The project is 95% complete, phew, especially after 2 weeks of nagging and protests from the prime candidate. We have a social studies project due this week, a presentation on a country of choice. Easy lah, this one has to be SINGAPORE mah. ( do I hear laughter from Fred?)
All the research, cutting, pasting, searching, we are done!! Fortunately the engineer in the house had to help too. SOme interesting facts we have arrived at:
Singapore is only 270 square miles, with a population of 4 Million and GDP of $124 Million (2006). Comparable to Hancock county, 570 square miles, and about 70,000 population.
Even Disneyworld is bigger than Singapore!
All the research, cutting, pasting, searching, we are done!! Fortunately the engineer in the house had to help too. SOme interesting facts we have arrived at:
Singapore is only 270 square miles, with a population of 4 Million and GDP of $124 Million (2006). Comparable to Hancock county, 570 square miles, and about 70,000 population.
Even Disneyworld is bigger than Singapore!
A merlion, half mermaid, half lion, symbol of Singapore.
Singapore, Central Business District.
Singapore at dusk.
Here are other interesting facts the candidate arrived at: Singapore is almost similar to USA, the same sports are played, similar cuisines (I grew up with MacDonalds too), similar languages.
National flower is the orchid, we used a picture of the houseplant.

For extra points, we listed the most popular person from Singapore, who else, MOM!
Total cost of project: $20.00.Time spent on project: lost count.
Free lessons to a 9 year old on Singapore: Priceless.
For everything else, there is the library or the web.
PS: I will update on my final grade.
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