Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Fight Song
There is a spike for the search for the Steelers Fight Song.
Yes those are the lyrics to the song itself. Contact me for the song. Until I find another way to post it.
Here We GO! Steelers Here we Go!
Pittsburgh going to the Superbowl!!
The last breath
My regret, not there for someone special during the last breath.
I was told never have any regrets, but some things are priceless.
Now listening to: Nina Simone, I Love you Porgy
Sunday, January 29, 2006

Uncle Jimbo wrote a good one on the Israeli-Palestinian Situation.
Go Uncle GO!
Further reading of his wisdom was detoured by this picture.
That is a cool pair of boots.
Hate to be the one receiving the boot from her. Unless you are really out there.
What if..
What if the space program never took a pause, never had a disaster, continued to fly in glory?
Friend said we will be on Mars and more technologically advance. Well, I think we would be more advanced in science and medicine. In addition we will have more advance military and tactical tools. Travel will also be more efficient, like a transporter from Star Trek Enterprise will be cool. Fred & I can head to a feast in minutes.
But most importantly, we can send weirdos to Bahrain a little faster. After all, the gloved one is showing signs of boredom, he is now the dressed one, ( I prefer the "moo-moo" one). I think he can use the company of a few interesting celebrities and headliners. For starters, his maximum exposure sister, Janet may turn quite a few heads there.
I know I know, I am a smart ass. Tell me something I dont already know.
Btw, who would you send to join MJ??
Friday, January 27, 2006
Taking the keys away.
Jan 28th, 1986, Challenger Disaster.
February 1, 2003, Columbia Disaster.
After each tragedy, the space program was grounded, just like having your keys taken away.
Then we returned with stronger hearts, brighter minds and tougher technology. Sleep patterns get distorted according to panel findings and flight schedules. English essays were filled with how the Challenger disintegrated and the retardation of avaionics. Coats were covered with patches of flight missions (I have to find that coat). Names of the brave engraved like battle heroes, calibre of the likes of Greek Conquerers and World War significance. Weeping with Sean O'Keefe and the McCauliffe family, while others looked on wondering why I was crying at the tele. Disgust was flung at the ignorant who drastically cut funds to NASA, because he felt it was unneccesary and perhaps reduced his leisure funds. (J***). That is my NASA. Having witnessed the maiden launch of Atlantis in Cape Canaveral, watching the beast roll into launch pad 39B, and gawking at the majestic size of a space shuttle from 15 feet away. Yeah it did me in for life.
Dear NASA, you hold the aspirations to generations to think not only outside the box, but beyond the hemisphere. Continue to inspire, to explore, to challenge the human limits of intelligence. Most of all, continue to awe the planet. You will get your keys back again. The next time a new generation will watch the launch, pump our fists, cry tears of joy and await the safe landing regardless if it is 3am.
"Space the Final Frontier." May Enterprise rise again and fill the sky with the dreams of a young akward teenager from an island country far away, who wrote a General Paper filled with jargon on jet propulsion, they thought I cheated during exams.
High Five to Sean O'Keefe, some how you managed to make others cry with you.
I still want to know what the $2 million "pizza pan" is for.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Steelers Fight Song.
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go
Steelers, Here we go
Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl
Here we go.
Cheer the Steelers, Black and the Gold
Here we go
Town of Pittsburgh's, Heart and Soul
Here we go
With Cowher power, we'll get the job done
This is the year will get that one for the thumb.
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go
Steelers, Here we go
Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl
Here we go
Roethlisberger is ready to throw
Here we go
To Ward, Randle El , and Plaxio
Here we go
Will go to Bettis when we need a touchdown
and if you get his way hes goin to knock you around
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go
Steelers, Here we go
Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl
Here we go
Now the offense is ready to score
Here we go
And there's one thing we know for sure
Here we go
If we dont get it in the endzone
Will get 3 points off Jeff Reed's toe.
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go
Steelers, Here we go
Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl
Here we go
We got Porter, Bell, and Haggans
Here we go
Polamalu, Starks and Townsend
Here we go
The other team aint going to gain any ground
Because the defense is going to bring the steel curtain down.
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go
Steelers, Here we go
Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl
Here we go
Here we go
Here we go
Steelers, Here we go
Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl
If a 2 year old illiterate diaper clad butt can sing this clearly, all you closet Steelers fans can too.
Dont have to be a Steelers fan to watch the game. Watch it for the kids, our kids in this town has someone to look up to, because he is taller than most of us.
Parents to kids: "See what happens when you study well in school?"
Answer to kids:
"You get free T-shirts and free MacDonalds."
"They put your picture on Main Street to embarrass you later."
"Your name is mis-pronounced all over the tele."
"Who knows he may have been sitting in your chair in the same classroom. And he has yet returned that library book."
Regardless of the excuses you use to watch the game, our kids are scarred with pride that a local kid is on the tele. So dont ridicule the Steelers, encourage your kids like how I work with mine. (bad example).
PS: ask me for the fight song.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Smart A**
Anyway, that name popped up this morning. "What message would you like to convey to Mayor Nagin?"
Deep thoughts, by Smart Donkey.....
Ready for my reply??
"Well, please tell him I prefer white chocolate!"
Yeah yeah.... see... told you so...
So what does "white chocolate" mean??
It means when I go to Dietsch, I prefer the white chocolate covered pretzels.
It means that when given an option, I rather use white chocolate than semi-sweet chocolate in baking.
It means I prefer the white chocolate bars with almonds or macademia nuts.
Dont try to read betwen the lines, then you will end up looking like ..... a member of the T Kerry Club. Brush your hair!
Or P. Miller dud from Dancing with the Stars. With that hat and attitude, he needs to wear his pants below his butt crack, almost to his knees. Thats more gangsta'.
All the above comments were ignited courtesy of Mr J.
See... my dear was correct, I am still a smart a**.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Here we Go!
Steelers :34, Broncos: 17.
Is Jerome Bettis going HOME? 2:02 left.
This is a more agressive Steelers team, where is the Broncos killer instinct?
2min warning, Cowher got the ice bucket!
1:25 min left, Rooney on the field.
Mama's not cooking, we are eating out tonight!!
Have to payback for the kids giving up the tele for the game.
Not bad for the local boy from a small town. A good role model for the local kids.
Update: At least the dude in the white hat is not blind or half stoned in this game.
Long hair dude, Polamalu didnt intercept at all this time.
Ahh... yo! If you cut your hair or just tie it back, you can see better through the helmet, Mr Plummer.
Now I owe the kids a new tv before the next games. They graciously gave up the tele for my game.
"Get you own tv!" they exclaimed!
"That is my tv," I corrected.
"Then get us another TV then." They floored me!
Yeah, I should get myself a bigger tele, considering the Olympics is creaping in... the event to watch: the Cross Country Skiing 4x10KM relay, the 10 year rivalry between Italy and Norway. Who will cross the line first 4 years later?
1992, Gold = Norway, Silver = Italy
1994, Gold = Italy, Silver = Norway
1998, Gold = Norway, Silver = Italy
2002, Gold = Norway, Silver = Italy.
Inches seperate the Gold and Silver placings. Non-stop winter excitement from the warm cozy living room of mine.
A break, until June, my holy mass, sacred feet of courage, FIFA WORLD CUP SOCCER!!
HAH! Feels different since my parents are not here to chase me off to bed. Stinks to have parents who dont like sports.
*imagine the girls holding their faces in their hands, fighting back tears. "NOOOOOO!! Why so I have a parent who loves sports?" As she looks the the heavens for an answer.
Clean up
Oh yeah... whoever you are... you are a turd who needs a life.
Now I have to straighten it up.
*mumbling under breath.
Here We Go!
This DJ has been filling requests for the Steelers Fight Song since 12 noon, "Steelers again", it is on repeat play.
Honey roasted peanuts - Checked
Chips - Checked
Salsa - Checked
Napkins - Checked
Chocolate Milk - Checked
Plastic sheeting on the floor - still waiting for it to dry
Girlie finger foods - erh ... still trying to figure that one out.
A Blue's Clues Free tele for 3 hours - slim chance
Hopefully an afternoon filled with screaming & cheering girls watching sports that doesnt involve makeup or frilly things ....... if that happens ....... Hell'a PRICELESS.
They should be warmed up for World Cup!!! Oh Lay oh lay oh lay oh LAAAY.
Now listening to the umpteenth time: Steelers Fight Song, by the Steelers Fan Club.
Now eating: cream filled horns aka non-italian canoli.
Overall just looking forward to a good game.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Jeriatric Performance
He did not hop to the beat, lack of exciting footwork, as if he was wearing a thong with a wedgy between his cheeks. At least he survived to meet his critiques another week. I am writing this after the fact, so I wont jinx the Brave One. Come on after all the previous excellent performances, he really slowed down. Perhaps he was distracted by the playoffs.
I am not writing anything about Sunday's game until the final score, or bear the burden of the Jinxer. Hehehe. Can I root for the home town boy?? Okay... cheering silently.
Now listening to: Maroon 5, She will be loved.
Not eating yet... but hungry. I did finished a boat load of sushi last evening at Asian Grill. Before you bark with your opinions, an 8 year old would say, "Not all Japanese food is raw," as she gobbles her California Roll.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Albert Einstein will be Proud
What a rush! After 3 days of anxiety, a successful launch to the future of our future. Almost as exciting as the last shuttle mission.
Who knew that technology written 14 years ago still works. This was a project that involved too many people, dollars, man hours but will yield so much in return. See you in 10 years Planet Pluto!!
To NASA, Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Galileo Gallilae are proud!
So am I.
Now listening to: NASA Tv on yahoo.
Now eating my 4th Nutri Bar.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
*The following is a re-entry based on memory, since the original post was corrupted by someone.
Party lines have no room in the GWOT, yes, GWOT not AWOT. GLOBAL. Insurgents, terrorists, fanatics do not target based on party lines. No remorse if they target their own families.
*blah blah blah... dont remember the rest... something about playing the race card is downright ignorant. Disrespect the honour and lives of predecessors who struggled and sacrificed for the liberty of those who abuse their liberty and freedom, ie. they disgraced their ancestors by using race as a point of argument.
*How would you change your duties if Arlene Howard gave you the most important memory of her son.
On 9/11/2005, party lines, race, religion and whose pizza you just ate did not matter. The world changed that day.
"We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. We will not forget"
Party lines did not matter that day.
Going to look for stress relief now... Nutri-grain bars.
Best Damn Sports Show Period
Tonight's segment covered the referee's call on Sunday's game between the Colts and the Steelers (Good game). Of course that doofus made a mistake. Sal is correct, take out instant replay, we are talking about long hair dude, Polamalu intercepting the ball.
Yo! Blind freak in the overbleached hat who skinned a zebra for cheap fur! Any girl will tell you he caught the ball fair and with style! My grandma would have watched the replay and made the correct call even without her glasses, if she was alive and watches football. My kids would have thrown soiled diapers into your car for a 3 point score, if they cared about football. *For my safety, I will not disclose my retaliation. In the words of bad hair Trump, YOU ARE FIRED! Baby.
Next on the agenda, can Rod dance, especially with Stacie Keibler? I like the format for their dance competition, trash talking on the sidelines. Hoo Hooooo!! Bring me the largest bowl of chili cheese fries and a cold one, A&W Root Beer please. I fast forward the dance routine, have to conserve energy for Thursday. Nevertheless, the heart of it all, the current champion under my roof, JERRY RICE. All ears strained to hear the critiques on da'MAN! Yeah... the verdict is out, Fiffy wakes up at 4am with jive in his head, he is good looking in his routine, and he ROCKS!! Enuf said.
Bring me the largest bowl of chili cheese fries and a cold one, A&W Root Beer please. I wont trash talk while Fiffy is in intense foot serenade. I'll build up for his competitors. Now I know why my kids hate it when sports season takes over, plenty of intense yelling at the tv. Well sometimes in mime format. Protests have been voiced that the Olympics are nearing, more disgust have been raised when I reminded them that WORLD CUP is approaching too. *breaking out mentally in chant, Oh lay-oh lay- OH LAY!! Not Frito Lays! The soccer chant!!
Now listening to: Schubert: Moment Musical in F- Minor.
Now eating: Homemade-wisely-stashed-away slice of BLUEBERRY PIE. (check the time of consumption). Have to revert to decisive measures in community living, my dog is pretty smart. Mmmm.... do they have blueberries on the sunny desert retreat? Salute!
All done.. one blueberry left. Ain't I a stinker!!

Sunday, January 15, 2006
What a game!!
Intense and exciting!! I almost pee'd my pants.
Steelers were robbed a few times by that Principal in the white hat. (watch out for angry fans)
Manning gave a good game, late but still good. Less than 2 seconds for a touchdown pass.
Almost as good as a Montana-Rice collaboration. Almost. I only have room for one God of Quarterbacks!
Next time, I am watching the game elsewhere... this silent cheering thing is the pits. Fortunately the sleepy residents in this village awoke by the last 10 minutes of the game. So all the screaming and cheering were released from the stronghold of a street-performing mime. The last 5 minutes stretched to eternity (I had to pee!!)
Next time I am watching the game elsewhere. Any invitations?? Huh?
I watched the entire game, the jinx is over!! Thanks for rubbing your head for luck, Fred!!
Time to start dinner now.
Now listening to: Here We Go! Steelers Fan Club (ps .. 2 year old is singing with it dancing in her diapers)
(*mumbling under breathe)
Waving Hanky
My beloved bean-town babies Patriots (13) .... lost ... lost to the Broncos (27). What a game. Painful but good to watch.
Scratching out fantasy Superbowl.
Now if only I can watch tomorrow's game in peace, highly unlikely.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
I said so!
Well, looks like she has more than 1 fan. Laura Bush likes her too!
*ahhhh....daydreaming here...
What if she took on John Kerry in the Presidential Debate?
Just a "what if".
Oh come on, I am sure you have your own "what-ifs" for this combination. The possibilities are endless, however needless are the complex equations with permutations, cumulative summation, inverted matrix, triple integration, Kirchkoff's theories, etc.
Kerry will be so distraught for his unsteady arguments he will be sucking his thumb and curled on the lap of his mother, ooops, his wife. Teraasay, incidentally, was spotted hitting Kerry on the head of hot-pink flip-flops.
Cable bill: $75.00.
Snacks and refreshments: $2.00 (left over candy from Halloween)
Watching a grown man begging Condi for mercy: sick but PRICELESS.
Final 4 Games
Washington Redskins
Seattle Seahawks
Denver Broncos
Carolina Panthers
Chicago Bears
Indianapolis Colts
New England Patriots (yeah!!)
oh yeah... Pittsburgh Steelers (yeah also)
My fantasy Superbowl shall pit beloved (previous hometown) Patriots against prefered (hometown favorite) Steelers. Yeah bring on the wings and chips!! Suggestion to NFL organizers, please commence the game earlier, too old to stay up late to watch football, especially when they head into overtime.
Btw... Fred, who lounges in the sunny palmy place, we woke up to ...SNOW this morning. 30F or -1C.
Brrrr... after the warm spell last week.
For clarification, this entry is about AMERICAN football, where hands can be used, not manly man FOOTBALL. The only who used his hand was Diego Maradona, his "Hand of God"excuse.
Now listening to: The Wiggles, Big Red Car (on the tele)
Friday, January 13, 2006
I Voted Today!
I am not refraining to discuss my preference... my vote went to FIFFY!!
Go Jerry Go!! The San Francisco Treat!
When 2 little ankle kickers ( they are too tall to bite) fast forward other contestants demanding for the ONE, send in the safety to wipe out the opponent. *I hear John Madden's running commentary.
Now listening to: Hall & Oates, Forever.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
FIFA, Olympics oh yeah Steelers
*awww....birds flapping, white clouds, blue skies, 49ers game plays.
*snapping back to reality.
Steelers will take on the slumping Colts next. I am more excited when my beloved Patriots are on the field, provided The Wiggles or Blue's Clues are not dominating the tele. ARGH! Community living.
Winter Olympics is set for February from Torino, Italy (Original spelling). I am personally waiting for Andrea Bocelli scheduled to perform on Feb 11th 9PM at the medals plaza. Coincidentally Bocelli is releasing his next album, Amore on Jan 31st (countdown 22 days O hours 5 mins 36 secs to release, I am not anxious!)
FIFA World Cup begins in June. Yeah!! Oh Lay Oh lay oh lay Oh Laaay. Hoo Hoo! Players to watch: Owen and Rooney, Ronaldo and Ronaldinho, Zizou (even if he is french) , the flamboyant real man's man Beckham and PELE. Please keep Maradona at home. Hopefully I don't have to watch the games on a 2 day delay as with the last World Cup.
Now listening to: Pet Shop Boys, Send me an Angel.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Reviewed the Evidence
After almost 2 hours of painful, cannot fast-forward through the commericals, Jerry Rice was the only relief, session of pits and more falls. The Tatum O'neil character took over the screen. Apparently she has at least 2 cheerleaders from this region, maybe her only fans. *BIG SIGH and Yawn. Nah.... she cannot strut. Who is she anyway?? This is my age speaking, all I know of her is the drug-using, booze-up, brat-smack, ex-wife of John McEnroe. Yawn, after watching her mean gleam for 4 successive nights, I dozed off before she finished her routine.
After reviewing the evidence, Fiffy outranks Tantrum.
Now listening to: Andre Bocelli, E Sara' a Settembre.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Go FIFFY!!!!!!!
Now that is out of the way ... Season 2006, Round 1.
JERRY RICE . Yeah baby! Fiffy from 49ers, Montana's right arm, NFL great, JERRY RICE.
He is the reason I sat through the blur of torture of sad performances before him. Yawn. Yawn.
JERRY RICE still has the moves. His partner crushed his ego so well, "Real men play hockey or soccer." Ouch!! But true. Jerry "Fiffy" proved that some sport characters dont have 2 left feet.
David Beckham, sign up for the next season and show them how footballers, aka the real men groove it!! YEAH!! Oh-lay, oh-lay, oh-lay, oh-laaay!
Wonder how John Travolta and Madonna will fair in this challange.
Now listening to: Nora Jones, Come away with me.
It paid to read the newspapers
Israel is a free democratic country, the President holds only a ceremonial role. Governance of the country lies in the decisions of the elected cabinet, lead by the Prime Minister of the party with the majority votes. A 25 month rotation of the PM's position is part of the constitution. The names on the list appeared daily in every newspaper globally, including The Straits Times.
Menachem Begin was the 6th PM of Israel.
1983, Yitzhak Shamir, elected PM,
1983, Shimon Peres, V PM and Foreign Minister.
1984, Shimon Peres, PM
1984, Yitzhak Shamir, V PM
1986, Yitzhak Shamir, PM
1986, Shimon Peres, VPM and Foreign Minister.
1989, Yitshak Shamir, PM
1989, Shimon Peres, V PM and Finance Minister
1992, Yitzhak Rabin, Elected PM.
1992, Shimon Peres, VPM
1995, Shimon Peres, PM, assumed power after Yitzhak Rabin was assasinated at point blank, by radical right wing Jews, in a sea of people.
1996, Binyamin Nentanyahu, Elected PM; a scholar with no political experience. Yet his cabinet is a convergence of 3 most diverse groups in Israel.
1999, Ehud Barak, Elected PM after loss of confidence in Nentanyahu's cabinet.
2001, Ariel Sharon, Elected PM, after Ehud Barak resigned due to lack of cooperation from the cabinet. Sharon won by a 20% margin, bringing the Likud Party into the Israel political scene.
2005, Ariel Sharon and Binyamin Netanyahu created the Responsibility Party, these rivals joined forces aiming at Peace in the middle east.
At 77, this farmer turned decorated soldier turned Prime Minister is fighting a different battle, a battle for his life after sufffering a major cerebral hemorrage.
Now Listening to: Hall & Oates, Man on a Mission
Testing Memory Cells
Steady coverage on the health and well-being of Ariel Sharon, aka the Bullzoder, Butcher, PM of Israel since 2001, re-ignited a mental node initiated decades before. (not an accurate indication of my age). A list of names, dissimlar to Santa's, whirled mentally, challenging and tormenting the host into submission.
"Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, Benjamin Netanyahu, Menachem Begin. "
These names notched early when the world was black and white on the newspapers and on print. I know their influences on international politics, the challenge is placing them in order.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Blank again
Well there are some topics but I cannot discuss here or with you! (Dont try Mr M.)
So I threw invitations to a few to be distinguished guest bloggers.
HUH! One hasnt read the plea. The other immediately refused!(mumbling under breath)
In the meantime, I am surfing the news wave and other stuff.
3 hours later, I am writing this.
If you deem yourself worthy of something, send in your request to be guest blogger.
Now listening to: silence.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A single shot.
A single shot took out an insurgent distanced at 1,250 meters from a 7.62mm M24 Rifle, rated accurate to 1,000 meters. I had my share of target practice before, but this dude is set for the record books.
Eat your heart out orange vests.
Dear insurgents, payback is deadly when you mess with wrong dudes.
Read the full article here.
Hat tip to Blackfive.
On a more stupid flip-flop note, this
Here is another for a mind-twister, so much for out-sourcing. Fully clothed Playboy bunnies. I wonder how many of you will click on that link. Hmm. Okay, I wont tell if you leave your comments.
Now listening to: Queen, We will
Btw, for the particular reader in the sunny desert island, it is pouring rain here! 39F, 4C.
Note to self: at 11 PM, setting trash out in shorts is a very very bad idea.
Note to Fred: I will sleep after this post. SIR! SALUTE! SIR! (nag)
Monday, January 02, 2006
Really blank. Nothing is bothering me ...yet.
Nothing entertaining today.
Now listening to: The Wiggles Safari (for the 15th time!)