Friday, July 27, 2007
New challenge
Now the challenge, to import the message from an answering machine to a pc for archive purposes and to avoid the sacred message from the unfortunate "ERASE" button.
Taking suggestions for this challenge.
*ps... shows how bored I am.
The Clown named Buffo
Once upon a time, a family with 2 little girls attended a county fair, innocent of the day's plans. For on that fateful day, 2 friends from PA met up 4 hours away from home. We went to the fair and our deary is related to a clown!
I really got a call from BUFFO the World's Strongest Clown. Oh yeah, I talked to a clown for a bit, interestingly he still remembers my family from a year ago.
Looks like we have to
* make a special road trip to Sandusky County Fair (Fremont) to see him.
*He is worth the drive.
*No one will expect a grown up in a funny suit control a crowd of ankle biters and their handlers.
*Well, his mohawk is intimidating too.
*Maybe he will let me ride his Segway.

He is hillarious, for all ages. Really really really hillarious clown. A simple act, juggling an apple, a bowling ball and an egg simultanouesly, taking a bite of apple in each cycle. I can barely lift a .... er .... an egg. Of all things, the children remembers the gross egg puke!
Hear all hear now, go see my new friend Buffo the World's Strongest Clown, book him for parties too. He is worth every chuckle. I promise. His tipi is really really cool too. I want ONE!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
What's happening
Friday, July 20, 2007
Almost time

1. Why is there a little logo on the rear?
2. $40.00 plus shipping and handling for this thing?
3. Summer is almost over!
4. Errr ... do they have XXXX-L?
5. Big Ben is selling bikinis..... awwwww.....
Saturday, July 14, 2007
"I Didn't Do It"
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise,
Its continuing mission,
To explore strange new worlds ...
To seek out new life; new civilizations
To boldly go where no one has gone before
"*****, are you still getting into trouble?"
Chills, chills down the spine. As we strolled into the dreaded money mart Frontier, Walmart, I was greeted by a roar from a long time ago. I know that voice, and that person was definitely talking to me.
My immediate reply, "I did not do it, it is not my fault!"
Some things dont change, over 12 years later, this professor's roar stills gives me the jumps. Oh yeah, I had to remind him that I have spawned 2 devils, who love Star Trek, Next Generation. The link still remains Star Trek. As the conversation continued, I realized he has grown to look like the sacred .... DATA!
My professor has turned into DATA!
In the amazement, I am the only one he remembers from my class. Only a few things, either I was a real pain in the butt, a standout student, unforgetable, or all the above mentioned. Ahhhh ... all the stories and horror from many many moons ago. What I can do to my children.
Shoutout to Dr. Rider!! Hat tip, you still scare the hell out of me!
Victoria is already Working her way
Yeap, it has begun. The next British Invasion.
For the record, FOOTBALL aka SOCCER IS A REAL SPORT, except Americans play with their hands and need protection. Oh, a fan from Manchester threw this in, Americans cannot run and kick at the same time, or they just cant run the length of the field.
In any sense, both footballs are embraced with loud cheers and jeers in this house.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Mark my Words
David "Beautiful Butt kicker" Beckham has officially arrived from across the pond. What are my predictions? Considering his wife dearest, Victoria Adams-Beckham, whose lusty lifestyle that rivals none, this will be his most modest point. Yeap, leave it up to the society to screw up their kids too. Given time, a short time, where they will be parading every red carpet event, snubbing all those whose cheered him at every game, and trying to pick up a fake american accent. Worst of all .... he will not be bending the ball!! What a waste to have them in LA, paparazzi are ruthless there. Sheesh they would have had better in the outskirts and still keep to his promise to educate. Maybe they should crash out at Robbie William's, afterall Robbie is hiding out somewhere drying out, again. (another disappointment to this fan. Robbie, you and I need to talk)
Anyway, Beckham is not here for the money, he has plenty to last 3 generations, his parents, himself and his kids.
The slight tunes in the background for this move play like a ditty by the Spice Girl. Posh is no longer glamorous enough in England, thus she needs a different crowd to run with. Beckham, yes I admire for his football skills and camaraderie only, has bedded just about everyone in England and Spain. In addition, the niche of a football gangster is somewhat acceptable here. Body tattoos, fake hair colour, torn clothes, well that is main stream here.
Fortunately, he is still part of England's team. That is the only redemption for his natural gifts and skills not to appear on the football scene.
So mark my words, the Becks will soon line the check out aisles splattered on every tabloid and appearing on E! Yeap, disappointing to consider that this is England's best export to USA now.
Cheers mate. Becks is in my court now.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The job market is rather slim looking at the moment, barely above minimum wage for full time jobs without any concern for family. Really.
Yes I am very bored! Mentally unchallenged to be precise. Bad enough to think about signing up. Then I may have to shave my head like Fredmeister. Hahaha.
After 10 years of non-stop slogging, all this free-time is hard on the mental spirit. Another reality also emerged, there are only 2 things I enjoy, cooking and writing. Not skills to get an income, enough for massive weight gain.
The buzz of the dryer bellows through the house. Time to fix dinner now. *Sigh. It was fun months ago.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
4th of July
Load the car with plenty of chairs, blankets and water, then search for a good location for a bird's eye view.
As usual, we found a good parking spot, but fall short of the bird's eye view. Once again our views were obstructed by towering trees. Crank up the car radio, lift the kids to the top of the car (erhm... we have chairs in the truck). Nevertheless, the first boom of the night shook the earth as the skies glittered with colours. The kids' "ooohs" and "aaaahs" filled the skies.
My only thoughts were those in uniforms. Their doaning of their uniforms made possible this night, this night where my family and I are enjoying the spectacular view. Their vigilance made possible this night filled with "magical stars." Again on this night, I wish I am in uniform.
To those responsible, SALUTE!