Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Armistice Day

Armistice Day
Remembrance Day
Veterans Day

All these days fall on November 11. We forgot our history classes too easily because it was mundane about a group of over zealous clammering for World Domination. The pages of the book replay the same theme, 1 insane man becomes power hungry, motivates others to carry out his orders, rivers turn red with bloody losses, fields of food became battlegrounds for the egos, the pagans revolt, courage and honour precipitates, the tyrant is eliminaged and then the cheers of victory.

Sounds about right.

However with each turn of the war strategy, there are the brave, tall and honourable, whose sacrifice makes this rambling blog possible.

To all those in service,
To all those who served,
To all who will serve,
My hat tips,
And my poppy glows with pride.

to be continued .... getting sleepy