Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Real Financial Bailout

Dear President Bush,

This latest attempt to revive the sluggish economy is NOT RIGHT.

Please let us know who managed to convince you that bailing out financial companies is a good idea.

Here is my proposal to stimulate the economy, issue a $5000.00 check to the taxpayer. $500 is not enough to make a difference, winter is coming and more likely we have $5000.00 in credit card bills to pay. The average grocery bill for a family of 4 is $120.00, $500 thus is a minor contribution to the pocketbook. Make sure to account for children that are in the parents households, not according to the tax claims. There are parents who care for their children or grandchildren in their households but cannot claim them on their tax returns.

Imagine what families can do with $5000.00.
*Real groceries for weeks,
*dinner out with the children,
*car payments,
*a house payment,
*fix that leaky roof,
*head to the local school fund raisers,
*go to local school games,
*visit the local small businesses,
*winter coats, etc.

After years of taxes, it is time that the taxpayers reap the benefits of their sacrifices.

It is time that the overpaid executives pay back.
It is time that the CEOs pay a price for their arrogance.
It is time that the over- privileged pay back.
It is time that the taxpayers get heard.
It is time that the middle class get a helping hand.
It is time to help the taxpayers.
It is time to bail the taxpayers.
It is time to pay the taxpayers.

It is time the taxpayers get paid.

Please please rethink the bail out.

Bail out the taxpayers, the realistic strategy to resuscitate the economy.

In case any legislators read this, please take heed from the taxpayers, the locals, the common folks, the ones who pay your salaries.

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