in March.
Lee said that Singapore ministers, who currently earn about S$1.2 million a year, should be earning S$2.2 million. Details of the new ministerial salaries will be announced in parliament on April 9.
Since 1994, the salaries of Singapore ministers have been set at two-thirds the median pay of the 48 best-paid bankers, lawyers, accountants, engineers, and executives in multi-nationals and manufacturing firms. But the latest salary hike, which comes at a time when income disparity in Singapore is wider than ever, has sparked an outpour of unusually blunt criticism from Singaporeans.

Now even a Senior White House Official is also feeling the urge to leave for
monetary Reasons.

"I'm going to emigrate and run for office in Singapore," the official said
on condition he be identified only as "a senior administration official who sits
in disbelief after reading that story.

On Monday, the Singapore government had announced a fresh 25.5 percent pay hike for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, boosting his salary to 2.05 million dollars per year. Bush gets paid 400,000 dollars per year for doing his job, according to the White House."

Things that make you go "HMMM".

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm Back!!!

Yeap I am back in the swing of things.
I knew I needed a vacation, however, the one I had taken wasnt up to expectations. Amidst all the commotion, I am still compiling the details to be posted soon.

Kudos to the guru of all mankind, Bill Gates, the owner of those big firemen boots, a lady named Mary, a handsome night nurse named Jason, some other people in scrubs, my Knight and of course his little followers.

Details will be posted soon.

Another hardwood floor beckons my sand paper and fingers.