Redskins and Giants. Joe Theisman vs Baby-face Super Bowl Quarterback. (That is how I remember these 2 teams, find your own lingo!) Really what kind of stupid play was that? High School pranks at a professional level is too jovial for the season. To add insult to more insult, they used the same setup after a time out was called by Giants. Yes your secret is out, the other team knows what you were doing, but to return after 2 minutes with the same set up? Err ... a blond moment of D'OH! Double D'OH! This is not a hand slap to the forehead, used a cast iron frying pan to the skull! The unfortunate use of talent. Definitely an abuse of testosterone's or hormones if we are going there. Even the high school kids can ace that play too. Really, a stupid call. |
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Stupid Call
Friday, December 11, 2009
Stand up and take a bow
Thankfully we have family to travel with, to visit other families.
We are thankful for our health so we can travel with our family to visit other families.
We are thankful for our employers, so we can travel with our family to visit other families.
Here comes the monkey wrench to the rhythm, cutting the strings to a cello in the middle of a symphony, screeching the wheels on a summer Saturday afternoon drive, a Superbowl Champion losing to the CLEVELAND BROWNS, Tiger Woods and his "Transgressions", an interception from a 100% quarterback ala Peyton Manning, you know what I mean.
There is a big group of men and women that I am thankful for. Straight or gay, tall or short, blue or green, vegetarian or eat everything under the sun, young or old, Active or in the Reserves or a Veteran.
Without them, I am not sure I can travel with our family to visit other families.
They contributed to our freedom that we take for granted today.
Freedom that was secured a long time ago, but still under maintenence.
Stand up and take a bow.
Men and women of the USA Marines,
Men and women of the USA Air Force,
Men and women of the USA Navy,
Men and women of the USA Army,
Men and women of the USA Coast Guard.
*Hat Tip
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Coming next
Here is the hint, I actually watched a movie in entirety, and shall post a review emmm ... tomorrow?
What the *9%$ about the Steelers
Some (maybe 2) readers remember how this blog started, posting football scores for the troops overseas plus the yabbering of the misfortunes on the field.
Well over the years more writers joined the blogosphere and I graciously back step into the retreat of readers.
4 games later, I am fuming!! What is up with the Steelers? AGAIN!
4 losses, in a row, in a bad buffalo row. First of all, we cannot blame the coach for bad calls, ala my other love, Belichek. Mike Tomlin, did not make any slap in the forehead calls, but should have slapped, no, more like bat-whack the helmets of his players. Flipping though the playbook, yeap, football is still a TEAM Sport. Translating, more than one player completes the game. An injured player, therefore, should not cost the entire team to FAIL. The other members of the team completes the operation, finish the game.
What ever happened to the secondary teams, the backups, the other players?
The loss of the long hair dude, does not mean you let the other team waltz past you to touch downs. Big Ugly Jock, Big Ben is standing on the sidelines, that means his understudy should have been primed, lubed and cranked to take over. Walking refrigerators should be his caraface, protecting the infant and guiding him. My forehead is red from 4 games of head slapping disappointments, some one will be honored with the bill for ice packs.
What is the roborant? Maybe a little of Bill Cowher, a little Belichek, a little of humble pie.
As my dear Brady boy puts it,"We do not deserve a win with the mistakes we made."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Armistice Day
Remembrance Day
Veterans Day
All these days fall on November 11. We forgot our history classes too easily because it was mundane about a group of over zealous clammering for World Domination. The pages of the book replay the same theme, 1 insane man becomes power hungry, motivates others to carry out his orders, rivers turn red with bloody losses, fields of food became battlegrounds for the egos, the pagans revolt, courage and honour precipitates, the tyrant is eliminaged and then the cheers of victory.
Sounds about right.
However with each turn of the war strategy, there are the brave, tall and honourable, whose sacrifice makes this rambling blog possible.
To all those in service,
To all those who served,
To all who will serve,
My hat tips,
And my poppy glows with pride.
to be continued .... getting sleepy
Nov 10, 2009
20 years later, assembled at the Brandenburg Gate were Mikhail Gorbachev, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the face which graced many of my essays, LECH WALESA. On the screen is an older but familiar face from 20 years ago. Not someone I really looked up to, but whose tenacity I admired. The Miner who freed Poland, united under "Solidarity". Who are missing from this gathering of historical figures? Let's examine, Perestroika is credited to Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Walesa brought a country to their feet, Chancellor Merkel was a West German who now leads a unified Germany. Oh yes, Chancellor Helmut Kohl headed Germany 20 years ago is absent. The trio stood somber, as the rain mists, the obvious absence of another drapes this picture with a slight mourn.
No roar will be loud enough if we could hear President Ronald Reagan, standing alongside Gorbachev, "Gorby, give me a 5. We did it."
"If we don't fight for freedom, someday we will sit on our porch telling our grandchildren what it was like to live free."
And another daily lesson.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pictures from Here
Monday, October 12, 2009
For a Greater Cause
An absent muse in addition to writer’s block, hindered the fulfillment of her simple request. Alas, after many paper losses, an Archimedes re-enactment and a quiet stairwell, I discovered my muse is with me spiritually always. The success of this important flight is challenged by other logistics, hereby transforming a personal fulfillment to a larger cause.
For my muse, thus this tribute begins.
Dear Grandma,
Anxiety overflows from my every breath, the selection results for Guardians for the 2009 Hancock County North West Ohio Honor Flight, will not be released for a few more days. Fitting that I volunteered to accompany war veterans to the memorials in Washington D.C.
Only a simple gesture for me to thank them for us, for the both of us. All the childhood tales of sirens and dodging into bomb shelters during the Japanese invasion, those are vivid imagination that seared into my memory. How you suffered torturous beatings and starvation during the Japanese Occupation, which fueled anger in me at a young age. The scars on your back, an image I will never forget.
The celebrations on the streets of Singapore when the war was declared over, my dear grandmother crying tears of joy, a picture I longed to see. British and American soldiers together with the members of the Allies closed the chapter of decomposing humanity. The valiant efforts and triumphs by men and women of the Allies are carved in stone forever, here in the United States; it is the World War II Memorial, their honour.
These Veterans may not be the same men and women who were in South East Asia. They are part of the Greater Empire that toppled the menace. Together they stood steadfast against tyranny and emerged from the cloud of dust with victory cradled in their arms. Perhaps they may have walked the same streets in Singapore, when the locals burnt bags of Japanese yen when victory was declared. Or by coincidence they may know of a comrade who was on the high seas of the Straits of Malacca, when the Japanese surrendered after a futile sea battle. This trip with the Veterans of Hancock County is our way of thanking the Brave, Beautiful, Honourable, Tall and Valiant. They did not give up so you, my grandmother, could be free.
On October 7th, 2009, I hope to proudly march these Veterans to their silent parade of gratitude, their Memorial of Valour.
The Rainbow Girls of Findlay unanimously volunteered their potential earnings from a future car wash to help fund the Honor Flight. Currently we are gathering the local groups and organizations, the Elks, Masons etc to close the fund deficiency for this trip. Even the Marines and National Guard received messages from us, talk about calling in the troops.
Our personal cause just blossomed into a greater cause.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Time for EEOE?
When we lose faith in the structure we strive for, the crumbling begins.
Faith in a person or a group develops with time, envelope a comfort zone.
A fragile connection, a thin line between the ends. Immense satisfaction
can develop with a successful relationship. 2 ends to this connection, and
only 2 ends. External influence disrupts this connection and destroys the
prime existence of faith.
Retaliation for reporting a hostile condition, definitely extinguished my
faith in my environment, I lost the drive to try, my body feels like it is
breaking down. A burning fever continuously sears me, food is rejected all
the time and there is no indication of when this extreme will end. Self
doubts of my performance and mutual loyalty lingers. Will the dedication I
present be reciprocated, instead of excuse the sacrifice as over
zealousness. When activities deemed in most work environment as abuse or
harrassment was brought up, the advice was to endure the treatment, despite
the wrong. Punished are those with good work ethics, rewards flow to those
with less. Further notice to other supervisors had the same results. In
fact even the supervisor, a graduate, who should possess professionalism,
degenirated me further with threats and words like, "half-ass efforts" . I
had faith in professionalism, ethics and honour. My oath to perform with
the highest level of ethics which bounds my life is challenged. Caught
between a soveriegn oath and political unprofessionalism, my daily dilemma
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Death of Journalism
What happened to issues that matters, economy, public safety, public service, political incompetence?
The passing of great journalists also saw the loss of another great writer and observer. Onew who saw the world of the pain and victories, not the bling and red carpet awards.
News should matter, substantial information should be the conversation at the water cooler.
News that can make a change should be the headlines, not someone's change of hairstyle.
Our next generation is wired, unfortunately not to the right material that matters. With this lost connection is the dimish of simple achievements that matters, honor, respect and valour.
More rant to come.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
History Test
The kids replayed Michael Jackson's video, Man in the Mirror, again to an unidentified exponential time. Lest beknownst to these young eyes, are the social problems of the 1980s as portrayed in the video is no different than today. The faces may be different, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Lech Walecha with the Solidarity Movement in Poland, Mother Teresa, the little girl that fell into the well, the Iran-Iraq conflict, homelessness and unemployment lines, (can you identify all of them?)
In 2009, we see Joel Osteen, Auug Sun SuKyi (in Burma, Rangoon, Yangoon), kidnapped and abused children, Global War on Terror, homelessness and unemployment lines.
Somehow we recovered from the 1980s, if only we can apply the solution to our current turmoil.
A strange observation of the children after they have seen this video a few more times, the realization that they have a fortunate life. Luxury compared to the little skeleton child in the video, slowly nibbling on a stale cracker.
An interesting legacy left by Michael Jackson. Interesting.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Yes, we are still here.
A lot has happened since the last entry.
We cried through a funeral of a friend, Jim Didham. We laughed through a humorous wedding. Enjoyed family at our house, actually push my multitasking skills to the limits of infinity. Discovered that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, in particular event planning. The time element is different according to the sex, women are worried that the clock is moving. Men, on the other hand, waves tasks to the last minute, "plenty of time". Nothing much has changed since, the daily hustle and bustle continues. School began for the girls on Wednesday, and they are having a ball, with the exception of the routines at home. Our day begins at 6:30am, we begin with 2 kids, adding 2 more kids on the way. 3 older kids get a ride to school while the last one is dropped off at day care, then eastward to the office for me. The dogs are at home enjoying the doggie door, while someone else keeps them company at home (don't ask me what happens when I am not there.) Over the last weekend, the girls enjoyed the Annual Hot Air Balloon Show in town. Breath-taking view, the clear blue skies filled with colourful simple technology, a basket and hot air. The little monkey pulled her tooth out, literally, 2 fingers on her tooth and pull. "Here is my tooth!" she presented it proudly. YUCK!! I screamed. A future marine. Very soon it is fair season, we will miss Buffo this year. But we will make sure to drop by to bug him this Thanksgiving or Christmas. More updates as a I go. |
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
From the Mail Room
This arrived in my mail box, a chain letter to be passed on to a number of people or else.
Well how about delivering the mail a different way.
Your cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.
You talk trash about your 'buddies' that aren't with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.
You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take off his helmet to wipe his brow.
You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.
He doesn't get to eat today.
Your mother makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean.
You go to the shops and get your hair redone.
He doesn't have time to brush his teeth today.
You're angry because your day at work ran 5 minutes over.
He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.
You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.
You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.
You roll your eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet.
You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.
You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.
You see only what the media wants you to see.
He sees the broken bodies lying around him.
You are asked to do some thing by your parents. You don't.
He does exactly what he is told even if it puts his life in danger.
You stay at home and watch TV.
He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.
You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.
He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night long.
If you support your troops, send this to 13 people.
If you support your troops, send this to 13 people.
REMEMBER our Troops, and do not forget them LATER
Lest we forget -
Monday, July 20, 2009
Almost in the Red Zone
Our other daily obligations seem to intrude on to the preparations for decorations, food, etc.
Over the weekend we were distracted by yard sales and Free Food.
Overall, we are getting closer to finishing point, 85% completion, I am sure something will be forgotten.
On a good light, the dress is a little too big, thus I am back to Timmy's for the extra large Cafe Mocha and DONUTS!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
This has been irritating me for a while. In this day and age of economic uncertainty, a job is a privilege. Unfortunately some who simply abuse this privilege. If I were to evaluate this situation, I will simply downgrade them from full-time position. Afterall they are only performing part-time responsibilities. Surfing the web 6 out of 8 hours, online shopping, playing videos, checking on-line lottery does not constitute work. Plus complaints of headaches and other major problems, must be hard work pretending to work. Rant over. Time for bed. |
Independence Day
This is a little late, at least it arrived. July 4th marked my first Independence Day as a citizen of the United States, interestingly, after almost 2 decades of residence here. The pledge of Allegience and the National Anthem carry different meanings now. I wonder if I still have the strength to enlist, ..... Nope. I have turned into a chicken, actually Parenthood took presidence. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Plugs for the local businesses
Time for some referrals because they scored well on my wallet: 1. Gracie's Deli, 10 am to 9pm, Located on Romick Parkway/Bright Road. This quaint little deli/bistro features a good range of Amish Cheeses, Meats, jams, noodles, breads, pies as well as a good range of ice-creams and sandwiches. There have been a lot of recommendations to DRIVE 3 hours to Amish Country for their Trail Bologna, well Trail Bologna came to me, really good meat. In addition, my new favorite there is the Blueberry Ice-cream, wow, smacked my tastes buds with a beautiful creamy but not overpowering, swirl of blueberry and waffle crumbs. I give Gracie's Deli : MUST STOP BY. PS: They have Hooters girls at their charity car wash. Just in case there are readers who erhm ... idolize busty girls in scanty bikinis. 2. Flippin Jimmy's : Located at 110 W North St, Fostoria. The big boss knows my appetite for the simple favorites. Flippin Jimmy's is the place, in his words, "A GOOD greasy burger and Fries." Mind you, he is an advocate for gym time and exercise for a healthy lifestyle. I MUST try this place out, they toppled the health guru to the dark side. Yeah!! Fantastic burgers and excellent crispy bold fries. The burgers are reminiscence of the old drive thrus on roller skates. And they have the huge tv, plus I changed the channels to ESPN. The sweet tea is a great companion to any of the items on the menu. Chicken chunks are excellent, better than the other chains. Not too greasy and still moist. Plus free WI-FI. My only stink with them, the closed COFFEE bar. This coffee junkie was cheated of liquid diesel. Flippin Jimmy's get a: Back flip. 3. Jim's Hot Dogs. Located: at the North End of Findlay on Saturdays. Location can vary. I am a glutton for HOT DOGS, especially if I am swept home to 8th Avenue and 42nd Street NYC. So on a rare Saturday morning, I stumbled upon a rainbow coloured umbrella and the familiar aroma of meat in a bun, I had to narrowly kill 3 cars, cross 4 lanes, zip across the parking lot and screeched to a halt with 2 wide-eyed, wet pants monkeys in the back seat. "Hit me up with 2 dogs and a bag of chips for them" The first bite, snapped the skin a little, was surreal. The outdoor tables and the passing traffic may helped with the 10% NYC experience, nah. These are great dogs. In the meantime, 2 other customers pulled up, an elderly man and lady in executive attire. The range of customers tells the story, the FOOD RULES! Jim's Dogs definitely packs the BITE! |
4. Buckingham Enterprises
Located at:
This is the man for custom jewelry, but best for Masonic Jewels. A lot of beautiful and intricate pieces.
Buckingham Enterprises gets a Hat Tip.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sorry Detroit
Detroit Car makers
Detroit Lions
Detroit Pistons
Detroit Tigers
Finally the light that would have been their only salvation, the Detroit Red Wings, who kept me up for the last week, fell gracefully to the smaller, younger but mightier Penguins.
Let's just say, the Kid grew Wings and won the STANLEY CUP.
What a game!
The tear jerker, when Lemieux raised the Cup.
And the unfortunate thought that this is it, no more hockey.
All the hard work staying up late has come to this, the Holy Grail that hockey greats exchange spit. The cheering and pounding of fists, the white towels that used to be in the kitchen.
This is the end of the season.
I can sleep tonight.
ps: now I am in a drought of sports entertainment until August, when FOOTBALL season starts!!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Game 5!!
Evgeni Malkin's mother's lucky borscht
Thursday, June 04, 2009
By Bob Batz Jr., Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Red Borscht
Pittsburgh Penguins star Evgeni Malkin loves his parents, Natalia and Vladimir, being here from Magnitogorsk, Russia,to watch him play -- in great part because his mom can cook for him. Just after scoring a hat trick in Game 2 against the Carolina Hurricanes, Malkin told the Toronto Sun that was the key to his success: "Every time before a game, I get great cooking. Great Russian food" (that day, a beef entree with soup).
His mom says (via the translation of Penguins sales account executive George Birman) that this is her son's favorite.
1 pound any kind of meat, cubed (approximately 1 1/2-inches)
3 medium baking potatoes, peeled and cubed
1/2 medium head cabbage, cored and shredded
8-ounce can diced tomatoes, drained
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
3 medium beets, peeled and shredded
3 carrots, peeled and shredded
1 teaspoon white sugar, or to taste
3 cloves garlic, minced
6-ounce can tomato paste
3/4 cup water
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup sour cream, for topping
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley for garnish
Fill a large pot halfway with water (about 2 quarts), add the meat and bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cover the pot. Add the potatoes and bring to a boil. Add the cabbage and the can of diced tomatoes and cook until tender, about 15 minutes.
Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the beets, and cook until tender. Add the carrots, the white sugar and the raw garlic. Stir in the tomato paste and water until well blended. Add skillet contents to the soup and bring to a boil, cover and turn off the heat. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes. Taste, and season with salt, pepper and additional sugar, if desired.
Ladle into serving bowls, and garnish with sour cream and fresh parsley.
-- Natalia Malkin, via the Pittsburgh Penguins
First published on June 4, 2009 at 12:00 am
Thank you, Post-Gazette.
I hope his mom made enough for the whole team!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Many Cheers
What a weekend!
The shuttle Atlantis landed SAFELY, finally after 2 days of delay. When back on the ground, the fantastic crew at NASA have to find out why the chicken consomme turned bad. An important theory that I shall elaborate in a later entry.
Families on the ground must have chewed off all their fingernails too, receiving word that a family member has to spend another day in space.
"Sorry, your husband cannot come home tonight. He needs to spend another night in space, where they only have enough supply for another day."
My first salute to the flag on Memorial Day. Salutation to a foreign flag can be considered treason. This year, I proudly showed my respect as an American. Hat Tip to those who made it possible for me.
Then the Penguins pulled it off, impressive foot work and well stage strategies. Way to go and see you boys at the Stanley Cup.
Progress and breakthroughs are made at work therefore I need to schedule some SLACKER time at work hours.
There is also Marked Progress made with the Wedding Plans, there is a spreadsheet of names. A start, nevertheless.
May 28th is the last day of school, on an inconveniently scheduled Thursday. Please pray that the kids will survive this summer, survival of the parents' thinning patience.
Monday, May 18, 2009
My kind of excitement
When Atlantis begin its long and carefully calculated trip to launchpad 39A, my nerd personality re-emerged. Many many moons ago, I personally witnessed the launch of Shuttle Atlantis from Kennedy Space Center, Mission SatCom, STS 61B.
On Monday, I cheered and pounded my fists in the air, trying to feel the roar as Atlantis soared on a momentous mission. The shuttle closest to me is heading to Hubble Space Telescope, on the FINAL maintenance run. I held my breath until the launch passed the 2 minute mark, watching the NASA TV at work, ignition, lift -off, disengagement of the solid booster rockets and the roll towards HST.
Each day, my life is drawn to the live feeds of the fantastic crew. Repairmen in Space, try holding your tongue when changing a lightbulb on Earth, how about doing the same with 2 snowsuits on, plunk a fishbowl over your head, while wearing 3 pairs of bulky gloves. The intensity and difficulty of space walks vanquish any trivial criticisms on the importance of Space Exploration. My admiration extends skywards. The intrincity to operate the robotic arm, un-surpassed by only the best.
To watch the operations live from space is amazingly motivational. To hear Drew and John, according to Megan, "monkey around" in space is hilarious.
But the satisfaction is to hear live these words:
Outside the airlock hatch, John Grunsfeld said, "This is a really tremendous adventure that we’ve been on, a very challenging mission. Hubble isn’t just a satellite- it’s about humanity’s quest for knowledge."He also thanked several people who contributed to Hubble and the servicing mission, then went on to say,
"A tour de force of tools and human ingenuity. On this mission in particular, the only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. On this mission, we tried some things that some people said were impossible….We’ve achieved that, and we wish Hubble the very best. It’s really a sign of the great country that we live in that we’re able to do things like this on a marvelous spaceship, like space shuttle Atlantis. I’m convinced that if we can solve problems, like repairing Hubble, getting into space, doing the servicing we do, travelling 17,500 mph around the Earth, we can achieve other great things, like solving the energy problems and climate problems- all of the things that are in the middle of NASA’s prime and core values. As Drew and I go into the airlock, I want to wish Hubble its own set of adventures and with the new instruments that we’ve installed that it may unlock further mysteries of the universe."
Yes, I witnessed history, again.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
More more downloads ...
More downloads ...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Finally Downloaded some
So here are some of what I had to see out of the thousands that they snap mindlessly ... (the recurring themes.... Dogs, Fish, Mischief).

Swearing in ... no swearing of bad words.