Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas
As you celebrate the seasons, say a prayer for a soldier.
If you see a soldier this season, go up and shake their hand, they won't mind.
Hat Tip to all the Marines.
Merry Christmas My Friend
‘Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone,
In a one-bedroom house made of plaster and stone.
I had come down the chimney, with presents to give
and to see just who in this home did live.
As I looked all about, a strange sight I did see,
no tinsel, no presents, not even a tree.
No stocking by the fire, just boots filled with sand.
On the wall hung pictures of a far distant land.
With medals and badges, awards of all kind,
a sobering thought soon came to my mind.
For this house was different, unlike any I’d seen.
This was the home of a U.S. Marine.
I’d heard stories about them, I had to see more,
so I walked down the hall and pushed open the door.
And there he lay sleeping, silent, alone,
Curled up on the floor in his one-bedroom home.
He seemed so gentle, his face so serene,
Not how I pictured a U.S. Marine.
Was this the hero, of whom I’d just read?
Curled up in his poncho, a floor for his bed?
His head was clean-shaven, his weathered face tan.
I soon understood, this was more than a man.
For I realized the families that I saw that night,
owed their lives to these men, who were willing to fight.
Soon around the Nation, the children would play,
And grown-ups would celebrate on a bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom, each month and all year,
because of Marines like this one lying here.
I couldn’t help wonder how many lay alone,
on a cold Christmas Eve, in a land far from home.
Just the very thought brought a tear to my eye.
I dropped to my knees and I started to cry.
He must have awoken, for I heard a rough voice,
"Santa, don’t cry, this life is my choice
I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more.
My life is my God, my country, my Corps."
With that he rolled over, drifted off into sleep,
I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep.
I watched him for hours, so silent and still.
I noticed he shivered from the cold night’s chill.
So I took off my jacket, the one made of red,
and covered this Marine from his toes to his head.
Then I put on his T-shirt of scarlet and gold,
with an eagle, globe and anchor emblazoned so bold.
And although it barely fit me, I began to swell with pride,
and for one shining moment, I was Marine Corps deep inside.
I didn’t want to leave him so quiet in the night,
this guardian of honor so willing to fight.
But half asleep he rolled over, and in a voice clean and pure,
said "Carry on, Santa, it’s Christmas Day, all secure."
One look at my watch and I knew he was right,
Merry Christmas my friend, Semper Fi and goodnight.
©Copyright circa 1991 by James M. Schmidt
(As printers in the December 1991 issue of the USMC magazine, Leatherneck)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Let's Say Thanks.
Give thanks for family,
Give thanks for life,
Give thanks for liberty,
Give thanks for Christ.
Little to ask for,
No one to ask from,
We want more,
But need no more.
Forgotten are the simplicity,
That kept us in sanity and unity.
Snow angels or simple cookies.
Delight of a xmas tree's beauty.
Through the seasons' rush
And all the weather's fuss,
We must stop and ponder,
Not about how much lost, we wonder,
But the priorities we still have in our lives, and yonder.
Time to reflect on priorities,
Loves of our lives,
And the preservation of Liberty.
For on this day,
A simple task we partake,
To a soldier's life we may,
Bring a smile and a tear,
To thank them and hold them dear.
Please join us in saying thanks, go to Let's Say Thanks,
1. Pick a card
2. Xerox will mail it to a soldier.
It is free. And I am sure they will really love it.
Hat tip to Xerox.
Semper Fi!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Election 2008
Remember on this day to cast a ballot that you think will make the difference.
Not because a personal political affliliation, but because of the facts out there. The personality of the candidate will determine the endurance of the indotrination of promises each candidate are proposing now. A steadfast unbroken soul will continue to fight and not give up their stance. A flip flopper, well, will sell the country for a dime.
Today, the world awaits the next leader of the Free World.
Finance markets hold their breaths and pad their hedges.
Today is Election Day.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ahhhh ...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Dear Mr Paulson
*smack, Adam Smith just slapped himself in the forehead. The god of economics would have graded all the smucks a big freaking F. Economic stimulation always begin with the consumer and brand loyalty will always succumb to price. Duh.
In simpler terms for the lawmakers who are playing jackpot/one arm bandit with our taxes, give the CONSUMERS the ability to SPEND, they will only buy what they can afford.
Why extend credit to banks? Who are they lending the money to? Sheiks in the deserts who need a freaking heater? Who else needs a loan, besides the over extended families who can afford a monthly repayment of $1.00? Perhaps they can loan to the CEOs who screwed it all up in the first place with the golden parachute, who now have to pay off their penthouse in Manhattan?
Give the consumers the tax rebates of $5000.00 each, they can use that for Christmas gifts, use it as a down payment for a car, pay down the credit cards, pay some of the backed up bills.
Hello?? Duh... simple economics. Supply and demand, consumers over producers.
Dear overstuffed Congressmen, you whine and cry about your little broom closets in D.C., however your families are not starving or sacrificing.
Bring your egos down Main Street, live the consumer way, live on a minimum wage for 6 months. After which make your decisions wisely, for the people.
By then you will realize SACRIFICE, going without new clothes or shoes, when replacement is long overdue, telling the kids the latest fundraiser has to wait for another month, telling the kids not to play outside in the cold because we cannot afford to get sick, farmers fixing equipment with duct tape, etc etc.
Yes, sacrifice.
Mr Paulson, (I hope someone will bring this blog to your attention) Secretary of Treasury, you NEED to listen to the families in America, not just the American family. The American dream is slowly turning into a nightmare, filled with too many uncertainties and too many things are given up. Do not listen only to the families who are facing foreclosure, listen to the families who rent because they could not afford the house payments to begin with. Listen to those who have 3 months of bills to catch up on, while the harsh winter is imminent. Those who have to ride a broken bike because the second car was taken away for non-payment. Talk to the parents who are trying to figure out which bill NOT to pay this month, so we can afford BASIC groceries.
Mr Paulson, you need to stop and listen to the correct crowd.
You know, US the ones who are pleading and bleeding.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
An extreme solution to the economic problem
"The Dow industrials drop 600 points in fear that the bailout vote will fail."
"Federal Reserve announces fresh steps with other central banks to battle credit crisis. "
Here is a recommendation, make all those who govern the credit and economy, accountable.
Fire all the Senators and Congressman, and lets start from a fresh slate.
Afterall these are the "officials"
*who direct the course of the economy,
*who voted on the bills,
*who watched over the transactions in their states,
*who signed off on the budgets of their states,
*who came up with ideas and advised the leaders (Democrat or Republican),
*who give themselves a raise as the first order of business.
Of course they are pointing their fingers elsewhere.
Figures, the lack of accountability.
Thanks to the Democrats
Back in the days, China was known for their exotic and genuine products, regardless of how poor they were, you knew the goods were true to form. So what happened? Mostly the locals point their fingers at the corrupted officials and greed.
The world (yes world) has grown dependent on China and their cheap costs of manufacture. Prancing further into history, China was happily bestowed with Favourite Trade Nations, not once but at least twice. A trade agreement that allowed China to export unlimited goods and services to the United States, tax and tariff free. Precisely the beginnings of the addiction to low cost products, despite the bellowing of advisers in the wings screaming "NO!! DON'T DO IT" at then President William Clinton, a member of the Democratic Party.
Currently the world (yes world) has China as a crutch while we hobbled with our own ill economies, trying to figure why factories are closed and the products are manufactured overseas. We are so addicted, as cheap imports is compared meth, we don't know where to turn for alternatives.
Point to make here, check the labels, buy American made (or non-China origin), and rethink how the philosophies of the political agendas will shape the economy. Actually considering there is no hope for us, consider how politics will shape the economic environment of the next generation.
PS: With all the political turmoil and terror treats, my thoughts always raced to the Cowboy President. What will President Ronald Reagan say?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hahaha ... Experience Counts.
settle things. The candidate that caught the most fish at the end of
the week would win the election.
Therefore, it was decided that there should be an ice fishing contest between the two candidates to determine the winner.
After much of back and forth discussion, it was decided that the contest take place on a remote frozen lake in northern Michigan .
There were to be no observers present, and both men were to be sent out separately on this isolated lake and return at 5 P.M. with their catch for counting and verification by a team of neutral parties. At the end of the first day, John Mc. returned to the starting line and he had ten fish.
Soon, Obama returned and had no fish. Well, everyone assumed he was just having another 'bad hair' day or something and hopefully, he would catch up the next day.
At the end of the 2nd day John Mc. came in with 20 fish and Obama came in again with none. That evening, Harry Reid got together secretly with Obama and said, 'Obama, I think John Mc. is a low-life, cheatin' son-of-a-gun. I want you to go out tomorrow and don't even bother with
fishing. Just spy on him and see just how he is cheating.'
The next night. after John Mc. returns with 50 fish, Harry Reid said to Obama, 'Well, tell me, how is John Mc. cheating?'
Obama replied, 'Harry, you're not going to believe this, but he's cutting holes in the ice'.
Experience Counts
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Real Financial Bailout
This latest attempt to revive the sluggish economy is NOT RIGHT.
Please let us know who managed to convince you that bailing out financial companies is a good idea.
Here is my proposal to stimulate the economy, issue a $5000.00 check to the taxpayer. $500 is not enough to make a difference, winter is coming and more likely we have $5000.00 in credit card bills to pay. The average grocery bill for a family of 4 is $120.00, $500 thus is a minor contribution to the pocketbook. Make sure to account for children that are in the parents households, not according to the tax claims. There are parents who care for their children or grandchildren in their households but cannot claim them on their tax returns.
Imagine what families can do with $5000.00.
*Real groceries for weeks,
*dinner out with the children,
*car payments,
*a house payment,
*fix that leaky roof,
*head to the local school fund raisers,
*go to local school games,
*visit the local small businesses,
*winter coats, etc.
After years of taxes, it is time that the taxpayers reap the benefits of their sacrifices.
It is time that the overpaid executives pay back.
It is time that the CEOs pay a price for their arrogance.
It is time that the over- privileged pay back.
It is time that the taxpayers get heard.
It is time that the middle class get a helping hand.
It is time to help the taxpayers.
It is time to bail the taxpayers.
It is time to pay the taxpayers.
It is time the taxpayers get paid.
Please please rethink the bail out.
Bail out the taxpayers, the realistic strategy to resuscitate the economy.
In case any legislators read this, please take heed from the taxpayers, the locals, the common folks, the ones who pay your salaries.
Another one For POTUS
Read this at your own risks.
Man of valour and honour.
8/15/2008 - EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, Alaska -- I learned
a big lesson on service Aug. 4, 2008, when Eielson had the rare honor of hosting
President Bush on a refueling stop as he traveled to Asia. It was an event
Eielson will never forget -- a hangar full of Airmen and Soldiers getting to see
the Commander in Chief up close, and perhaps even shaking his hand. An
incredible amount of effort goes into presidential travel because of all of the
logistics, security, protocol, etc ... so it was remarkable to see Air Force One
land at Eielson on time at precisely 4:30 p.m.--however, when he left less than
two hours later, the President was 15 minutes behind schedule.
Read the rest at:
*how many of you googled/searched POTUS?
Friday, September 19, 2008
You are old when ...
Yes I said this,
"You know you are old, when your neck hurts when you try to head bang to an 80s tune."
*ouch, still holding my neck.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11, 2008
What does 9/11 mean to me?
.That day changed the world. The innocent politics I grew up analyzing, has been corrupted by senseless loss of lives.
9/11 means that the next generation just started fighting for their freedom to live.
Their FREEDOM TO LIVE. (imagine that, the basic human right to survive has been violated)
9/11 means we who live in the free world, have been arrogant to think of ourselves as all mighty and untouchable.
9/11 means I have to be COURAGEOUS, HONOURABLE, AND worth VALOUR.
9/11 means my children have to learn COURAGE, HONOUR, AND VALOUR.
9/11 means we have to learn to relive on our streets.
9/11 means to me, the world just rebuilt borders around each other.
9/11 means I have to be strong and teach my children SACRIFICE.
9/11 means I am suspicious of past college-mates that were from the Middle East, named Ahmed Ahmed bin Ahmed. (that was the name he used)
9/11 means my beloved New York City was trespassed upon and violated.
9/11 means I have been sitting around too long and it is time to speak up and help others.
9/11 means I have a new guide to life, President George W Bush's address to the nation before a Joint Session of Congress on September 20, 2001.
9/11 means that I am afraid to travel home, due to additional scrutiny at security checkpoints.
9/11 means anger, sadness, tears, revenge and retribution to Al-Qaeda. Allah will punish them for taking his name in vain. (pushdi)
Thursday, September 04, 2008
This Mama can definitely crush Obama
After all, she did not use mud or sludge as her opponents do. Palin, instead used the suave approach of a mommy and shrewd political experience to prove her worth. AND SHE DID.
To all eligible voters out there, you get the privilege to seat the First Woman Vice-President of the United States. Regardless if you support her or not, being able to vote is really a PRIVILEGE.
There are plenty of law abiding taxpayers out there who do not have this chance and there are many who would do anything for the opportunity to cast the vote.
The ballot is narrowed to the First Black President or the First Woman Vice President.
Your opinions may may agree with me, but the chance of your lifetime lies before you. This election not only transforms your life, but the future of the next generation. My children's futures lie in the outcome of Election 2008. Their education and security unfortunately lies feebly in the poll totals. Make your vote count and affect the next generation.
Don't like what I say, make a difference at the polls, at least you can.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Motorcycle Mama
McCain is Maverick.
According to the boys in camo, Palin is Motorcycle Mama.
At least Uncle Jimbo really likes her, kudos for his prediction since June 2008!! Read here.
What else have we dug up on her?? Well if you can award pins for what she can do, she definitely beats bin Biden.
She actually commands the defence system that faces Russia, after all Alaska faces the Brutus led by Sputin Putin.
According to Uncle Jimbo/Tom W.:
"As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counter terrorism. Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's.
She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counter terrorism plans.
Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense. Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about.
According to the Washington Post, she first met with McCain in February, but nobody ever found out. This is a woman used to keeping secrets.
She can be entrusted with our national security, because she already is. "
She is also easiest the eyes. The votes for the pro-life/anti-abortion may have swayed to Maverick's side, after all, to have a child over 40 years old usually include a mandatory amniocentesis. Palin surely had known about her child's condition and chose life.
Did Maverick make a hasty choice or the winning choice. We have 3 months to find out.
Friday, August 29, 2008
A maverick move
A hockey mom from a far out land of Alaska. (Alaska is part of the USA by the way)
So we through into the political chase the gender, race, age, and newest addition, political experience.
Things that make you go HMMMMMMM.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Some one else is reading my mind.
More ideal Candidates
16. Monica Lewinski. (presidential approved)
17. Fidel Castro
18. Yo Yo Ma (the race for more boring got exciting)
19. Achmed the terrorist (go ahead blame the puppet, he may blow up again)
20. The faithful dog in the Bush Beans commercial
Let Imagination Roll
These are the possible and funny running mates:
1. Jesse Jackson (funny, he is handy in the event of hostage situations at a local line to the bathroom)
2. Louis Farrakhan (opposite taste in wardrobe, why not!)
3. Whoopi Goldberg (just because she is funny, it is Barack and WHOOPI!)
4. Ted Nugent (opposites attract?)
5. John Kerry (to woo the flip floppers)
6. Ted Kennedy (to woo the errr .... whisky drinkers)
7. Barney (just for the younger voters)
8. The Red head from Wendys (Ronald MacDonald asked too much)
9. Michael Moore (There goes the neighbourhood)
10. Steven Spielberg and George Lucas (We can manipulate our own future!!)
11. Paris Hilton (to get more publicity shots)
12. Nicole Richie (in case Paris Hilton dont understand English)
13. Smokey the Bear (smokey something)
14. George Herbert Walker Bush (whao! That will be something to behold)
15. Ross Perot (both have big ears)
16.Tom Cruise (hmmm .... Scientology and whatever religion)
17. Rosie O'Donnell (what kind of tv coverage will that be?)
18. A Borg (everyone will be assimilated)
Please note that Obama did not endorse any of these announcements. So go complain to someone else who cares.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Dear IOC, you failed.
Congratulations on your failure to uphold the ethics of Olympic Games.
Congratulations on the message of bad sportsmanship to the next generation of athletes. Hard work and dedication means nothing as the bias judges dice and slice your life away.
Thank you for disappointing the youth for their clean efforts vanquished before their eyes due to political agendas of grownups.
Many kudos to you as the mothers and fathers, who have encouraged their children at all the sports meets to do their best, are angrily shouting and crying for the kids. Why bother to try so hard any more?
Obvious to the billions of spectators that American Men and Women Gymnastics Team outperformed their Chinese contemporaries. The scores betrayed the audiences, sending a huge nuclear mushroom cloud signal, announcing that the red flag on the chests of the athletes determine the standings.
Well, dear IOC, think about how you failed those kids who worked hard to preserve the Olympic dream.
.... more to come.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
These late nights are taking a toll on me.
The change in schedule due to change in employment is still in the adjusting session.
A main culprit for the 2 am bed time is none other than (*music in background) ...
Yes I need to redeem my claim as the leader in useless Olympic Trivia.
Too bad Ian Thorpe retired, he will give Michael Phelps a swim for his money.
My message to the Men's Gymnastics Team, FANTASTIC JOB!!!
Regardless of the bias panel of judges, you boys won the world. Each time you mounted on an apparatus, you ruled the world for the next few minutes. Excellent execution of techniques and you boys rule!
To the officials, you suck! You stink as officials when you make bias decisions.
Most of all I can still claim myself as Goddess of Useless Olympic Knowledge. (I took the quiz on yahoo and scored very well)!
Muahahaha! I have not used up my brain quota for 10%. Maybe 3%.
more griping to come....
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Modern convenience
1. Minced garlic in a jar.
* I am not a traditionalist, thus I do get alot of laughs on this issue in my kitchen.
2. Minced ginger in a jar.
* see comment above.
3. Laksa paste in a jar.
* nothing like a good bowl of home, without searching for "exotic" ingredients in Ohio.
4. Tomato sauce in a can.
* really, the home canning business is not for me.
5. Cruise control.
* ahhhh ... finally I can rest my lead foot.
6. Emails.
* I can pretend to listen despite the DELETE option.
7. All the news I can read.
* what else am I supposed to do when everyone else at home is playing their games.
8. Remote car starter.
* best $99 investment I spent on my car.
9. Automatic air freshener.
* best $5 investment I spent on my bathroom.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Survived another Holiday
We made it there anyway. A few places to recommend:
Saturday, June 28, 2008
A Starving Singaporean
I think it should be illegal to starve a Singaporean, especially one who is a bottomless pit, perhaps even guilty of gluttony.
Friday, June 27, 2008
William Gates.
From my early years of BASIC programing about 30 years ago, his life interests me. In Singapore a kid was intrigued by a Harvard dropout who is having fun building computers from a garage and writing programmes. This intrigued found a book on BASIC programming and spent an entire school vacation, reading and writing codes from the home library while other kids played. Who knew that kid that I admired, who only wanted to write codes on the computer, never once thought about making money, will be the richest man in the world. The bottom line, I learnt it was never for the money but do it for the heart.
Apple, UNIX or any other platforms, the point of origin for comparison is still Windows. I can go on and on and on and ignite controversies, but you can go talk amongst yourselves.
Thanks for the years Bill Gates. Way to go!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Mr Dee .....eeeds
Happy Birthday to you!
And many more.
*Please don't pull me over.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Summer must be Close

President Reagan is a hybrid tea with thick lush petals and intense fragrance.
This is another hybrid tea named Cabana.
Blooms are pink with white streaks, the size of a coffee cup, at least my coffee cup.
Of course, the irreplaceable doggie pool.
Ahhh ... nothing says summer like the smell of wet dogs.
Friday, June 06, 2008
30 Seconds
We are not taking any chances, 2 members of this household have survived too many catastrophes and disaster to know not to tempt fate. Let's see a hurricane, earthquakes, floods and tornadoes.
The clouds loomed over the backyard like a giant overlooking my shoulder, blocking any light simulating night fall. Just as I straightened my achy knees, the tornado sirens wailed. Within seconds, the dogs were in the house, the kids chased into the basement, turning off everything and grabbing blankets and pillows into the lowest level.
We stayed there for about 30 minutes, equipped with a television, pillows and blankets, we told the kids this was a camp-out. The warning lifted before long and then we began the task of breathing.
The span of 30 seconds allowance, to grab any thing or everything important.
What did I grab? Fortunately I had a waterproof bag of all our important documents and identifications. That was a 15 second dash. Looking around the immediate surrounding, I grabbed the next most important or valuable, our Penguin Jerseys. Yes I grabbed our jerseys.
What would you grab in 30 seconds?
Up Close and Personal
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Sooo Bummed.
And eat all these food
With some of this beef cooking here.
Dish courtesy of Sushi Kim, located at the Strip in Pittsburgh, PA. This dish, Bulgogi Beef aka Korean BBQ Beef, feeds 4 at less than $25.00. It was an experience the troops enjoyed, fresh beef sizzling at the table. Yeap, we will be back!!
Hat tip to Sushi Kim. 8 Thumbs up!!
So Close.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
MVP for Fleury
You could even hear a clink from a falling dime.
Too tired were our eyes,
To keep up with the TIE!
Something score already!
Someone score already!
We are at Third overtime,
I am really losing my mind.
Enough is enough!
I am not that tough!
Turning to the stairs to end the day,
Of Course, The Penguins hit Powerplay.
Ahhh .... *bleep *bleep *bleep
I am deprived of more sleep.
Dragged my tired rear.
Next to the tv and my dear.
Sykora! Sykora! Sykora!
You are the ... THE SCORER!!
(Rhyme problem)
Ahhh ... I feel for the goalie,
Marc-Andre Fleury.
Try getting hit 53 or more times in 1 night.
I know why he is cheering,
The end to all the beatings,
He is the MVP, that is only right.
Thank you for now I can turn in.
Resting before
The Penguins beat up the Red Wings
Once again!!
PS: Dear G Berry, GO PENS!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I Know you can hear Me
They may wear red, but show the Red Wings some red!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Deuce Four

Michael Yon, hat tip, brought the pictures and stories unfiltered into my life. Names like Lt Kurilla, Walt Maya and Beiger are part of my rolodex. Lt Kurilla, valour with no boundaries, who fought on while he bled from his gunshot wounds. Beiger, who cradled Farah, an image that need no words. Walt Maya, his fights described as heroic.
2 words, Thank you.
Don't make me head over there to Pittsburgh with some "personal encouragement."
Come one boys, you look bad, played bad and the Detroit boys crushed you like an ant under my thumb.
My dogs can play better and he smells worse even after a shower.
My grandma can shoot better even after a few dozen shots.
My grandma can pass better even with a walker.
So shape up Penguins and make the games livelier with higher scores on your side of the board.
(And less likely for me to eat soap).
Friday, May 23, 2008
Oh by the way ...
Here is goes...
GO PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!
What I miss ....
Ahhhh .... the smell and taste of dishes only found in South East Asia.
As I told my cousin, a reason for residing here is my large backyard, capable of housing a pool and a vegetable garden. A yard large enough for all 4 dogs and too many kids. Even simple pleasures have a price. Thus if there are any Singaporeans within reach, feel my pain and well, brew up some mee siam for me.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Her name arrived while George Michael was crooning "Roxanne", a little creativity, Roxii was born. At the tender age of four, her previous owners left her at the shelter, "Unable to take her to the new home." A spunky and energetic little girl, she ensures her pint size attention takes center stage in Mommy and Daddy's eyes.
Now we have another problem, lack of transportation. How in the world can we move all the kids at the same time?
Clearing the Air - Mission Accomplished
Lieutenant Paul Updike writes:
I thought you might like to hear the rest of the story that the media misinformed the nation about on what "Mission Accomplished" was all about.
My name is Paul Updike and I served aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln during the Iraq War. I would like to comment specifically about the controversy that surrounds the displaying of the "Mission Accomplished" banner during the time of the President's visit aboard my ship. It is my sincere hope that I will be able to clear up what appears to be a great misunderstanding about the true meaning behind the banner.
The "Mission Accomplished" banner was created to celebrate the return of the USS Abraham Lincoln to her home port in Everett, WA after an extended 11 month cruise. We were happy and proud to return to our families after such a long time away. The average cruise length for a naval vessel at that time was normally around 6 months. Our mission during Operation Iraqi freedom was accomplished with overwhelming success and thus this banner was created and proudly displayed to represent the USS Abraham Lincoln's individual accomplishments during the war. It certainly did not mean that the American mission as a whole had been accomplished in Iraq.
The media stationed aboard our vessel clearly understood the truth behind the banner yet fed the public a twisted version of this truth. I honestly believe that those opposed to the war saw an opportunity to spin the truth about the banner in order to attack the President. As an officer aboard the ship at that time, I found it to be hurtful and insulting that the media would use our specific accomplishments as a platform to attack our Commander-in-Chief. The President's visit to the USS Abraham Lincoln was a great honor to those of us serving aboard her at the time. It is shameful and reprehensible to see the tremendous spin that has been placed on this great event.
I was proud to serve my country and I will always support my Commander-in-Chief.
God bless America.
Yours very respectfully,
Paul Updike

Since the beginning of this blog, I have stood my ground that that media has been a firefox for the twisted truth, brainwashing the truth and failed in their ethics of true journalism. I took and oath as an engineer graduate to conduct everything I do with ethics, and stand by that oath. Journalist should take a similar oath to report only the truth, not the twist version. Dear screwed up media, "UP YOURS!"
May Already!!
Months preparing for a 10 year old on a distant field trip paid off. A lesson we cannot teach our children is independance and self-reliance. So at the ripe age of ten, a trip to Chicago with the school friends became their reality. Successfully they returned home, (darn) with lessons learnt about life, city and Chicago, how to pack for a trip and most of all, listening to experience.
Reasons why politics is not in our future:
1. we still have trouble with left and right
2. we cannot negotiate, I usually give things away (aka garage sale becomes a free for all), on the other hand he is the other extreme, he bargains too hard the buyers run away.
3. we have too much heart and not enough skin
4. I can deal with numbers, spreadsheets, databases but not Corruption
5. Text messaging is too hard for these old eyes, the screen is too small and it takes too long to say, "huh?"
6. no one will take us out for courtesy dinners, the dinner tab is more than their donation
7.we do not wear flip flops
8.our names cannot rhyme too well for nick names
9. we cannot tell a lie (have to set an example to the kids)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Minority White
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Yawn again.
Lately this seems to be the habit. Fatigue kicked in hard the last few weeks. Probably because this cool weather is getting weary.
A huge cup of Timmy's sound good too.
The tulips peeked through the foliage of past fall. Birds chirp us awake with the earlier sunrise. While the wildlife returns to the backyard to signal the impending arrival of warm temperatures. Yes the deer have returned with bravery and vengence, to our backyards. Soon we will will be rolling up our sleeves, grabbing a shovel and "demining" the backyard. Erhm, 3 big dogs means 3 times the droppings to clear up.
Unfortunately no one has volunteered for cleanup duty.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Catching up
1994 Lillehammer, Finland, Olympic Games launched a superstar, at least in my book of accomplished athletes. Introducing, Phillipe Candeloro, known for his Godfather, D'Argatan, Braveheart, Rocky and many other routines. He is the only figure skater with Named routines.
Needless to say I had to see him in the flesh when he was in my proximity. Well I even got to touch him. More than anything else, my family and I relived history when Candeloro performed Olympic history with his Musketeers routine. Ahhhhh ... I was the loudest in the crowd with shouts of "BRAVO!! BRAVO!!"
(Pictures to follow)
To add more good news, another artist we adore is also coming to this side of the pond. My dearest George Michael will appear on the tele on Thursday. Above the tele appearance, GM will also tour North America. Maybe I can score some tickets close by too.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
*scratching head
*blow off the dust from the blog covers
My apologies to those who eagerly check this site for updates. (*rolling on the ground, holding stomach, laughing and tearing.) My daily schedule begins too early and ends too late, leaving little or no time to venture to this keyboard. There are still opinions and thoughts, generated during the hour long daily commute. There are plenty of notes in the mental closet, which is at the brink of overload.
Note to self:
The next time ANY presidential candidates calls my house at dinner time, make sure to invite them for dinner. Nothing is more irritating and disruptive than the sound of the telephone during any family meal. So heed this voice, no mercy will be shown, regardless of the poll ratings if you interrupt my dinner again.
On the topic of Presidential Candidates, none qualified to be in my book of hopeful. All the candidates have not proven sufficient earnest and sincerity to sit on the Throne of the World. Nightly news coverage depict a race for a performance award, ala Oscar or a Grammy; the Oscar goes to the best performance for smear campaigns. Palely painted are the issues pertinent to the health of the economy, the end to terrorism, educational standards. Instead the flamboyant he said she said, race and sex have taken center stage instead.
Ronald Reagan will be shaking his head in dispair. The airways are filled with "Ending the War."
Never have I heard, "WINNING the war." Sure end the war with tails between legs, that is an open invitation to the psychotic Islamic fascists to continue their terror acts another 9/11, end the war without winning is telling the kids it is okay to go to school but not graduate.
"IF we don't fight for Freedom, some day we will tell our grandchildren how is was like to live Free." Ronald Reagan.
Another note to self:
This Winter has been a triple threat, length, temperature and volume. Here into the month of March, we are clearing off inches of snow in subzero temperatures. Amidst all the wraths of mother nature, emerged a few good things.
* 4 wheel drive RULES!!
* The dogs are rolling in the yard.
*The dogs are rolling in the yard and they do not smell.
*The kids are rolling in the yard and do not smell.
*The kids are making snow men and fortresses with little or no cleanup.
finally.... a good thing with inches of snow in the backyard....
*SADIE is rolling and rolling and rolling in the backyard and do not smell.
Another note to self:
Kudos to King Hussein of Jordan, your parents have raised you well. In the midst of a divided Middle East, you stood up for a cause that is not yours. Let me add to the pool of little praise you have received, *clap, clap. King Hussein have brought forth the need to end the strife in the Gaza Strip. For those who are oblivious of the happenings beyond borders, Palestine and Israel have been fighting over the Gaza Strip for too long, and the true reason for the conflict is long lost amongst time, people forgot why there started fighting in the first place. Terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah find any reason to begin a battle, even if they are unaffiliated by a galaxy. Similar to the tune of Al-Qaeda, who took on PLO's name to justify 9/11. Until Yasser Arafat publicly condemned Al-Qaeda and castigated Osama for his actions and taking on an unrelated fight. King Hussein is a good neutral observer in the Middle East, warning the world about the dangers if the coalition withdraws from Iraq prematurely. This action will result in a collapse of a country that we have all sacrificed to help build, think of it as taking away the wood forms before the concrete fully dries and cure. Slowly help Iraq stand tall and strong as a democratic country before letting go her hand, warns King Hussein.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Have I forgotten about ....
*None of the remaining candidates have any appeal or credibility to deserve further mention or consideration. Celebrity endorsement does not warrant the mental strength and earnesty to lead the world.
*Each night the airwaves are filled with cackling "political experts", a reminder of Rosie O'Donell and Elizabeth Hasselbeck exchange on "The View".
*Education has to be a pre-requisite to be a politician, yet the the utterings and mumblings from the podiums are mush of economic farse, flip-flop loyalty, and unoriginal. Hillary proposed economic ideals effective in other countries, keyword, OTHER COUNTRIES, unapplicable to the present economic system. Adam Smith is definitely frowning at the ramblings and "solutions" to the economy. I may not have paid much attention in Microeconomics or Macroeconomics, but I do remember Dr Goldberg,
"Any economy requires years to recover from a recession that only takes
months to vanquish a system. Pumping funds into the system is the way to stimulate the cycle, however the effect is delayed. Therefore the recovery efforts of the current administration will be stolen credit for the next administration."
In short the current Bush administration is undoing the Clinton fiasco, doing anything possible to recover, pumping stimuli into the economy. Unfortunately the hard work will be credited to the next tenant of the White House.
All the caucusus and polls are just overwhelming. The current numbers I am concerned about are the price of gas and the balance in my checkbook, probably similar to 95% of the world. So far the candidates have not proposed anything convincing worthy of my consideration.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
We prefer Snow over Rain
Looks like 2008 is making a head start, reminiscence of last summer, presently we are looking at high water, flood stages, level 3 emergencies, school cancellations, evacuations, blah blah blah.

Well.... here is an appeal to the higher power .....
Here are the top ten reasons to have snow over rain:
1. Squeeging the basement floor is rather tedious after 2 days.
2. All that pounding rain makes sleep extremely difficult.
3. The kids are not in school.
4. Somewhere else in the world is a drought laden patch more deserving of all this moisture.
5. Erhm ... we have 2 new sleds to break in, we prefer snow over rain.
6. My car is clean enough, at least on the outside.
7. Really, the dogs do not smell too good when they have been rolling in the rain and mud.
8. We have a 20 pound bag of safety salt to use.
9.We can force the kids to shovel snow, but rain is beyond our creativity.
FINALLY ..... the Top Ten reason....

*sigh.... sipping another cup of coffee. *wink.
Other possible reasons:
*At 30F, snow is more bearable than rain.
*It is more fun to plow through snow than rain in my 4x4 Jeep.
*I get to chase the kids out to the back yard, where they can build a snow fort.
*Really, the sight of Sadie rolling in the snow is a sight to behold.
*On the other hand, Sadie rolling in mud is horrifying.
*2 feet of snow is breathtaking, 2 inches of rain is just too much.

Friday, February 01, 2008
Still here
The daily commute continues with the 16 miles per gallon Jeep. But the 40 minute drive allows the mind to calm down and catch up on other issues and phone calls (way to go Bluetooth technology).
Mundane routine is slowly eroding to exciting anticipation to Spring, time when this family really wakes up. Inpatient for the flowers to emerge from the frozen soil and bask in their glorious fragrant beauty amongst the green foliage. When birds pick our cherry tree to nest their young while our young watch over them with intense curiousity. In due time, this chill will give way to the next course on the weather menu. We will have to rebuild or build another gazebo, for the kids to play cards. Drag out the pool and backyard toys. Oh yeah Spring will be here soon.
Be right back... time to water the houseplants.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Such a bad game
Sadly, my prediction for this weekend, Steelers will not win unless they play better as a team. Obviously they are failing pathetically.
Humming .... thinking of The Patriots.
My take, the Patriots will head to the Superbowl, just because there is fire fueled by selflessness and teamwork.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Husband and Wives store
A new store that sells new husbands has just opened in Boston, where a woman may go to choose a husband.
Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates: You may visit this store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights.
The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs.
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids. "That's nice", she thinks, "but I want more."
So she continues upward.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.
"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework. "Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
PLEASE NOTE: To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.
The first floor has wives that love sex.
The second floor has wives that love sex and have money.
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.
One sunny day in 2009, an old soldier approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue , where he'd been sitting on a park bench.
He spoke to the Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton."
The Marine replied, "Sir, Mrs. Clinton is not President and doesn't reside here."
The old man said, "Okay," and walked away.
The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the
same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton".
The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mrs. Clinton is not President and doesn't reside here."
The man thanked him and again walked away .
The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the
very same Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Hillary
The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and
said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to
Mrs.Clinton. I've told you already several times that Mrs. Clinton is not the
President and doesn't reside here Don't you understand?"
The old man answered, "Oh, I understand you fine, I just love hearing you
say it!"
The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow sir."