Monday, November 20, 2006

We are #1

My kids began chanting "We are number one" shortly after dinner on Sunday.

Yeap, I shall claim the trophy to First to Put up the Xmas tree (been up for a week, fully decorated I must add).

We hereby claim the FIRST TO HAVE THANKSGIVING! We had our turkey on Nov 19, and ate it. Hahahaha.

We Are Number ONE!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Vice versa

I am not a fan of either OSU or Michigan.

But this is one I have to share.

You may substitude accordingly.

"What is the difference between a Michigan fan and a carp?"

"One is a bottom sucking slime-bucket, the other is a fish."

Thursday, November 16, 2006

There he is!

We value our friendship with Singapore: Laura Bush
By Pearl Forss, Channel NewsAsia Posted: 16 November 2006 1644 hrs
SINGAPORE: While President Bush was meeting Singapore's leaders, his wife was engaged in diplomacy of a softer kind. Some children at the National Library had a very special reading session. They were told the story of a lonely powerful spider by the First Lady of America. The children also got to ask Mrs Bush any question they wanted. The first question fired - Was she popular in America? "I what? Popular in America? Sure," she answered with a laugh. Mrs Bush also told the children about her hobbies and favourite animals, adding that her daughter's roommate in college was a Singaporean. Nur Alijah Ibrahim, 8 years old, said: "She has a garden with many roses, tons of roses, big white house." The first lady also browsed a special collection of books on Asia history from the 16th and 19th centuries. These books are usually kept in dehumidified rooms and were last taken out when the Emperor and Empress of Japan visited Singapore in June this year. During the visit, Mrs Bush said that they value their friendship with Singapore. "I want to tell you how important our relationship with Singapore is and how we value our friendship with the people of Singapore," she said. To welcome the First Lady, the library had specially set up a display featuring American writers. Mrs Bush said she wanted to visit the library because she used to be a librarian and reading is her favourite pastime. - CNA/so

Finally over!!

Bad feet and scantily dressed women are finally off my screen!!
I want those GREEN SHOES!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ride Emmitt Ride!

Yeap, MVPs have an effect on my kids!

They were doing the Emmitt ride!

Well Dancing with the Stars is FINALLY coming to an end, surprisingly to the same ending as last season. The NFL Football player verses a young punkster. Yawn.

I rather .. er.. er.... take a nap.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Part of life, rushing and waiting and rushing.

Rushed off from work in order to wait for an hour in the doctor's office, that was the precursor to a physical for a 3 year old!

"The doctor will be here any time, just be patient." Repeated, repeated, repeated.

One child fell asleep, the other began flipping through a magazine.
I reached for a copy of Business Week, Titled: How these kids made it. Young twenty-some are millionares. Whoopie! A few pages later, an article stood out, Change of Career. The article highlighted the trend of 35 to 45 crowd who made a dramatic change in lifestyles and careers. From CEO to a school teacher, a VP turned hearing aid supplier. This was what I took away,

"We are so damn busy rushing around, we forgot what we really want."

So true. Time for some reflection. What do we really want?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Just a reminder.

I thought of a picture posted during 2003, a coarse and disturbing picture from Iraq.

Yawn, football is on the tube.
Instead I am watching the Marines whoop Bobby Flay on Food Network.

Darn Democracy!

I guess we will celebrate a hanging!!

Too bad Sadman Hussein is guilty in 2006 instead of 1986, else the world will see more than just a hanging!
Let me recall some true experiences by survivors of Desert Storm.
- tie your hands behind your back and hang upwards
- whipping
- smashed fingers
- immediate extraction of finger nails.
- etc etc.
Too bad democracy works, even for the evil, he gets an automatic appeal. BS.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What was November 2005?

In a brief reverie, I wondered what happened in October 2005, was it cold, quiet, what was the topic of interest then.

Fortunately, my history can be retrieved with the click of a mouse, aka my archives. Briefly,
* the cleanup of Katrina continued,
* gas was about $2.50 per gallon,
* stupid journalists remained on the media train,
* White Sox won the World Series,
* Paul B was anticipating his return stateside,
* I was reporting games scores to a bbq-deprived-has his own personal pool friend overseas.
* Yeap the Steelers were plowing at the speed of NYC's snow cleanup crew on the first hard snow of the year!!
* The world witness the democratic elections in Irak Iraq, and remember the waves of purple fingers.
* October 12, 2005
Loads of corn entering the facility, moisture = 19.8%. 7% Shrink with $0.235 discount when corn was $1.58 this morning.Hmm... a little too wet?

Yawn, in October 2006, I am still watching football and soccer, this time I have a warm and tangible company. Oh, Fred can watch the games himself even in person too. Hahaha. I need to find my groove for rhyme, I think I lost it somewhere along the legal pathway during summer. *cracking fingers, lets see if I still have the mojo.

Cast away your fears,
I will only drink Rootbeer!

I have not returned to Frickers,
For fear of encountering err... witness.

Yes it is getting cold,
I can feel the pain, as I am old.

Yeap. It is coming back!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

In the meantime

In the meantime, I am drafting new entries, waiting for the next job opportunity, trying to stay warm, enjoying the laughter of my children, the licks of new "puppies", and hugs of a new love.

And waiting for Mr Fred to SAY SOMETHING!!

I have to share this beautiful picture

Please help halp thes boyz!!

The picture says it all.

On a personal note: I hope this act will be seen as a bravery. To their COs, "bugger off!"

I learnt a new ... word.

John Kerry really opened a can of whoop-ass courtersy of himself.
I am having a difficult time restraining myself from insulting him. Fortunately, Matt at has to wash his keyboard with soap before I do. (btw, he has links to interesting Halloween pictures. *wink *wink)

Here is an important public announcement, to the readers reader of this site, the blogosphere hereby award to John Forbes Kerry the distinct status of:


Class, let repeat, "ASS-HAT". Good!
Look up the fantastic video of this spectacular jer foo shi bastar idio baffo assho character at Scrapple Face . (Hat tip to Blackfive)

At this time I will like to retrieve a beautiful quote from the archives, directed at this special person, Mr Kerry.

"You are stuck on stupid!"
Ahhh .... Hat tip, General Honore.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

His wife is rubbing off on him

Teresa (TERASAH) Kerry is obviously doing a fine job with her husband, now he is speaking like her!!!

"You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.
"If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

*** A few erm...many.. choice words are emerged from the mental dictionary, none are publishable.

R, I am still looking for the transcript for the speech delivered on October 31, 2006.

Update: Found it

Read what darling W. said about the War in Iraq and GWOT,

Go on, click!!!