Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 06, 2010

Ahhh shucks....

The coaches shook hands.....

Not the dramatic ending I was hoping for.

But at least Brady broke Favre's record.... now I need to see his Ugg's commercial.

"If you lose say little, if you win say less." Brady qoutes Belichick. Classy.

The difficult choice.....

Going back a few decades, (I am old enough to count by decades)home was an apartment in Downtown Crossing in Boston Massachusetts. The streets of Manhatten was the playground for summer and whenever I can share gas money.

Boston and New York are my other hometowns that I claim.

On this night, I am not sure who to cheer for (actually I do), JETS or PATS?

The Jets are getting their wings clipped and beaks duct-taped by Papa Belichek and his posse. Nothing too violent, just good plays and execution by Snoop Belichick. Experience reigns as the Pats pound the Jets into the slush, with 2 minutes left, the heartbreaking score 45-3. Ahh a few more drinking in the Big Apple tonight. Sanchez and Ryan, licking their wounds coughing up fur balls all the way home.

The best part to watch, will the coaches brawl in the middle of the field.
*watching ......