Sunday, December 30, 2007
A tragedy in the GWOT
My heart is broken at the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Her political career has been carved in my life for a long time. A woman who stood against all odds and threats to be the first woman leader in a Muslim Country. Trust me this is no easy feat. Then to be chased away, against her will, mind you, advised that if she leaves her country her life is protected as opposed to remaining.
I cheered when she returned to Pakistan months ago, a move that will benefit the GWOT, the only woman who can aid in the GWOT. One of her qualities, she will not stand for oppression and terrorism. During her reign, she "cleaned" out the corruption, only to fall to false accusations. Sympathies to her son, his youth and his family tree works against him. Please God watch over this young man, whose views and motherly guide will lead him down a thorny path which will liberate a region from the throngs of evil.
Benazir Bhutto, thank you for your grace all these years, a kindness felt by many and feared by more. Watch over your children so they may continue your work.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas else where
We are catching our breaths from the long drives from home this Christmas. The long drive was a little under 4 hours long, of course I "shortened the drive time easily" on I-71 (yep 85 miles per hour of adrenaline). In the meantime, we (well I) scaled the gates at Heinz Field, almost got caught in the stadium, bought from street vendors, the girls got their first whiff of a fish market and much more. All in all we picked up some a lot of Steelers merchandise plus some 87 indicative of Sidney Crosby.
Many thanks to those who accommodated for us during our stay in Pennsylvania.
Our gratitude extends to those who put up with the little monkeys that tagged along too.
And now back home, we need a vacation to recover from the vacation. Phew! All the sorting out and putting things away etc.
All three Xmas trees are down and tucked away. We almost have the house back now.
Ahhhh .... on a different subject... the perfect, the only, PATRIOTS led by Papa Bear Belichek.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,In a one-bedroom house made of plaster and stone.I had come down the chimney, with presents to giveand to see just who in this home did live.
As I looked all about, a strange sight I did see,no tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand.On the wall hung pictures of a far distant land.
With medals and badges, awards of all kind,a sobering thought soon came to my mind.For this house was different, unlike any I’d seen.This was the home of a U.S. Marine.
I’d heard stories about them, I had to see more,so I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.And there he lay sleeping, silent, alone,Curled up on the floor in his one-bedroom home.
He seemed so gentle, his face so serene,Not how I pictured a U.S. Marine.Was this the hero, of whom I’d just read?Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?
His head was clean-shaven, his weathered face tan.I soon understood, this was more than a man.For I realized the families that I saw that night,owed their lives to these men, who were willing to fight.
Soon around the Nation, the children would play,And grown-ups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.They all enjoyed freedom, each month and all year,because of Marines like this one lying here.
I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone,on a cold Christmas Eve, in a land far from home.Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye.I dropped to my knees and I started to cry.
He must have awoken, for I heard a rough voice,“Santa, don’t cry, this life is my choiceI fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more.My life is my God, my country, my Corps.”
With that he rolled over, drifted off into sleep,I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent and still.I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,and covered this Marine from his toes to his head.Then I put on his T-shirt of scarlet and gold,with an eagle, globe and anchor emblazoned so bold.And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,and for one shining moment, I was Marine Corps deep inside.
I didn’t want to leave him so quiet in the night,this guardian of honor so willing to fight.But half asleep he rolled over, and in a voice clean and pure,said “Carry on, Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all secure.”One look at my watch and I knew he was right,Merry Christmas my friend, Semper Fi and goodnight.
©Copyright circa 1991 by James M. Schmidt(As printers in the December 1991 issue of the USMC magazine, Leatherneck)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Oh yeah it is here too!
A finely beautiful atmosphere that Singaporeans will never get back home - FREEZING your noses off shovelling feet of snow!!
Oh yeah the majesty of mother nature at her mightiest, scenic calendar worthy sights at the price of cold fingers, toes and achy backs. Nothing is like the first paralyzing blanket of snow here in the Midwest. This is one place you are really glad you paid through your noses for that gas-guzzling high insurance rated over kill on the accessories, otherwise known as the 4 wheel drive SUV.
Also this is the season where you get to play like a kid and get all wet but still don't get too dirty. Snow just brushes off your coats and Mom will always welcome you back into the house with a taste bud incinerator, you wont taste anything for the next 2 hours cup of hot chocolate with 3 times more marshmellows.
Oh yeah, this is the season when singing White Christmas is well, not just a dream.
This is definitely the season when we kick ourselves in the butt for not buying the snow blower in Summer when it was 50% off!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sorry about the Steelers
1. The game was blacked out on the local cable channels.
2. All the bars are packed to capacity.
3. I usually root for the Steelers, unless my Patriots are on the other side.
As predicted the Patriots brought it home to Papa Bear Belichek.
Ahhhh ..... the sweet smell of New England victory.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Brady - Lucky or Talented?
The Patriots narrowly missed their maker today. Brady is not the only member of the team, but overall the bean town boys brought it home to Daddy Belichek, again.
Oooohhh ... the next match up will tear this house apart....
Patriots and the Steelers.
Bring out the duct tape.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
A Tragedy
The floods of 2007 brought a lot of losses to families in Findlay Ohio.
Here at the close to the holidays, we question faith when "Loss" appear in the headlines.
A family who have fought it all and gave it all.
A family with a 4 year old who had just fought off cancer and still willing to help others.
Really question where God is and his reason. This is one of those things when I fail the test of faith.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
Over the years this day which is significant to America has eroded to commercialization of Christmas present giving. Forget about the Mayflower, Plymouth Rock, pilgrims or Indians.
I hope on my part, that I have bestowed the spirit and meaning to my children, Thanksgiving is about GIVING THANKS.
*We give thanks for family, immediate and distant.
*We give thanks for Liberty, to be able to celebrate this day in whatever fashion to our liking.
*We give thanks for technology, enabling us to navigate a route from an online search, easy hotel check ins, portable DVD players, fuel efficient cars, etc.
*We give thanks for the love we surround ourselves with and give to others.
*We give thanks for the material wants we surround ourselves with, which are needs to others.
*We give thanks in gifts.
*We give thanks in hugs.
*We give thanks in kisses.
Friday, November 16, 2007
There are no lack of thoughts from the last 2 weeks. We officially have two Christmas trees on display, a white and the new PINK addition. The dogs have officially toppled the trees down countless times.
Someone went to the doctor's office on Thursday, first time in 4 years. Oh yes, the big baby is sick!
Something else to laugh about, my receipt at the gas pump. $15.00 for less than 5 gallons of gas. At this rate of fuel prices, Christmas will be really skinny.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
We got the votes here
We were declared .....
We are Number ONE!
We are Number ONE!
We are Number ONE!
We are Number ONE!
Beats me. I am in the same dream.
That is the King in a tree. Just a recap, it was the only ornament that survived the flood.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Drum Roll
The season is changing to the chill.
Also with this change is the method of parenting, as we hit one in the pre-teen stage. From adorable to hostile and angry. Oh yeah, feel sorry for me.
But as far as I am concerned, it is the GAME this Sunday that matters.
Monday, October 29, 2007
History of First Ladies
Next on her plate as a female leader of any free country, her family will be scrutinized by her opponents. On the contrary, history showed oppressed and poor countries are brought into a breath of fresh air by women.
Corazon Aquino, Philippines. Her "Lapan" themed campaign freed the impoverished nation out of $2.00 per month sugar cane plantations under the filthy hand of Ferdinand Marcos.
Megawati Sukarnoputri, Indonesia, led her country out of corruption left from Suharto
Benazir Bhutto, first female leader of a Muslim Country.
Margaret Thatcher, Iron Lady. *curtsy to the dame.
The list continues.
The theme remains the same, her opponent will falsely accuse her husband or children of corruption or adultery.
Bringing another subject to light. In the event if Hillary Clinton becomes the president, her opponents will have a difficult task of falsely accusing her husband of adultery.
Things that make you go Hmmmm.
Anyway that is little interest as the energy is all building up for the game of the year, the superbowl match before the superbowl, the clash of the titans, if you may have it.
For all the weeks there are 2 teams shining as the example of teamwork, experience and pure skill. I have a mental post it note for November 4th. All the other games have fallen to the wayside, like the road kill on the highway. Little matters anymore as most the games are predictable, at least I have been calling them right, if only I had put some money down.
Alas the game of the month - The Colts and The Patriots.
This is one game with a difficult call, the Patriots have the best teamwork. The best. The Colts have good leadership, Manning, with a good arm.
There will be alot of touchdowns and field goals. There will alot of screaming and cheering while the dogs run for cover as this crazy football fan jumps and begs the tv.
What else can top this game?
Hmm ... how about Joe Montana and Jerry "Fifi" Rice on the couch with us!! Just dreaming.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Halloween 2007
Some wise guy in town decided to have Treat or Trick on Thursday instead of Oct 31. Why, probably because he does not have any kids or a scrooge.
Here are my pointers for this early Christmas in October,
1 . use power tools for carving pumpkins, TOO COOL.
2. All the candy we have at home, is nothing compared those that the kids have to beg for.
3. If the adults are dressed up, it will be less embarassing when other parents realized your kids were the ones begging for candy.
4. It is more fun frightening kids with your absurd make up.
5. You know you are good when the neighbour's little girl runs from you, when she usually runs to you.
6. Kids dont care what kind of candy you are giving out, it is okay to buy the cheap stuff.
7. The Burger King costume is pretty cool.
Oh yeah, this chest cold is the bummer.
PS: "Grandma" in PA, we need your email address.
Prison vs Work.
Just in case you ever get these two environments mixed up,
You spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell
You spend the majority of your time
In an 6X6 cubicle /office
You get three meals a day fully paid for
You get a break for one meal and
You have to pay for it
You get time off for good behavior
You get more work for
Good behavior
The guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you @ WORK
You must often carry a security card
And open all the doors for yourself
You can watch TV and play games
You could get fired for watching
TV and playing games
You get your own toilet
You have to share the toilet with
Some people who pee on the seat
They allow your family and friends to visit
You aren't even supposed to speak
To your family
All expenses are paid by the taxpayers with no work required
You get to pay all your expenses to go
To work, and they deduct taxes from
Your salary to pay for prisoners
You spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out
You spend most of your time wanting
To get out and go inside bars
You must deal with sadistic wardens
They are called managers
Now get back to work
You're not getting paid to check e-mails.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Back on the political scene
The applause extends to her. A woman who legitimately won a democratic election, draped with only a sheer head scarf, wears pants, and told her nuclear bully neighbour to shove it. This is a great feat, especially for a Muslim country, Pakistan.
On the same subject, the recent traumatic massacre in Burma, or Myanmar rippled slightly in the international political scene. Aun Sun Su Kyi has been a prisoner in her home for the last 15 years. She too was the legitimate winner of the first ever democratic elections in Burma, however the military junta refuse to allow her succession. Over the years, she painfully stood for her country in the confines of her home in Rangoon, or Yangoon, held prisoner while her husband passed away in London, thousand of miles away. The atrocities in Burma has been concealed from the world. Soldiers attacking harmless monks, nuns and children. Burma's liberation is drawing near, the age of international media has brought attention to this tiny and forgotten country.
My take on the current run for the Presidency, I think Mitt Romney will prevail if he continues to feed his charm and avoids further discussions on gay marriage. Rudy Giuliani, as much as I adore him, does not have the aggressive punch, but will do great as running mate to Romney.
Hillary, just shut up already.
Week in review
This marks the fourth week of 30 minute commutes, the exception this week is the heighten sense of traffic enforcement.
*Tuesday: the interstate were lined with Sheriffs in the median, while Highway Troopers were zipping the lanes. Containers were pulled over and contents searched.
*Wednesday: Same number of black vehicles in the median and camouflaged garbed troopers filled the void. Travelling comfortably at 65mph on the right lane, I spotted a pair of cruisers marked Trooper in my rear view mirror. Unless they have changed the speed limit, I have nothing to FEAR! Flying towards my rear, I turn to check out the white vehicle on my left. Zip, he flew like a Flash - Gordan on a jet engine. His follower, well, slowed down next to me, turned to me, waved, smiled. Hello?? Of course I waved back and smiled. He whizzed off as fast as he appeared. Here is the charmer, both have clean- shaven heads and dressed in camo. In addition the first vehicle had a shot gun leaning on the passenger side window.
*Thursday: The roads are still safe from road rage, as the interstate were lined with prying eyes shielded in cruisers marked "State Trooper". During the last afternoon commute home, I sympathize the drivers of liquid tanks, because they had a pair of flashing lights behind them while they lined the shoulders.
*Friday: Morning commute, I think I have witness all the traffic re enforcement for the week, at least I thought I had. This morning, the flashers were following any transport of heavy equipment. A loader on your trailer - pull over. Is that a bobcat? Pull-over. Do I see construction equipment? PULL OVER! Is that a donut?? Pull OVER!!
During the homeward commute, south bound traffic on I-75 reached a standstill as Sheriffs made arrests. I was zipping past at 70 mph, watching a few drivers spread over the hood of a law enforcement vehicle.
I was just glad to hit the local traffic laden with 90 year old who cannot see the dash board in front of them, or little matchbox cars with too loud exhaust systems with top speeds of 40 mph. Traffic where they can hear you while you use special names.
*Saturday: Shopping. Shopping and more deals to be found. We found a great deal on 6 piece lauggage set for $40.00 instead of the $160.00 original sticker. Of course when we got home, R** said we should return for another set. Erh..... when are we going on vacation? Perhaps, where are we going?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Justice is almost served.
Paul Berkley posted from overseas. Little coincidence that he associated with another cyber friend who rode the elevator daily together. Paul posted pictures and equations to challenge his readers, and if memory serves me right, has a impeccable diet for Goldfish crackers. Dear Paul was taken away by his insane wife during his R&R. A major loss to all who know him.
Justice is almost served. His wife and her accomplice are found guilty in a court of law, but fall shy of their deserving sentence of death.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
The quick review
*Drove another rental.
*Watched the game on Monday night between Cowboys and Bills, fortunately for the lack of overtime, I was getting tired.
*Getting ready for fall as the leaves turn amber around us.
Time to head to work.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Out from the old days
All that driving has put a strain on my Jeep baby. At 7 years of age, the pampered one threw a overheated fit that rendered trips to the emergency shop. A Chevrolet Malibu courtesy of Avis ( I dread the final bill) filled in as the substitute horsepower. Familiarity breeds contempt, the more spacious brand new Malibu cannot challenge the good ole Jeep. The other driver in the house is smiling while driving because he is all stre---tc----hed out. I miss the Jeep because of the need for speed when I am trying to pass the trucks at 80mph on the Interstate!!
In short I told the shop to stop teasing me. Telling me the Jeep is ready, while I had to return hours later with the same problem. That is really really heartless to pick on a self-proclaim chief prankster. My parting words to the shop, "Bye. I hope I don't have to see you again soon."
There are 3 more days of work related driving this week, we shall test the workmanship of C & S Radiator Services.
3 more days this week to make the kind of magic that I am good at, I think.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Up Close with an American President
The day's activities consisted of well disguised Colonial Members, dressed in uniform or elaborate dresses indicative of the era. Somehow blue jeans and cotton seemed out of place. The girls took fancy to a man in a black suit and a top hat, perhaps, his authoritarian figure enhanced his delivery.
"Four scores and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent
a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men are created equal. "
We had too much time left, so we ventured into the gift shop too many times.
We had a close encounter with Lincoln!
I think this is her Halloween costume, a cross between Davy Crockett and a lady of the night.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Week Round'up
Frost!! No!!! Summer is almost over!!!

Time to find the Winter coats, gloves and other Eskimo gear. Again.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
On this day ...
On this day, a few years ago I had to explain Terrorism to a 4 year old.
On this day many years ago I decided to take the middle name for my next child as Walker, in respect for George Walker Bush.
On this day many years ago, I am reminded of our complacency to live in FREEDOM.

On this day many years ago, we lost a relative in the Towers.
On this day many years ago, my children and I planted the last flag in the largest Healing Field in Findlay.
On this day, as with every year, I plant the Stars and Stripes, just for respect.
"We will not falter, forgive or forget."
"Even grief recedes with time and grace. But our resolvemust not pass. Each
of us will remember what happened that day, and to whom it happened. We will
remember the moment the news came - where we were and what we were doing."
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Sad rivalry
As we freeze, we are comforted with the thought that we have heat this winter.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Christmas in September

I wonder how much excitement this will bring.
Can't beat mom's best gift to the girls last year, toilet paper.

FEMA was here
"Yes, can I help you," I tried to bellow through a tiny crack of the front door, with a chorus of barks.
"I am **** from FEMA," he said.
"Let's see your ID please," I replied.
The dogs headed out to the backyard.
2 steps across the threshold, he was stopped and I snapped a picture of Mr FEMA. My reason for the picture identification was explained to him; the insurance adjuster took 11 days while Mr FEMA appeared on-site within 48 hours of registration. Of course my over-cautious compulsion is reasonable.
Next on the agenda is paperwork, fortunately all necessary documents were prepared in a manila folder, alongside another marked "photographs". Mr. FEMA came across skeptical of my claim after his visual inspection of the first floor of the house. This is not the furnishing of a home in need of Federal assistance, may have been his thoughts.
The official tour of exhibit carnage. His presumption of the house based on above ground observations quickly changed. Evident from his astonished look, he is taken aback at the scene spread before him. Debris may have been removed, what remained obviously still carries the evidence. Judging from his expression, mutterings and ajar mouth, Mr FEMA is stunned.
"The hydrostatic pressure on this wall must have been horrific," he finally chirped.
All in all, this inspection was educational and complete.
Next, fill out all the paperwork in the mailbox.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I am suspicious
Now the next agency we were referred to contact...... FEMA.
This time, they took... err let me see, registered on Saturday, showing up on Wednesday, Monday was a holiday, well TWO days. Yes we have a winner!!
Of Course I am skeptical. (The government is efficient?)
Of Course I will ask for 2 forms of ID. (Cannot be too sure, the first one may be fake.)
Of Course I am nervous. (Federal agents here, may have been a spy in the last month.)
Of Course I will sweep the carpets. (A lot of doggie hair and I think some cookie crumbs.)
We'll see who gets eaten first, probably the mosquitoes will emerge the winner here.
Those little blood suckers are EVERYWHERE!
Almost time for FEMA dude to show up. Let the games begin.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I forgot my camera
Behold after 3 days, the phone rings and within minutes, 3 volunteers showed up. 4 pairs of hands shattered and shoveled countless floor tiles into trash bags. We also dismantled a huge entertainment center and other tasks. With the process, we exchanged some formalities. Then the wise crack lines began concocting.
"With a principal and 2 teachers here, I have the smartest house on the block.
"This is one way to get ahead in class."
"I did not learn this in school."
The level of education accumulated really did not contribute to the solution, rather the extra pairs of hands mattered the most.
To Principal Mike Wallace and his 2 accomplices, hat tip.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Junk or treasure?
Unfortunately there are some who consider this misfortune as a shopping trip. They even stop to pose for me!
At around 2 am, this couple decided to stop for some chairs. I went out to greet them.
"Do you understand that these are contaminated?" I asked the lady.
"But you have nice stuff." She said.
"Thank you, but do you understand that these have been sitting in sewer water?" I asked again.
No answer from her.
"You mean you got flooded here too?" said her companion.
"Yes, and that is why we have to throw these out." I said.
They got into their truck and drove off. I think I embarrassed them.
Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?
By mid afternoon, another session of afternoon sale. This time, 4 men in a white Econo Van and a flat bed trailer pulled up. They tried to pull the cords off the appliances.
"Just yank the cords off the monitor, we can use them for something."said the elder man to a teenager.
"Here is an ironing board, a chair, a nice dresser too," said the teenager. "We can use a chair for the garage."
They loaded the trailer with what they can "use".
Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?
Fifteen minutes later, a pair of ladies pull up in a maroon Chrysler Concorde. Out came a girl no older than 12 perhaps, she heaved a BROKEN chair into the trunk and another into the back seat. Instructions flew from the car, "take that thing on the ground too." Referring to a rocker foot stool that was immersed in 18 inches of contaminants.
"But it smells funny,"said the girl.
"Just take it," roared the lady in the passenger seat.
The little figure strained to lift the still dripping stool into the back seat. The problem arose, the back seat is full, obviously this is not their first stop. Shouts and screams, the little girl curl herself and closed the door.
Once again, do they realize the reason why these are on the curb?
Maybe I should have a "Donation" box outside. Hang on, the donation box may get taken too.
Business is good.... I think.
My thoughts: there are some in the world who have less than what I throw out, to call as their personal possessions.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Finally. The Men from Allstate
The first ten minutes were spent exchanging excuses and reasons, their excuses for this extreme delay and my reasons for being speechless.
Next to the business at hand, the damage. Tweedie-dooo, tweedie-dee, he examines the carnage in the basement and the remaining appliances. Little doubt on the damage, hardly any questions on the cause. The adjuster measured and probbed, while the field manager was trying to get a feel for our level of cannibalism. Subtly I had mentally prepared my battle strategy, ready to pounce and debate on any queries, armoured with defense systems comprising of Powerpoint Presentations and Excel Spreadsheet. NONE. A week's mental anguish and multi-scenerio preparation were untapped. Such a disappointment.
Overall the adjuster rated the basement a disaster, we exceeded the deductible and allowable coverage just on the floor tiles and wall panels. Here I was ready to fight tooth and nail over the breadmaker, which is sitting by the curb.
Friday, August 31, 2007
End Of week Update
Had enough of this waiting, I retrieved the number to National Catastrophic Team, called and asked for an update.
For some reason they are unable to explain why I have been left behind. Fantastically the trash I have left on the curbside has been picked up, while the heap of contaiminated belongings continue to sit on the driveway.
By 4 Pm this evening, I suddenly received a barage of phonecalls from the insurance company, ah-huh the consumer complaint is effective. Apologies will not alleviate my disappointment, however they eagerness to show up tomorrow at 8:30AM seem reasonable.
Thus we can only they have some sense of compassion tomorrow. We'll see.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Just in ...
Findlay school year delayed
The start of the school year for Findlay City Schools is being delayed until Sept. 10, because of flood damage to schools.
The Findlay school board approved the delay at its regular meeting Monday night. The delay was recommended to the board by Findlay Superintendent Dean Wittwer.
Great news to the kids, but I have second thoughts.
Unbeknownst to the kids, the cost of repair to the schools stretch beyond the million dollar mark. Education just increased in value here.
I wonder if Big Ben will return to help the kids??
Getting the Run Around
"Flood victims needing Red Cross assistance can visit a "service center" which has opened at Owens Community College in Findlay......
Red Cross case workers will be available there from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.
The center will stay open "until we start to see we're not getting a lot of people coming in," national Red Cross spokesperson Lynn Cook said Sunday."
Everybody is eligible for assistance and we encourage people to come in as soon as they can if they need it," Cook said.
Red Cross assistance "helps people get clothing, food, medications filled and things like that to help get them through the next several days" after a disaster strikes, aid Cook.
According to individual needs, the organization "may give debit cards" to people as financial assistance until personal monetary issues like insurance compensation can be ironed out."
So we took a drive out there. The lady took a look at me and my daughter,
"You have clean clothes, you don't look like you need food or water. We cannot help you."
*blink *blink.
Slowly her words registered through the stressed neurons. Err, what in the world? I should have showed up barefeet and in torn clothes, even to have a sentence heard. This is the Red Cross?
Monday, August 27, 2007, still no signs of interests from the insurance company.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Took a break
We had enough from the week, cleaning, cleaning, and breaking tiles.
That is correct, breaking floor tiles. Havent quite figured out how to remove them. By the way my dear insurance dude hasnt made contact yet.
Instead we took a trip north east to the Sandusky Fair, to pay our annual homage to fair foods, games and old pal Buffo. That was a much needed change of scenery from the flood ravage town to some normalcy.
Guess who is sillier?
Let's moove it!
Fortunately none of these are my kids.
Taking a bow.
At 10PM, we came home to the smelly basement.
Friday, August 24, 2007
My article in the local newspaper
3 am Tuesday, a few inches of water appeared on the basement floor.
Apparently both the sump pumps cannot keep up with the rate of discharge from
the drainage tiles. By 4am, there is a foot of water in the basement and there
was a louder splashing of water, almost like a fountain. Brown and black water
was spurting from the washer discharge and basement sink. The stench of sewer
reminds me of my past visits to Hong Kong or Thailand, ewww. By 5am, the water
has passed the first step, my laundry basket was floating around me. What else
can I do, but start bringing what I can to the garage. By 7am, fatigue took
over, just as the rain stopped and the sun rose to the dawn. At 9am, the
basement floor emerged, leaving a muddy gunk on everything.
Damages from this water range from Christmas collectibles generations
long, all major appliances (we still have no central air or washer use), to doll
By Friday, my basement smells and still damp. upon closer observation,
there is water under the floor tiles that have loosen. The insurance adjuster
has not showed up, the garage is stinking like old socks, and I am tired. For
hours, the floor tiles were removed and piled to a wall. Fans blast from all
corners,the stench finally alleviates. Previous tenants that lined the garage
were moved to the driveway. Guess what appeared within hours but RAIN. The quick
cover with tarps and silent prayers, and pleading.
I know I am somewhat fortunate,nevertheless I have losses. Having lived
through Hurricane Bob in 1991, I chose not to live by the coast. Learning about
the Michael Chertoff's visit cemented that I am once again in a disaster area.
Some time from now, we will tell stories. The week when Findlay Ohio ruled the
global news world (my mother saw Findlay Ohio featured on CNN International
while on vacation in China). Stories will be of the Flood of 2007 at
Sunday lunches without tears welling in our eye, only then we have healed and
moved on and dried out.
Kia Su in Ohio
I made the sobering trip to the Red Cross today, I am running out mops.
These are 2 gallons size bleach, I just hope I have enough.
The sight at the Red Cross was disheartening, there were cots and clothes on tables for those who need clean clothes. I took the last "Flood Bucket" and mop. The volunteers mentionened the scene this morning where supplies were unloaded by the trailers directly to the victims, all gone with the hour.
I am still waiting on the insurance adjustor, so I can begin on the final stretch of cleanup, discarding all the soaked to the curb for trash pick-up.
Any other Singaporeans with the same experience or am I the first?
State of Emergency Cleanup
The mayor finally lifted the state of emergency from this town, but the minds and hearts here have sunk a few notches beyond resuscitation. Pleading with the weather to show mercy to an already ravaged situation. I am preparing to fight tooth and nail with the insurance adjustor. Even making a powerpoint on the pictures of the damages.
We may be fortunate with the "limited" damages, as compared to those who were evacuated. What I see on my garage floor are our belongings damaged, ruined, destroyed by the elements. We may be fortunate that nothing "important" compared to others was in the pile, but they are still my personal belongings. Can it be devalued? They be be replaceable, but our grieve is still as painful as anyone else. Cleaning up from this state of emergency will take a while, a long while.
Prayers for all, wet or dry.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Still drying out
There is a stench in the air outside, mixed of damp grass and sewer. Unfortunately that reminds me of visits to Hong Kong and Thailand.
According to the press release late this afternoon,
National Guard troops should be responding to Findlay in the next couple of days, according to Mayor Tony Iriti. He intends to request troops to help clean up the mess left in the wake of the flooding and military police to patrol damaged neighborhoods."In case anybody is even thinking about causing problems like looting and what not, it will be deterred," Iriti said during an emergency City Council meeting Thursday afternoon.
Looks like we turned into a min-New Orleans. This move is necessary, in my opinion, because the hard hit part of the city is Main Street, filled with banks, appliance, jewelry, electronic and clothing stores. School is not in session yet, and the kids may be restless and have itchy fingers.
This afternoon there was an unmarked black chopper hovering above the city. Yesterday, there was another navy blue chopper across the city with FEMA on the side. What does this mean? FEMA is coming to town. In addition, the head of Homeland Security was in town too. Yes, Secretary Michael Chertoff was in town to see the flood of the century. The impact of this visit hopefully will yield some good.
In the meantime, I have 3 gallons of bleach ready to tackle the basement. There is a funny must smell. There are fans and heaters running, mops and buckets standy on duty all the time.
Right now I am waiting on the insurance adjustor to show up. Let's see what kind of battle I have to fight. The attention will be on the major appliances that I have no heart to explore. Somehow, dismantling the washer seems like a really task, I know it is just psychological, sometime the mountain of laundry will conquer the mental anguish.
What is the economic damage? I do not know.
Singapore is too crowded for me, I survived Hurricane Bob in 1991, thus I decided against living by the coast. But this is not supposed to happen in the middle of Ohio. How can a city smacked in the middle of farmland bury in flood waters mirroring those of a coastal town?
As the FEMA chopper flew overhead, I muttered,
"This is not suppose to happen in Findlay Ohio."
Back to Normal after disaster
Normal activity for some families here means cleaning up the gunky mud left from the waters of devastation.
On our list of things to accomplish today:
* purchase fans - required for keeping everyone cool and drying the basement
* need more bottles of bleach
* new filter for the furnace
*take the long route to the othe walmart that is not flooded
*more clean up
This will keep us busy for now.
At least the National Guard are not here, yet.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Another lock down
My latest reports:
1. The walmart nearby is closed due to flooding.
2. A camero may have an engine, but it is still susceptible to elements of mother nature. I saw one floating peacefully.
3. We are still on a Level 3 Road Emergency, meaning lock down, no cars on the road.
4. It is really miserable with this heat, humidity and no central air.
5. The Red Cross is handing out cleanup kits, but we are at level 3road emergency.
6. The Red Cross is handing out water, you can walk to pick it up, but there is a heat advisory at the moment. D'oh!
7. Findlay Ohio is on all the news channels, we are almost famous.
8.So far, my kids are still unfazed at the latest events. Phew!
9. I really miss my washer.
10. Stupid solicitors still call.
11. If I really wonder about our friends, it really doesnt hurt to call.
12.I think I need to take the 3rd shower for the day.
Okay, I am stinking up this chair. More to come. Stay cool and dry.
Drying up
Unfortunately the levels of damage rose during the day, there are homes submerged under feet of water. The region is holding our breaths that the weather will hold off anymore rain and humidity falls to a more bearable level.
All the past christmas collection are ruin.
This was swimming in the water mixed with sewer back up.
Notice the colour of the water. No clean laundry for a while.
See the water line?
At least we are still home and dry. Some of the families have more to clean up.
Cleaning from a Flood
Within 2 hours, enough rain had fallen to saturate this basement, exceeding the operation tolerance of 2 sump pumps. The rate of water filling the sump well is faster than the rate of water pumped out, thus overflowing the well. A quickie here, a sump well is the containment for the water that flows around the house. Adding to the liquid fury, there was sewer backup from the basement sink and the washer discharge, meaning the public sewer transportation system hit a overload.
At 4:30 am, the water has risen above the first step of the stairs, approximately 8 inches, while the rain continues to pound ferociously. "I am going to Walmart for another sump pump," I declared. The normal 5 minute drive became a 30 minute obstacle course, filled with flooded junctions with 2 feet high water, water shooting vertically from man hole covers. A scene taken from Die Hard perhaps, cars were drifting in the murky waters, I saw a camero floating between 2 gas stations. I splashed through the puddles in 4 wheel drive, in my dear Jeep with the higher clearance. Walmart was out of sump pumps or shop vacs, surprised. Adopting the flight paths of airlines, I went north to head south, go east to reach west, painstakingly I was home empty handed.

So the recovery process begins, anything that is floating receives priority lift to higher ground. Yes, FLOAT. Laundry baskets, toys, basketball, Christmas decorations, etc. All the fatigue masked the anger. Everything in the basement is wet, if not destroyed. Appliances are not meant for submersion, washer, dryer, furnace, water heater, freezer, treadmill. You just have to hope the electricity continues to run the sump-pumps, for the next hours to come.
Hours of recovery later, the floor emerged and the rain also stopped. Efforts turn to cleanup, backup of the sewer system means contamination and the use of a lot of bleach. The floors, walls and anything standing did not escape the cleaning power of chlorine. We have run out of drying room, anything that can be salvage was spread out to dry. Appliances have been unplugged and opened up.
What else can be done now, besides wait, drying and healing time.
As I begin to post this, the authorities are mulling shutting off the main water supply due to rising waters in the proximity of the water plant.
The reality in the new century, sometimes the disasters on the tv can really happen to you too.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
How about a Doctorate in Domestic Engineering.
Oh yeah, we have experimented with toooo many recipes and homemade seems the only way of cooking. List of latest homemade collection:
* cream puffs
* pineapple tart filling (that was many hours of cooking 4 whole pineapples)
* pies - lemon, chocolate, etc etc
* spaghetti sauce
* soups galour
* ice cream
* tooo many more.
Take a close look at the list, this will not have happened in Singapore!!
In the meantime, this is on the dinner menu.
Kevin, see what grilling is all about!! The real deal to the GRILL is MEAT!!
PS: All the cooking compliments to High School Musical 2 blasting in the background.
"Hey Batter batter batter Swing!" .... "I don't dance".
Almost time for BUFFO

Buffo the World's Strongest Clown, supposedly can rip a phonebook in half. Make sure we have our cameras handy, I am already plotting ways to embarrass my family in public. Muahahaha!
Friday, August 17, 2007
377 pounds of beef
To those who a shuddering, yes you and you, this is a good and price efficient method to feed a family.
-First you contact a farmer, place your order for half or quarter side.
-When the steer is ready for slaughter, the farmer will transport the beast to the butcher.
-Each beef is inspected by watchful eyes, this is not mass production.
-Then let the butcher know your preference for the cuts of beef, how thick for your steaks or how many pounds of ground beef per pack.
-In about 3 days, you can fetch the many many packages of beef from the butcher.
-somehow the gigantic freezer seem too small now.
The total costs for the operation averaged $1.97 per pound, inclusive of steaks.
Now the challenge is to keep it fresh, different receipes for the days of the week.
Yes, I am running out of ideas. Taking suggestions.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Elvis lives on.
The loud 10 year old screams at the person who suppose to be in control. Larry King is interviewing Priscilla Presley at Graceland. Here we are 30 years later, the next generation of Elvis fans singing to Jailhouse Rock and Viva LasVegas.
30 years later,
- Elvis still lives, in the memories of a 5 year old all the back way in Singapore.
- Elvis' songs still blasts on my speakers, this time a 10 year old and a 36 year old sings along.
- Elvis is adored by another generation of screaming girls.
- What will the music landscape look like if Elvis continued to sing?
- Will he still sing at the age of 72? (Tony Bennet is still crooning at 80!)
- Would I have caught one of his towels?
The King still lives.