Wednesday, August 31, 2005

August 31, 2005

After almost 6 months of conversation, you realized I am not what you assumed. Way out to the left field and beyond, I think you fell out from your chair!
1 year later, I am glad we still have interesting conversations.


Human interests - they can differ, cross borders and demographics, however human interests are defintely not gender specific! A friend learnt that about NFL, NBA, military, grilling, politics and ME.
Just the thought of the misunderstanding sends me chuckling, I am not spilling the details.
"Here we go.
Here we go.
Pittsburgh going to the Superbowl."
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2005 - 12:19pm (PDT)

Monday, August 29, 2005


The headlines are filled with Hurricane Katrina.

Fortunately I am located many miles from the disaster zone. Perhaps we will receive some rain, in inches instead of feet.

August 19, 1991, Hurricane Bob swept through New England with ferosity that tamed the toughest fishermen from the Carolinas to Maine. A category 3 hurricane, packed with wind gusts of over 105 mph, nothing stood in the way. Tall buildings swayed while the rain peltered windows as if a baseball bat was beating its way in. A state of emergency was established and curfew was imposed at 12 noon. No one was allowed on the streets. The Au Bon Pain (a donut joint) at Downtown Crossing had a Hurricane Bob sale, donuts at half-price. Homeless took shelter where they could, the kind management at MacDonalds took them in. Streets looked like rivers as the unrelentless rain fell.

The rain poured as if there was a hole in the sky and someone left the garden hose on. Then silence and sunshine filled the city as if the last hours of nature's turmoil was a bad dream. The infamous eye of the storm. A pocket of clear overtook briefly. For minutes, there was no rain, no loud thumping on the windows, no hollowing screams of wind, just pure sunshine. Reminder of mother nature's precedes with all the anger. Here we go again. 2 more hours of reminder, even the news casters were getting weary, the poor reporter at the Kennedy Square must have really wet underwear by now.

Then the downpour dwindled down to a sprinkle and eventually dissipated into humidity. The next day the poor guy at the Post Office was scraping USPS tape off the windows, probably muttering under his breath too. Businesses were cleaning up and picking up the pieces. The poor guy at the Post Office.

A lingering memory, perhaps the best, President George Bush (41st), his fishing boat was washed ashore. He and his wife played down the misfortune as minor, instead telling Americans to go help neighbours. Don't worry about my fishing bucket, go check your neighbours and give them a helping hand. Awww. Salute!

So who did I interview for this segment? A lot of cobwebs were cleared out of the memory closet. I was in Boston Massachusetts, Apt 3513, Devonshire Street. To be precise, apartment 13 on the 35th floor in the middle of Downtown Crossing in Boston Massachusetts. A bird's eye view of the magnificent city, separated from the hurricane by windows that are inches thick.
I feel for the folks in the south. 1991 still stirs up some chills, especially when a hurricane is involved. Just like the poor guy at the post office scraping the glue off the windows, the country will rise above the challenge. Always has and always will.

Monday, Aug 29, 2005 - 09:22pm (PDT)

Saturday, August 27, 2005


I have considered the direction and purpose of this blog before launch. Primarily this blog will not consist of employment or intimate personal information. Phew!
If you think I am being conservative, then please read this about bloggers and their losses.

Saturday, Aug 27, 2005 - 06:21am (PDT)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Aug 25, 2005

... I am slacking.
Firstly I have yet stumbled on anything stimulating.
Secondly there are some thoughts that are unsuitable for your delicate eyes. (hahaha)
Thursday, Aug 25, 2005 - 11:06am (PDT)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

1 inch of rain

Entry for August 22, 2005
1 inch of rain fell over the weekend.... we desperately needed it.
Tuesday, Aug 23, 2005 - 05:21am (PDT)

Friday, August 19, 2005


Comments Greetings to readers!!

The restriction to post comments on this site boggles my mind.
I have sent my feedback to Yahoo regarding this hinderance.
Please email your comments to me.
Please email your complaints to
Friday, Aug 19, 2005 - 06:18am (PDT)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Luscious Corn

August 18, 2005
Luscious corn and bean fields are sights to behold. Will this greenery crush the complacency of a bumper crop? Soybeans won the poker game a few years before, tall and full plants lined the seemingly never ending fields. The elation waned quickly when harvest rolled in. Just green leaves with small pods. Counting the chicks before they hatch. Agricultural is the largest industry in the world. Along side this claim, the dying trade. Costs of production has escalated in an industry relative to petroleum. Fuel for the farm equipment, chemicals, propane for drying the grain, the list continues. Survival rate in agricultural is staggering, smaller farms have given way to corporations. Acreage determines income and supply chain. More acres also mean more costs, on the other hand, more acres means a wider buffer in the event of crop failure. Agriculture is an industry without a fixed income, the worth of goods fluctuates with the Chicago Board of Trade, while crop performance is at the mercy of weather and nature. Prayer may help, but all one can do is watch idly as the seed germinates. Watching the sky and the checkbook while the season changes from Spring to Fall. Hoping that this crop will pay for the hundred thousand dollar fertilizer bill with enough to purchase seed for the next crop. Someone has to feed the world. The farmers plant the corn that feeds the livestock which returns as dinner. So you are a vegetarian, that guy who groomed your salad-dinner had fried chicken for lunch!
Thursday, Aug 18, 2005 - 07:07am (PDT

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sincere but Late

August 16, 2005

Well, I am still coming to terms to Japan's apology.
Sincere but late.
Dedicated to someone who survived the Japanese occupation of Singapore.
I still remember .....

Tuesday, Aug 16, 2005 - 08:41pm (PDT)

Leave it to Deeds

Leave it to Deeds

So I shamelessly showed my site to unsuspecting victim standing in my office yesterday. Behold!! He is a space nut like me!!
So we agreed that we are both proud of NASA and their impact on technology.
"Do you know what else was developed from these missions?" he asked coyly.
I knew I had this conversation before, but the answer eluded me.
Hah! Thus I refilled my ammo...If the space program is unnecessary in your eyes, please stop using Velcro.
*still working on the draft of another entry.
Tuesday, Aug 16, 2005 - 08:55am (PDT)

Monday, August 15, 2005


August 19, 2005


Friday, Aug 19, 2005 - 06:15am

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Other Side

The other side
The coverage on any news channel is simply narrowed to casualties of war, opinions of this war, celebrities with their casual flaunting of freedom of speech.
A little voice erupts on the blogsphere from Iraq with this message.
Dont waste your son's blood
Enough said.

Friday, Aug 12, 2005 - 10:49pm (PDT)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Out of thoughts

Okay I have to admit that I am at a loss of rant topics. After all what can top the extreme of a successful shuttle landing? Any suggestions?

Thursday, Aug 11, 2005 - 07:06am (PDT)

Responsibility of a blog..

This is my first public blog (the previous were private, duh).
The itch to write returned after years of keeping up with Lt Smash (check out his archives), Blackfive (really really cool dude even in spring green), Dean's World, Chief Wiggles, Michael Yon (excellent coverage), Chrenkoff , Soldiers Angels, and ChromdomeZone (defunct), etc. The latter sites are milblogs (military blogs) which shone a different light on Operation Iraqi Freedom.

I have contributed to the various causes, only $$$. A little voice (powered by the energizer bunny) repeats "Where is the CONSCIENCE". Thus I will now shamefully promote other worthwhile sites regardless of my readers' political or personal agenda. Consider this as a payback for the haiku's from Smash while in the sandbox, the travel logs from Blackfive, Michael Yon's keen photographic eyes, and Mrs Chromey (I miss your rants).

Please fasten your seat belts, make sure your chair is in an upright position and your tray tables are stored. (have they changed this line at all?)
Want to know what goes on daily in Iraq?
This guy has good pictures from the Stan.
Soldiers Angels Project Valor IT hits a special spot with me, I wonder why?

At least I am not writing up a bill for Food Network!

Think I need to post a "Buy Me Beer" contribution like Smash has. I have changed my mind... the public can post comments now, NICE ones only please.

Friday, Aug 12, 2005 - 06:02am (PDT) August 11, 2005

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Wipe your tears Sean

Wipe your tears Sean

Here is a note to Sean O'Keefe, wipe your tears of joy at 7:11:42 CDT. You have overseen the rigid preparation for this mission as the administrator. Credit should be shared with those who were at NASA, including Christie McAuliffe, Francis R Scobee, Judith Resnik, Ellison S Onizuka, Ronald McNair, Michael J. Smith, Gregory B Jarvis,Rick D. Husband, William C. McCool, Michael P. Anderson, Kalpana Chawla, David M. Brown, Laurel B. Clark, Ilan Ramon.
My cup of coffee is raised high as a toast of respect and honour.
PS: I ran out of tissues here.
Further note... does anyone know who are the mentioned?
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2005 - 05:40am (PDT)

Aug 10, 2005

Yawn!! Besides waking up for trips to the throne, I slept THROUGH the night.
No early morning appointments with history today.

Wednesday, Aug 10, 2005 - 05:37am (PDT)


Entry for August 09, 2005 !!!!

I watched it live!!
Breath taking!
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2005 - 05:15am (PDT)

Aug 9, 2005

7:55am Listening to the commentary on Yahoo news.
Nervously waiting for the final landing in Edwards in CA.
Banking to deceleration.

Tuesday, Aug 9, 2005 - 05:00am (PDT)

Aug 9, 2005

5am. NO GO!!
Tuesday, Aug 9, 2005 - 04:58am

Still waiting

4:30am waiting for the decision on the second opportunity for the shuttle landing at Kennedy Space. Still waiting. Flight director just answered a phone from the wall, and the rest of the team is staring at him. All four directors have to agree, and the decision is ... No Go?? my guess.Oh My!!! A GO for sunrise minus 5mins despite the rain!! HOOO HOOO! 5am here I come!!

AP _Try 2: 6:39 a.m. EDT at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico or 6:43 a.m. EDT at Kennedy. NASA must pick one or the other before the shuttle begins its descent.

_Try 3: 8:12 a.m. EDT at Edwards Air Force Base in California or 8:13 a.m. EDT at White Sands.

_Try 4: 9:47 a.m. EDT at Edwards.

Monday, August 08, 2005

What NASA owes me.

August 08, 2005 What NASA owes me.

Yeap... NASA owes me a lot!
Specifically my generation, the 30-somethings, those who cheered with every shuttle launch (proves you don't have to be american to dream to be an astronaut), depressed for weeks after sobbing over the disintegration of Challenger and then Columbia, shuttle missions are items on the favorites menu, who woke at 4am in August 8th, 2005 in anticipation of Shuttle Discovery at home safely. I know I am not alone with my expectations of NASA, after all science propelled me through school; writing a indepth essay on the disintegration of Challenger for an English paper at 14 and all the way to an engineering degree.

Personal rants aside, NASA needs to continue to strive for excellence. The space program benefits mankind, not just Americans as some may consider. For the cynics of the space program, throw out your cell phones and GPS guidance systems. Shuttle missions launched satelites that make your cell phones work. The simplest things on Earth began in space. Fish finders and GPS systems that hunters use to find their way to the keg, they are not powered by Tinkerbells! More accurate weather prediction is another product of the successful space program. Military technology will be less precise and more deadly without the space program. More deadly, without the aid of lazer guided missiles, a cluster of 50 bombs in place of 1. Without the support of GPS, we will still be fighting the Desert Storm, Bosnia will still be under ethnic conflict, and countless other events in history would not be written.

* Hats off to the Gipper, for his vision, persistence and persuasion that jump-started the space programme.
* Geee... previous administration felt that the space programme was unneccesary and cut funding!! Shame Shame!
* NASA owes me sleepless nights and a way out of this compulsive infactuation with the space programme.
* NASA owes me the lost pride when I was the nerd defending the space program to a group of blank faces.
* NASA owes my generation the next frontier beyond a successful launch and return of a shuttle.
* NASA owes me and my children another teacher-Christie McAullife in space. NASA owes me the absence of nerves on future missions.
* NASA owes me more spectacular launch scenes because I still have more room on my wall.
* NASA owes me not to scrap the shuttles until a replacement transport is ready.
* NASA owes me not to give up. Because I have not.