Monday, June 26, 2006

He did it outside!

England 1, Ecuador 0.

The single goal was credited to David (erhm) Beckham!!!

Then he puked on the field.

At least he did it outside.

Friday, June 23, 2006

A few quick notes

Ghana whooped USA. (now that is sad, Ghana?)

Enough rain already!! Quick washing your vehicles. 1.5" + 2" + 1.3" = TOO MUCH!

Sump pump works, but the sky is just relentless.

Cleanup in aisle BASEMENT!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A reminder

Maj Gen. William Caldwell,
"We will never leave anyone behind."
His comments on military casualties on Larry King Live. Somehow we forgot about the commardarie and bond in uniform. This time this line was not from an actor, but it sent more chills down my spine and fueled further the fire of honour.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Oh Poo-ey!!

Schedule of events for last week:
Change sump-pump (Done)
Regain garage from kids' toys (Done)
Build table out of scrap wood (Done)
Other stuff (Done)

Try on work clothes that are not jeans (Oh Sh*t)

Yeap... I need a new wardrobe.
By the way, did anyone borrow my ironing board years ago?
I'll need it back, after I locate my iron from the spiders' web.
Erhm... the clothes (pants) need to be a few sizes bigger.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The time has come...

The time has arrived to start anew,
Leaving a position after 8.5 years,
Taking up something almost new.

Yeeeeaow!!! Hat tip to those who had put up with me,
Please try not to call my house about BVFC.
I may not be there to answer any queries.

We have watched the children grow,
All the little habits that I know.
All past now, just stories in tow.

Someday the book will be complete,
"What the fat man used to say",
Wisdom by another Hawkins.

Proceeds will go towards more beer,
Although you should know I wont be near,
Erhm.. recall "At least I did it outside".

For the last time, of course,
Goodnight Boss.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hat Tip to Mr J.

Hat tip to Mr J.,
You had asked if I could stay,
"At least through wheat harvest", you say.

Rumours have swirled through the land,
Err... which is the truthful end?
Depends on the version you have heard in this fairy tale land.

Before I begin my reasoning, firstly I'll go to KFC,
Making sure it is EXTRA CRISPY,
Hands off, that bucket is for me!

Then followed by a pepperoni pizza,
Tums, right now, will be nice,
Oh throw in some ice tea, no ice.

Then find a tree,
Hopefully without alot of birdies,
At least it is not yet 130F (haha Fredie).

Mr J, I hate to say,
Many are counting down to the day,
To wheat harvest, which may begin on a Wednesday.

This fearsome face,
Without much grace,
Wont be there to ask: "Where is the other J*****n Brother?"
A joke that has found a fitting place.

Hat tip, Mr J. May you have fair weather, good prices and record yields.

A fan of the J*****n brothers.

Friday, June 09, 2006

By the way...

By the way, many thanks to the US military for the pest control on June 8, 2006.
Now that is out of the way, let the .... MOMMY roar!!

See you in a few days.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


. courtesy of 500lb hardened steel compliments of Uncle Sam & liberty loving brave men & women of the USA Military..
.Yo, Nick Berg, are we singing now??
Nah, nah, nah ,nah,
Nah, nah ,nah, nah,
Hey Hey Hey,
Good Bye.
Alright I cannot resist:

- Devil says:" Welcome OBL, table for 2? Your guest is already here waiting for you."

- Congrates Mr Z, you have just passed through the doors to martyrdom, rewards await on the other side as promised, 72 goats and harems of women for your pleasure. Oh yeah, those goats have mad cow disease. The girls, have tested positive for STD's.

- Please enter. You were heading to the beach and coconut trees? Ooops, that was the screen saver. Welcome to oblivion, okay, HELL!

Monday, June 05, 2006

I see the light!! I see the light!!

Almost there... the light at the end of the tunnel sparkles, teasing me to the allure on the otherside.
Almost there... darn paperwork, patience ( I tell myself, no need to fight).
Almost there ... like Hansel & Gretel, I have left a trail of money on the path.
Almost there ... has end sometime soon, my pockets are gettting lighter by the day.

Baby needs shoes!!

Almost there ... I don't care ... time to thank all those who had cared.
Almost there ... thanks to the BIG TALL ONE who saw my fear.
Almost there ... thanks to those who listened, far or near.
Almost there ... thanks to those who did not interfered.
Almost there ... no thanks to those who interfered.

Almost there ... er.... need a new grill and a mower? (Haha... really.)
Almost there ... er ... time for things to get slower? (NOT!)
Almost there ... er ... I have been rejected for enlistment, prove that I am older. (Really.)
Almost there ... er ... I did it on my own. (I really did.)
Almost there ... er ... I hope that my parents are finally proud of me now. (Tooo late.)

Baby needs clean shoes. I think she stepped on "special brownies". I am not washing that!

Friday, June 02, 2006

"All by myself
I don't need anyone at all
I know I'll survive
I know I'll stay alive,
I'll stand on my own
I won't need anyone this time
It will be mine
No one can take it from me
You'll see.
You think that you are strong, but you are weak
You'll see,

It takes more strength to cry, admit defeat.
I have truth on my side,
You only have deceit
You'll see,
somehow, someday"

Title: You'll See
Artist: Madonna.

These words are so fitting.