Monday, December 25, 2006
Yawn ... another Holiday.
2005 was COLD and snow covered, about 15F. ( the first snow fell on Nov. 23, 2005)
2006 is cold, actually, not so bad, about 40F and MUDDY!
Perhaps I am showing my age, Christmas needs a revival. Christmas should be about sacrifice (about worship and a day to remember the less fortunate).
Instead the competition between neighbours of the brightest lights and biggest presents have taken center stage. My reality check came in the form of young eyes, a MSNBC documentary entitled, "No Place Like Home". A little girl probably close to my youngest, had to sleep in a laundry basket in a stranger's backyard. Her father and brother laid on the grass under a make-shift tent. At daylight, the older child heads to school, but returns to a shelter. A few hours ago, ironically, I was worried if I had enough presents for my children under the huge tree in the living room. Here we are in the warmth of a house, pouting about the lack of treasures. Somehow, I have to teach the lesson of humility to my spoilt children. Their counterparts are not having Christmas, they are not ripping gift wraps, or complaining that the shirt is not the correct colour. Their counterparts are not very far either, the special was filmed in San Diego.
I may not be able to save all the homeless, but I hope my children will learn a lesson of life.
To give thanks for what they have, and not ask for more than they deserve.
We can see Christmas in many views, I hope that those little blue eyes will shine for a long time and see Christmas from a beautiful view.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Once upon a time,
*scratching head
*sip coffee
*sip coffee again
*Scratch neck
Ehhh .... I dont remember how to do this ... it has been a while.
*sip coffee again.
*gulp coffee
Many moons ago, a legal tango began, the routine was filled with high lifts and low brushes. External interferences wore blue uniforms, lawyers were eagerly waiting at the sidelines. Strength was measured in patience, tolerance and the little voice "be an example to children". Speaking of children, they are always hungry, so are their friends, thus the need for employment.
Dec 21, 2006
*cracking fingers
Still lost for contents. The last 3 weeks have been almost fulfilling, for the first time I drove my daughter to and from school. (At least I know where theschool is located). The ankle biters of the house have little complains with the new arrangement, well, they now have a 24 hour full time chef and personal driver. Think of the power!!
I have been advised to file lawsuits against my employment termination. Err... that will be really low. Sometimes, it is just not worth it and some people are not worth the time either. Allow them to roll in their ego and their pats on their backs. What goes around comes around. As the dear witch in Salem reminded me over a decade ago, "Give out good, for you will reap the return in 3s." Now I am enjoying the simplicity of parenthood, and considering the invitation to blog for NFL. Yeap, I have been invited to blog/write about FOOTBALL!!! ( Still under consideration.) Imagine writing about something you really really really enjoy, and maybe get paid for it? *howling.
Oh well, the fairy tale continues.
My house is under the paws of 3 huge dogs and endless hungry kids.
My house has transformed to one of laughs, cheers and smiles.
My house is also known to many as the house of food.
Under the grey cloud is something GOOD.
.... to be continued.
Monday, November 20, 2006
We are #1
Yeap, I shall claim the trophy to First to Put up the Xmas tree (been up for a week, fully decorated I must add).
We hereby claim the FIRST TO HAVE THANKSGIVING! We had our turkey on Nov 19, and ate it. Hahahaha.
We Are Number ONE!!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Vice versa
But this is one I have to share.
You may substitude accordingly.
"What is the difference between a Michigan fan and a carp?"
"One is a bottom sucking slime-bucket, the other is a fish."
Thursday, November 16, 2006
There he is!
Finally over!!
I want those GREEN SHOES!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Ride Emmitt Ride!
They were doing the Emmitt ride!
Well Dancing with the Stars is FINALLY coming to an end, surprisingly to the same ending as last season. The NFL Football player verses a young punkster. Yawn.
I rather .. er.. er.... take a nap.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Rushed off from work in order to wait for an hour in the doctor's office, that was the precursor to a physical for a 3 year old!
"The doctor will be here any time, just be patient." Repeated, repeated, repeated.
One child fell asleep, the other began flipping through a magazine.
I reached for a copy of Business Week, Titled: How these kids made it. Young twenty-some are millionares. Whoopie! A few pages later, an article stood out, Change of Career. The article highlighted the trend of 35 to 45 crowd who made a dramatic change in lifestyles and careers. From CEO to a school teacher, a VP turned hearing aid supplier. This was what I took away,
So true. Time for some reflection. What do we really want?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Just a reminder.
Darn Democracy!
Too bad Sadman Hussein is guilty in 2006 instead of 1986, else the world will see more than just a hanging!
Let me recall some true experiences by survivors of Desert Storm.
- tie your hands behind your back and hang upwards
- whipping
- smashed fingers
- immediate extraction of finger nails.
- etc etc.
Too bad democracy works, even for the evil, he gets an automatic appeal. BS.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
What was November 2005?
Fortunately, my history can be retrieved with the click of a mouse, aka my archives. Briefly,
* the cleanup of Katrina continued,
* gas was about $2.50 per gallon,
* stupid journalists remained on the media train,
* White Sox won the World Series,
* Paul B was anticipating his return stateside,
* I was reporting games scores to a bbq-deprived-has his own personal pool friend overseas.
* Yeap the Steelers were plowing at the speed of NYC's snow cleanup crew on the first hard snow of the year!!
* The world witness the democratic elections in
* October 12, 2005
Loads of corn entering the facility, moisture = 19.8%. 7% Shrink with $0.235 discount when corn was $1.58 this morning.Hmm... a little too wet?
Yawn, in October 2006, I am still watching football and soccer, this time I have a warm and tangible company. Oh, Fred can watch the games himself even in person too. Hahaha. I need to find my groove for rhyme, I think I lost it somewhere along the legal pathway during summer. *cracking fingers, lets see if I still have the mojo.
Cast away your fears,
I will only drink Rootbeer!
I have not returned to Frickers,
For fear of encountering err... witness.
Yes it is getting cold,
I can feel the pain, as I am old.
Yeap. It is coming back!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
In the meantime
And waiting for Mr Fred to SAY SOMETHING!!
I have to share this beautiful picture
I learnt a new ... word.
I am having a difficult time restraining myself from insulting him. Fortunately, Matt at has to wash his keyboard with soap before I do. (btw, he has links to interesting Halloween pictures. *wink *wink)
Here is an important public announcement, to the
Class, let repeat, "ASS-HAT". Good!
At this time I will like to retrieve a beautiful quote from the archives, directed at this special person, Mr Kerry.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
His wife is rubbing off on him
"You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.
"If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
*** A few erm...many.. choice words are emerged from the mental dictionary, none are publishable.
R, I am still looking for the transcript for the speech delivered on October 31, 2006.
Update: Found it
Read what darling W. said about the War in Iraq and GWOT,
Go on, click!!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Pure disgust
That is as bad as taking your grandma to the senior dance!
Who is bringing the bad karma? Were you at this game, Fred??
My co-couch warmer had to laugh when I shouted "Bring in the Waterboy!" Should have remained outside freezing my nose moving leaves in the wind.
Friday, October 27, 2006
On the topic of weather, Singapore is a cozy 90F under a blanket of haze compliments of Indonesia's burning forests. The kids are cold but happy returning from their door-to-door begging for candy in the 40F rain. Finally dear dear Fred is cold in 80F weather, whereever he is now.
Yes Fredmeister, where are you?
Some/one of the reader is probably wondering why I have not commented on Dancing with the Stars this season. Well, this season is not a diverse group of victims. There are the younger participants who have had their share of dancing in their careers, Jerry Springer is wearing down his comedy act (almost a George Hamilton from last season), and then you have the football player. Emmitt Smith does not appall me, nor appeal to me. Emmitt is not Jerry Rice.
Why only football players? Basketball players are tooooooo tall. Booo! I would love to see Larry Bird do the rumba or the paso doble.
The professional dancers make the rookies look good. Just dance naked Edyta, WOW! ! Need I say more?
Who will I have in the next season? Hmmm.... how about a fantasy Dancing with stars.
My first pick is: JOHN McENROE. Pair him with a Russian (preferably heavy accented, Jerry Rice's partner. That will be entertaining).
Second Pick: ROSIE O'DONNELL, with Edyta. (go ahead laugh think of all the useless controversy)
Third Pick: GEORGE STEPHENOPOLUS, bring on the Cute short greek geek from Washington! I'll be merciful and pair him with Cheryl "darling" Burke.
Fourth pick: RICHARD SIMMONS, just to see him cry around Kym.
Fifth pick: SELA WARD, just because of her elegance. She will be lovely with Tony.
The remainder of the list is opened to the floor. I am sure we will have a fun list.
SO?? Start your keyboards, ask someone else. But bring the answers back here.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Missed and missed
Yes, I was missed. After 8 years of pamper, the dear customers have to adjust to a new routine. (hehehe)
On the other hand, there are some I missed.
Thank you and Rest, Mr John B.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
PSST... Told you so.
It is COLD!
So cold that I am so glad I paid $$$ for the remote car starter.
Yeap, the cold season has moved in and there is nothing we can do about it.
On a different note, closure and freedom is good. (hehehe)
For all the 2 readers to this site, please welcome my dear dear friend home from the sandbox.
Fred meister, Hat Tip.
Welcome back to "All you can eat taco bell" and high price gas.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Told you so.
Trees have turned yellow, and starting to bald. Needless to say, "SUMMER IS GONE!"
Halloween is around the corner (maybe I'll dress as Marilyn Monroe), Thanksgiving is on the minds and homework of my 8 year old child. Winter coats have emerged from hiatus.
Sigh... life in the midwest, 4 seasons. Dont like it? Get the hell outta here.
Anyway, the children of the house are getting cabin fever and have voiced regrets of activities they should have taken up. Should have kicked more ball in the backyard, should have learnt how to ride their bikes, etc etc.
What else can I say, but "TOLD YOU SO!"
I told you it will get colder very soon. Maybe they will listen next year.
************************ ********************* ******************* ***************
Here is one for Mr Fredmeister,
Stay cool and stay sane,
Even in your absence,
Some things on Stateside stay the same.
Your patience with some bastards,
Is admirable,
But you cannot lose yourself to the predictable.
Nothing really exciting happening here,
Your precious Steelers has a bad start to the year.
Think instead of your vacation to Singapore.
yeah yeah, all the glorious food you can eat and more.
So keep your chinny chin up,
And use some Brillo on the Botak.
Hehehe, some things still dont change,
You stilll have a friend who is still the same.
******** ****** ****** ******* ******** ******* ******* ******
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
As The Fat Man used to say....
For some of the readers to this blog, you WILL know who is the Fat Man, aka Larry Hawkins.
Yeap, it has been 3 years since his passing.
We all miss him in some way, his sick sense of humor, his rough growl but mostly his words of wisdom. Someday we shall compile a book of his "wisdom".
Larry had a name for everyone, including yours truly.
If you remember the Fat Man and his lines, drop one or 2 here. The invitation is free to all.
Still thinking of you Fat Man,
Linny the Pooh.
Friday, September 15, 2006
I guess some things just dont change
Firstly, rushing preparations for school. You know, the school supplies, school clothes and shoes, and the endless sessions of meeting teachers whose names I do not remember. Really, I do hope I NEVER meet my children's teachers during the school year. I think my children are whimpy enough to stay out of trouble (crossing fingers, bad genes are involved).
Before the school bell tolled, it was the endless chatter of the local fairs. I have to complain on this topic, the Allen County Fair exceeded the fun factor over the Hancock County Fair.
What does the month of September and the fairs have to do with the topic that some things don't change?
Year after year, I still dont like the smell of the steer barn or the hog pens or the ... you get the idea.
5 years later, September 7, 2006, as we posted flags at The Healing Field,(a tradition I hope to continue with my children) I am still mad and I still cried.
5 years later, a dear family friend of my ex-in-laws, who butchered my name still remembers his embarassing tongue twister. And he still gave me a hug despite the separation.
10 years later, recognizing me within an instance a friend's wife still flagged me down in a flood of people. Screaming my name loudly in public, erhm, more than once.
11 years later, my professor still shook my hand and gave me that "What have you done?" look.
All these events lead to a simple conclusion:
What did you think I was referring to?
Oh yes, I still wear my pinky ring to match the smart-ass attitude.
Monday, September 11, 2006
6 degrees of Separation
For 5 years, I get mad that someone messed with MY New York City.
For 5 years, I realized that travelling is a lost cause.
For 2 years my children and I have volunteered at a Healing Field, posting flags while I try to instill the honour in those flags and their mission in life.
For about 6 degrees of separation, a theory that some people dispute, we are affected by 9/11/2001.
Vincent Gerard Halloran left 5 boys on September 11, 2001. His wife discovered she was pregnant September 12, 2001, later delivered a healthy baby girl.
His name is engraved on the missile designated for OBL.
You see, my childrens' cousins' Uncle is Vincent Gerard Halloran, Ladder 8, NYFD.
Stand tall. American Citizen or not, the world changed.
We will never forget, falter or FORGIVE.
Get them boys!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Food for the mind.
I mean who else would enjoy Chilli Crabs, rice in a claypot, Hainanese chicken, roti prata, etc etc. Maybe a trip to NYC Chinatown will help ease the discomfort. Hmmm.
Good idea though.
Sigh... it has been 10 years since my last taste of home.
Gee... I wonder why I need a stress relief.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
For the peace of mind
How true. In light of the continued efforts of the Members of the Coalition in liberation of Afghanistan and Iraq, most of the free world seem to have forgetten how it all began. The continued nonsense in the media about "Occupation, intrusion, etc." Remember 9/11. The day the world changed. The day our hearts sank. Resolve, a quality reminder to those who grieved. After 2001, terror attacks continued, however the successful attempts have occured elsewhere. Twarted attempts were never revealed until "disclassified" or never disclosed at all. When precautions were taken, rumblings of inconvenient schedules take centerstage. On the other hand when the underhanded succeed, blame splatter like bugs on a windscreen, "Why didn't you prevent it?"
Proximity to the Second World War via family taught me the atrocities of dictatorship and oppression. Grandma told of stories of personal suffer under oppression, torture, fear and starvation. Stories of sirens, signalling ducking into a bomb shelter. Feeding her newborn with a handkerchief dipped into honey. Fearing if a family will be dragged out in the middle of the night for torture for the delight of someone else. (Btw, a movie has not been written about it yet, Mr Spielberg.) Stories that still haunt me. A new chapter, terror attacks by a group of unrealists. 9/11 is the new chapter of tyranny, because now the free world is held hostage by precautions and alerts. Condemnation is insufficient. Relaxed attention is the loophole for their success. Sometimes, the judicial system may be the catalyst, someday we may ask, "if you knew it why didn't you stop it?" Simply, let the intelligence agencies do their jobs, throwing in laws and regulation is comparable to placing IEDs in the path of a Medic team trying to reach the injured.
Israel's attempt to clean out terror group Hezbollah should be applauded. Take no prisoners but warn the locals when the strikes are arriving. (Huh?)
Spoilt, yes we are.
Preamptive strike, to foil an attempt before it happens.
For the peace of mind and body, pre-amptive strikes sound victorious.
For 9/11, resolve still runs strong for some.
Hat-tip to those whose sacrifices allow me to be "spoilt".
Friday, August 18, 2006
Still here and missing Poh Piah
Just been falling asleep on the couch, fighting the urge the be nasty to a certain party, being patient with my children and most of all.....
craving, I mean CRAVING food.
I am searching for a sambal receipe, to make a huge batch for my freezer.
Ohh how I miss poh piah, roti prata, laksa, mee siam, hainanese chicken rice, chilli crab..... (have you passed out yet, Fred?)
Thus the plea is extended to anyone who has a good sambal receipe, noting that this experiment will be conducted outside of Singapore, where the ingredients are all ang-moh with no Chinatown for 5 hours okay.
Back to the couch.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Closing down on Retirement
The beautiful Space Shuttle is scheduled for retirement in 2010. Till then NASA has to complete 16 missions. SAY IT ISNT SO!!
I left my heart in Cape Caneveral in 1985, when I witnessed the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis. There are 16 launches left for the witness of mankind. Make the best of it and head south. The spectacle is a lifetime of pride.
On a different note, I have my LOUD opinions on the current Israel-Hezbollah situation. However, the prying eyes that visit this site daily may mistake me for a drunk actor. In light of the sensitivity (for the first time) I shall refrain my rantings in public.
To hell with it, the whole situation is a ****** !@#*** ***!@#* that The world should *@@!$ and not forget about !@#$. If *&****&%$ was in power, it will be *&^@# in *@##$$ a matter of *@#@$%.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
It can be worse
How about enduring this heat while:
* Living in a place with no shelter from the merciless heat.
* Loss or lack of electricity, hence no central air for our pampered pits.
* The sky is pouring down rain.
* The sky is pouring down bombs.
* etc etc
Or it could be iced covered with 3 feet of snow to shovel.
Summer, what we wish for in Winter. I am enjoying it now. And making everyone else around me to do so. Hahaha.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
What's been going on?? Well, work, home, work, home. Hezbollah getting their butts whipped by the fearless Israel. Iraq continues on their winning streak against terror. Landis, aka. ex protoge of Armstrong, is not Eddie Merck, that win in stage 17 is tooooooooooooooo errrrr.... suspicious. Even his own mommy disapproves her son's practice. (Huh!! what does that tell you.)
A few weekends ago I endured a new torture. The first ever sleepover in my house. The doggie enjoyed all the attention, the house was trashed, my ears hurt. What was I thinking? 5 girls screaming through the house, until this commander issued the Lights Out at 1AM. Never again.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Who washed their car(s)to bring this rain? Now I have to mow, again. I am sure there is a group out there who are unhappy as well, their wheat harvest schedule has been delayed. The bottom line: if you see combines in wheat fields, DONT WASH your vehicles.
Let the bird droppings lay for another week, if droppings can survive a space launch, there is a good chance you will still be scrubbing your vehicle hood in a week.
*APPLAUSE for the shuttle crew. Hooo!! Hooo!!
NASA's IOU streak with me is slowly, rendering to payoff. A few more items to settle, the safe return of STS-121 and ALL future missions. Bring another teacher back into space, accidentally drop a wrench on OBL's head, bring out the X-30 from the moth balls, increase awareness on the importance of space missions, etc etc.
*Can somebody attach a stupid mouse to the cell phones!! Those little buttons are meant for mice? I cant even order take out while driving! Sorry old lady.
*er ... that's it for now.
Btw, how's wheat looking this year?
Yeah I kinda miss it. Kinda.
Monday, July 10, 2006
What the ...!!!
But what the hell was he thinking to earn that red card!!
Stupid way to begin your retirement. Out in the BOOOOOSSS!!!
Zizou, is Zizoot!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Check this out!!
Yes I was back in grain for a few hours.
What can I say, they miss me.
While I was there, I took on the simple pleasure of web site editing.
Not my site, just my doing.
So here is the product: Cruising Berrys
The site is still in diapers, but there are hundreds of pictures to choose from.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
On this day,
* NASA scrubbed a significant launch due to safety concerns. (What a bummer)
* we saw fireworks in the brilliant colours of Red, White & Blue.
* I thought of those to thank so I may stand there with my children watching the fireworks.
* I thanked in my heart those who defend Liberty, regardless of country.
* I again contemplated defending liberty, Semper Fi. (Kids still protest my decision.)
* I thought of 9/11.
* I thought of 7/7.
* I thought of President Bush's address on September 21, 2001 before a Joint Congress.
"We will never falter, forgive, forsake or forget."
* I thanked many and name a few:
Fredmeister, Paul Berkley, Deuce Four, LCdr Smash, Blackfive, Michael Yon,
*I thanked the recruiter who said I was too old to enlist. I continue my contribution, I pay taxes and shop more.
*I also included those who believed in me, the one who gave me the "last kick in the butt" & his brother,
*My inspirations, My children, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev (surprise? recall Perestroika?), Lech Walesa, Lee Kwan Yew, Noel Barber, Ava Gardner. My grandma.
There are some things in life that are priceless, the rest ..... er .... cash or credit?
On this day, go thank a soldier, or just email a milblog.
I know of one, Salute! Fred.
Okay, I know of 2. Hat tip, the youngest J. Brother.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Painfully good match against Portugal (who has not lost a match).
Beckham bids farewell as cap. Who knew that a bow-legged akward boy from the slums will live the dream of every football freak.
Oh lay, Oh lay, Oh lay, Oh lay, Oh lay.
One more majician remains... ZIZOU! After he beat out Rinaldo. That was a good match too, talk about battle of the titans.
My girls are glad Word Cup is almost over, really.
Monday, June 26, 2006
He did it outside!
The single goal was credited to David (erhm) Beckham!!!
Then he puked on the field.
At least he did it outside.
Friday, June 23, 2006
A few quick notes
Enough rain already!! Quick washing your vehicles. 1.5" + 2" + 1.3" = TOO MUCH!
Sump pump works, but the sky is just relentless.
Cleanup in aisle BASEMENT!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A reminder
"We will never leave anyone behind."
His comments on military casualties on Larry King Live. Somehow we forgot about the commardarie and bond in uniform. This time this line was not from an actor, but it sent more chills down my spine and fueled further the fire of honour.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Oh Poo-ey!!
Change sump-pump (Done)
Regain garage from kids' toys (Done)
Build table out of scrap wood (Done)
Other stuff (Done)
Try on work clothes that are not jeans (Oh Sh*t)
Yeap... I need a new wardrobe.
By the way, did anyone borrow my ironing board years ago?
I'll need it back, after I locate my iron from the spiders' web.
Erhm... the clothes (pants) need to be a few sizes bigger.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
The time has come...
Leaving a position after 8.5 years,
Taking up something almost new.
Yeeeeaow!!! Hat tip to those who had put up with me,
Please try not to call my house about BVFC.
I may not be there to answer any queries.
We have watched the children grow,
All the little habits that I know.
All past now, just stories in tow.
Someday the book will be complete,
"What the fat man used to say",
Wisdom by another Hawkins.
Proceeds will go towards more beer,
Although you should know I wont be near,
Erhm.. recall "At least I did it outside".
For the last time, of course,
Goodnight Boss.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Hat Tip to Mr J.
You had asked if I could stay,
"At least through wheat harvest", you say.
Rumours have swirled through the land,
Err... which is the truthful end?
Depends on the version you have heard in this fairy tale land.
Before I begin my reasoning, firstly I'll go to KFC,
Making sure it is EXTRA CRISPY,
Hands off, that bucket is for me!
Then followed by a pepperoni pizza,
Tums, right now, will be nice,
Oh throw in some ice tea, no ice.
Then find a tree,
Hopefully without alot of birdies,
At least it is not yet 130F (haha Fredie).
Mr J, I hate to say,
Many are counting down to the day,
To wheat harvest, which may begin on a Wednesday.
This fearsome face,
Without much grace,
Wont be there to ask: "Where is the other J*****n Brother?"
A joke that has found a fitting place.
Hat tip, Mr J. May you have fair weather, good prices and record yields.
A fan of the J*****n brothers.
Friday, June 09, 2006
By the way...
Now that is out of the way, let the .... MOMMY roar!!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
. courtesy of 500lb hardened steel compliments of Uncle Sam & liberty loving brave men & women of the USA Military..
.Yo, Nick Berg, are we singing now??
Monday, June 05, 2006
I see the light!! I see the light!!
Almost there... darn paperwork, patience ( I tell myself, no need to fight).
Almost there ... like Hansel & Gretel, I have left a trail of money on the path.
Almost there ... has end sometime soon, my pockets are gettting lighter by the day.
Baby needs shoes!!
Almost there ... I don't care ... time to thank all those who had cared.
Almost there ... thanks to the BIG TALL ONE who saw my fear.
Almost there ... thanks to those who listened, far or near.
Almost there ... thanks to those who did not interfered.
Almost there ... no thanks to those who interfered.
Almost there ... er.... need a new grill and a mower? (Haha... really.)
Almost there ... er ... time for things to get slower? (NOT!)
Almost there ... er ... I have been rejected for enlistment, prove that I am older. (Really.)
Almost there ... er ... I did it on my own. (I really did.)
Almost there ... er ... I hope that my parents are finally proud of me now. (Tooo late.)
Baby needs clean shoes. I think she stepped on "special brownies". I am not washing that!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Artist: Madonna.
These words are so fitting.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Yawns - Yeahs
Ivan Basso wins Tour of Italy - YEAH!
Journalist Injured in Iraq - yawn
Uncle Jimbo ranting at Murtha - YEAH!!
Summer heat has set in -Yeah!!
Stoooopid mowing of yard - ***** @#$!
Counting to Soccer Madness - Yeah!!
Kids watching me counting down to soccer madness - NOOOOO!!!!
PS: If you think this is hot, Fredmeister is in 103F temperatures.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Just in case

All the nice media portray the efforts in the middle east with America as the only foriegn presence.
Erhm .... I beg to defer.
RSS Endeavour returns from 3-month Gulf deployment.
"The RSS Endeavour had been tasked with providing logistics support for coalition vessels and helicopters, protecting the waters around key oil terminals, and conducting patrols and boarding operations." - Channel News Asia.
PS: That is a Landing Ship Tank (LST) isnt she a beauty??
Now eating: grilled cat. I mean beef curry.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Still here...
Just busy.......
The daily battle remains.... the stooopid alarm keeps buzzing every morning.
Baby needs shoes (courtesy of Mr J., his baby needs BIG shoes now)
Er ....
There are some interesting pictures, still waiting to be downloaded. D'oh!!
The Writers block has moved in.
Will return with more excuses.
In the meantime, thanks for all the support. You, you, you, you, I'll have the lawyer send you my bill. (just kidding).
Sunday, May 07, 2006
*mental note: why does the phrase pulling hair seem sooooo inappropriate in this case?
It begins nightly at 1am.
The pounding, roaring and constant hum.
*Pointing beyond the backyard.
I guess this sacrifice is necessary so other drivers on the Interstate can remain safe.
But does it have to be this loud?
How loud?
Loud enough to drown out the snoring emitting from my walking warm and hairy carpet!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Breathe and sleep
Let's see..... we began with free trade negotiations, then proceeded with limited sanctions, things took a wrong turn into Shock & Awe, Operation Retraction, and the current stage, Mission Sanity with Sleep.
Peaceful tonight, no scary calls, not jumping with every tire track (try living close to the interstate), the cold metal rod will not take up half my bed tonight, I will close my eyes and relax, once I am done with this entry.
See you later Boss.
Count down
Should have known that easy is not a default.
Another day filled with anxiety passes,
Something else happens & another phone call to ease the crisis.
When does home get so hard to return to?
Or when nightfall really spooks me too.
A sidearm may be handy now.
But the villian cannot be found.
The mental hurdle, I must overcome.
Or else someone will get harmed.
Never piss off the wrong person,
Especially the one who gave up everything for your reason.
"You will reap what you sow"
The day of reckoning is in tow.
Time for you to pay up for evil deeds,
The devil has receipts.
I would like my money back,
But not blood money,
With a knife stabbed in my back,
Keep the change, especially the pennies.
To my dear friends who are holding me up, know that my chin is still held up. My phone has been programmed for assistance. My nights are days, and my days are days. I wish I could take a cop home with me, but he is quite unnecessary (unless he has other skills). I am letting Newton's first law of motion dictate the remainder of the week. My other responsibilities cannot be disturbed, for their already fragile innocence have to be preserved. So chant, pray, voodoo, or whatever... I'll make it through.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Extreme makeover.
Jungle paradise. Not very obvious here, but the pasture is about 6 inches tall.
See all the dandelions. (EWWW)
I know he is cute, but he also deposits...
In massive amounts too.
This guy is laughing because I just stepped in a brown landmine.
Not good to run out of this.
Then you may have to use this to cut the rest of the grass.
Extreme makeover, backyard style, after many scooping, more scooping, and words that children should never hear.
See what you are missing Fred??
Note: Doggie brownies courtesy as entertainment to Mr. J.
New words for the week
But he was good!!! Funny, really funny and educational. I learnt a few new words too!!
"The nucear poliffferetion treaty ... at the EIEIO..... intersexual contact."
Even the Joint Chiefs of Staff were tearing.
On Dick Cheney, aka The Great White Hunter, "He is a good man with a good heart er... err ... he is a good man."
On redundancy, "... on a global scale, internationally and all around the world."
On Laura Bush, "She's HOT!"
I would really like to understudy with the author of this material, he makes the Late Night Hosts look like amateur street jugglers.
If you do have a chance, catch the rerun. Overall that was a good laugh I had in a long time, well excluding the pranks on my children, good clean humour.
Mr. President, and Mr. Pseudo President, great job at the White House Correspondance Dinner.
Now listening: to my neighbours mow and trim.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
They called back.
I was confronted by fear. Fear. Hyperventilation. Dry mouth. Uncontrollable shaking. Fear.
Somehow the inventors of the mobile phone decided to makes the buttons so inconvenient during emergencies. Instead I was pressing 6-2-1.
Step 2, activate the human GPS to lock in on the other phone, while trying to complete another important mission, INHALE. Ah-huh! Yes! The phone is charged and ready for use. Okay.... the delegation of duties begin. Fingers have to coordinate with the brain and the eyes to locate 3 numbers, PLUS the TALK button.
Where are the mental cheerleaders when you need them?
The few seconds blurred, events interlaced into each other, when images flashed, noises flared and all I heard was my breathing. Oh yes, this was what the Psycho Profession talked about in Psychology 100. Wow! Can't believe this is really happening. Damn, he was correct. Too late now, he still wont change my grade. Press TALK. Er... Only once! Not Twice! You think, DiNozo! (NCIS joke, not the real NCIS. The tv version.)
Strategy 2, what strategy? Mentally scribing onto post-it notes, "DONT PANIC". Oops, Objection! Your honour, too freaking late!!
When one is in a state of panic, time does not fly, rather you are caught in an extended reverie, everything is blurry, sounds are muffled, you do not feel any part of your body. The phone suddenly rings. "H-h-h-hello?" emerged from between my breathelessness. "Are you okay? You cannot breathe? I'll send someone out there now. Do you need EMS? Can you talk?" Wow! They called back!! They really did call back! Now I have the winning cards in my left hand, with a government agency on the line.
Brain! Coordinate with mouth! Operation CALM DOWN!
Black jack! Full house!! Royal Flush!! (winning hand?) err... Smart Chip Activated, System restored. Insurgent realized he is outsmarted/outnumbered, basically SOL if he remains in the proximity. "Yes Sir, he is leaving now, out the driveway." Exhale. My comfort in my left hand heard that sigh too. "Are you alright now?" Some reassurances and confirmation that the children will be too traumatize if an officer arrives at the house. TALK. End of call.
The mentioned event is accurate and true. I have equipped myself with a defense mechanism, courage, since my dear friend wont lend me his sidearm (just kidding). But most of all, I am surprised but glad that the law enforcement agency called back. Really f**king glad.
Out of the ashes of fear arose a raging courage that relit the fury of LIFE.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Shut it off!!!
At least the Air Force did.
How Do You....
"We are fine, the girls are doing great! The pistols that they are, hopefully they will use the energy for the armed forces later, the uniform I prefer." I answered.
"And how are you treated by their father?" Shocked and awed, she knew? Apparently she knew all along.
"Well, I think he is doing fine, elsewhere." I replied with a forced smile with slight details of the rift, still in shock with the inquiry.
Next broke my jaw because it hit the ground, as well as the emergence of those used tissues all wrinkled in the pockets. My dear friend (upgraded from neighbour) "I should have done something to help you then, sorry. But I am proud that you stood up by yourself," so out poured her tears (and snort) thus I gave her my tissue. Ewww she used it.
So how do I stay sane? There are some things that are worth fighting for, Liberty and Freedom, regardless if it is fought on a global or a domestic level.
How so I hold my head up? Erh... my neck. (smart ass).
What took me so long? Traffic. (smart ass)
How am I doing now? Well therapy helps, I have not been to a buffet parlour for a while. (The sign says All You can Eat. I ate all I could for 3 hours. The kids were crying or had fallen asleep, else I could have gone for more crab legs.) Yes I still have latent fears. Fear is an emotion you cannot recreate or fabricate. There were episodes of anxiety recently, nervous enough to make me reach for the phone, close to calling the blinking lights to my driveway. For once I will be glad to see those lights maybe because I am not driving. (haha) Restructuring a life is challenging, restructuring a life with 2 dependents means I need a freaking vacation or a good stress release. In my case, physical pain, pushups or situps or scooping dog-poop. Or solving mathematically equations on Yahoo Answers, aka good mental pain.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Imagine facing a room of strangers while delivering that line, the face of strangers unlocked the gates of confinement or apprehension to pour the heartbreaking truth.Talking about this topic is difficult. Documenting the events is more difficult and more painful.
Born in the 1970s in modern Singapore to chinese parents, a female child was not a blessing. Granted that wealthy Singapore is the envy of the surrounding impoverished nations, however that childbearing generation still harboured the traditions of chauvanism and subsvience. 3 days after birth, I was thrusted into the arms of my maternal grandmother while my parents embarked on a vacation to England. "Why worry about a daughter, afterall, she will be married off and will not carry the family name," said my grandmother's daughter.
Amidst the glitter of modern advancement, first class education, life in Singapore has one goal - to be one of the Joneses. How much wealth marks your elite social status, which Rolex should be displayed while haggling over a 10cent discrepency while grocery shopping. The Jones' child was enrolled in 3 extra-curricular activites, I had to take up 4, in addition to hours of chores at home. Mood swings heightened the chances of flesh meeting a garden hose, a rattan stick, the back of a hand, etc etc. Society did not intervene, because "abuse" was non-existent. Looking back, those years moulded my method of parenting. To parent, not patrol.
Fast forward to late ninetes, early 2000. A difference phase of life, parent and spouse in a different environment, yet abuse is tolerated, but this time in the form of spousal abuse. The person who one swore to "cherish and honour" began to "terrify and dishonour". My previous spouse was an abuser. I was in an abusive marriage. He had problems with responsibility, as well as an addiction to media games. Punches were thrown on my back as I ran cradling my 2 month old. I was told I deserved them because I showed more attention to my infant child than to an unemployed who was caught stealing games from his employer. The struggle to stay afloat became a mental challenge for me, as I was plagued with constant lies, deceit and discovery of mysterious bills and debts with nothing to show for. How did an unemployed attain more games and movies and gas in the car to roam all over the town? Each confrontation led to more punches and bruises, even in the presence of impressionable children. To maintain some normalcy, I paid debts, the bills were kept up and the false smiles were practised. More lies were tossed in all directions, eventually, enough to pay for a house. Life continues, still plagued with the normal deceit and scoundrel acts. More years of physical abuse continued with further intensity. 2 concussions and frightened cries from my children later, my strength to grew exponentially. The source of this accelerated growth emitted from the frightened eyes of my girls as they witnessed their mother choked against the wall then thrown to the floor, because of a minor flaw with breakfast. How can I tell my girls to walk tall if I cant do that myself. Who will care for them if the next punch is lethal? My ultimatum was simple: Leave quietly or leave in handcuffs. In his favour, the handcuffs were not called in.Life under this roof is more peaceful and less vulgar since his departure, according to the 8 year old tenant. My role as mother and future counselor will be invalid if I did not take a stand. For I cannot preach anything I did not practise.
The hardest part of living with abuse is telling it. After a while, the mental strength collapses, what is obviously wrong becomes reality. Lies fall behind a frosted shield disguised as the truth. I was wrong to care for my children, to put them first in priority. The blame falls on my shoulders for the debts from his credit cards used to purchase his games and movies. As with any oppression, one day the locals will rise from the dust. Too many punches, kicks and bruises triggered the smart chip. "You are smarter than this" message slowly but surely circulates in the cranium. Maximum integration of mental and emotional strength, the coalition of the entire system erupts, seeking the end to this nightmare. The human spirit is stubborn. Very stubborn, enough to break chains. Stubborn enough to break out of the cycle. Stubborn enough to say, "NO MORE! Leave quietly or leave in handcuffs! My children will not see their mother choked up against a wall and slammed onto the floor anymore!" Stubborn enough to stand tall when I am called names while I said "No more."
The hardest part was calling for help.
I dialed the number and asked for help. It was difficult. Then you hang up the phone and put on a brave face like nothing has happened, because the smart chip has been activated.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Dude has my ....
I am soooooo jealous he gets to trek and write whatever he sees.
On the occasion I am also glad that I am changing diapers, cleaning chocolatey hands, detangling hair, clearing dog-piles a.k.a. backyard landmines instead of dodging bullets, eating dust and be surrounded by smelly men.
He still has my dream job:
"I do not report this because I harbor animosity for the current administration, or to magnify any mistakes it has made, but only so that the American people, and readers around the world, can be presented with at least one set of eyes and ears that are reasonably politically color-blind and tone-deaf. If the truth helps the administration, so be it. If the truth damages the administration, so be it. More important is to provide information people can use in their own decision cycles. Whether or not anyone agrees with the reasons for starting this war, we invaded Iraq, and should complete the mission, and that needs to be defined clearly as a stable and democratic Iraq, and not as a date on a calendar. We have to stop treating the truth like a work in progress or a lump of clay that we can shape into an image or icon. "
Now listening to: Maroon 5,
Now eating: A Butterfinger.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
If only ..
Financial freedom, a luxury we all yearn for.
What will I do? What to do? Travel with my children to meet other children. Rebuild innocence and compassion. Travel and write like Michael Yon and Michael J. Totten. Anyone can go to DisneyWorld for vacation, or skiing in Montana. I want to see ..... Kandahar, tackle Toro Boro (maybe I'll find an abhorred snowman), eat bryani on the streets of Mosul, once braved by LTC Kurilla and his men from Deuce Four, spit on the streets of Tiananmen, hug the survivors of Bosnia-Herzegovina, swing on future playgrounds and warm rooms in Budapest, etc etc.
Think my kids will enjoy the travel itinery?
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
He is alive!!
As much as I love his commentary and insight, my nerves pound whenever I visit his site. Nothing like an intellectual adrenaline rush.
PS: He mentioned Singapore. 1 point for Michael.
In the meantime, here in the cushy spoilt world, Spring is in full force. Daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, cherry blossoms, all the signs of spring. Oh yes......ANTS! Ants everywhere!! We maybe reaching a pandemic proportion with this invasion, because the kids are asking this parent to clean the house more often. (huh? I mean killing the sweeper daily!)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
For the love of the ....
We, his readers breathed a sigh of relief when he appeared on CNN from Seattle Washington.
Now he is back into the thick of things again.
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your courage, good eyes for pictures, and wit for writing.
Keep your head on, and the rest of your body parts too.
Stay safer so you may tell more stories.
And most of all.... DUCK!
Your avid reader.
Monday, April 10, 2006
3 thoughts that bugged me all day.
Thought Number 1: When a Gladiator Loses the faith in his armor.
Thought Number 2: When someone asks you to let them die.
Thought Number 3: When someone thank you just because.
What supportive message can you give to a friend who may have given up. To realize that all the blood and sweat may be in vain, that the initial pure intention has been contaminated. My dear friend, Patience. Patience the elusive virtue we cannot seem to have enough. Some things we set in motion will eventually reach fruition, however the dynamics is complicated. The distance is fixed, the velocity is steadily imposed with external forces of retardation and deceleration. Take heart, because at the rate of travel, E=mc^2 still holds true.
What do you tell a friend that just asked you to let them go. Not to cry for them but to let them die? No more treatments because it hurts too much. No more surgeries because the risk of failure exceeds the success rate. What do you tell someone who just told you their last goodbye?
Someone thanked me today because I am there. I took my time to digest the information. I guess I have done something right after all. What did I win? What did I win?
What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Score 0-0
Silvio Berlusconi ..... Romano Prodi! Italia politics has turned into Sicily spits. Who to pick? A self-coverted self-proclaimed immortal or a clean cut educated communist?
Currently the score is 0-0.
International politics will have to substitute until FIFA in June.
What a week or 2
Complete with phlem, vomit & fright.
Monday saw temperatures of 100F.
Tuesday registered 101F.
By Wednesday night,
I realized it will be a tough fight.
Fever at the age of many many moons,
Is insane!!
Even the bones in my feet were filled with pain!
Thursday meant an assembly line at the doctor's office.
One look at us, and his bank account rang.
A few scribbles and off we went.
To pay another piper,
To help us feel better.
2 weeks later......
The homebased pharmacy has closed.
All the medicine gone, downed the last dose.
Please keep the next virus away.
No more coughing, sneezing, wheezing or puking,
Wrestling, chasing, tugging or pinching.
Dont get paid enough to do all that.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Waiting for the Verdict
It is my understanding that he holds responsibilty for 9/11, as he withheld the day's events. An action which costs thousands of lives and unaccountable grieve.
A painless death or a lifetime of torment at XingXing.
Will update the past week at a later date. *sniffle & cough.
Update (4:11PM ) ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) A federal jury finds al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui eligible to be executed for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
Let justice prevail. (dont ask me why I am sobbing here)
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Chug Chug Chug
Chug Chug Chug
Chug Chug Chug
A full bottle of Root Beer down the hatch! Mission almost accomplished.
Complete the rework of the half-bath, with 2 coats of paint. There is a 20 year old superstition I have with paint colours and labels, like the name, like the colour, ie. Portland Blue, Morrocan Desert, Soothing Sage.
Chug Chug Chug.
Catching up on the week in the blogosphere (aka my other world). Everyone is heading on vacation!! Matt is in Margaritaville, leaving in capable hands. LtCdr Smash is on another "vacation" in the Far East, stay safe Sir, oooohhh, the lovely Mrs Smash is running the show. Go check her out boys!! (hehehe) Michael Yon was on AC 360 (Anderson Cooper 360) on CNN.
The Unit began the season with a BANG. 1 guy took out a plane filled with hijackers and hostages. 3 weeks into the series, I am yawning and disappointed.
I finished the third episode last evening, (thanks to the recording capabilities on my overpriced cable box). The Unit is beginning to wear down really fast. Really Really Fast. Just kill each other already.
The series began with explosive and action reminiscent of The Rock. Sean Connery rules, especially when vulgarity rolls off his terse tongue. The Sean Connery in this series is the Allstate Guy. The Unit was sold as covert operation plus grenade tossing plus Martha Stewart in the kitchen after hours. 3 Weeks into the series, however, the unit is really sinking fast even CPR cannot help.
Filled with boring excessive dialogue and unusual painful amounts of mumbling, where is the action as promised, and lack of continuity
haste the membership into the "Special" List of bad tv. Sorry guys at CBS. Good pitch, good pilot, but your follow up is as short-lived as a dieting food junkie working in a Fried Chicken Buffet Joint. Take the dieter off the diet or move the dieter, because my hunger is getting more attention than your show.
I wonder how many times will it take to post this entry.
Now listening to: Queen, Radio.
Now Chugging: Green Tea Chai.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Been in the ...
I have been composing some entries, mentally, however it is rather inconvenient to blog from the bathroom.
Get your minds out of the toilet. Essentially my nights have been spent in the bathroom, pulling off "cutesy" wallpaper and drywall patching. Unfortunately a pre-project picture is missing. My 2 little help have been fired for the lack of height and one had deliberately pooped her diaper at close range while on duty. Phew!! Poison gas alert, with a snicker and a devilish grin.
Cheap therapy, out with the old, itchy fingers, Tim the Toolman reincarnated.
I'll be back.... when I am not as sore or tired. (Acting my age).
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
2 Extreme Childhoods
2 extremes of childhood. One filled with hard work and loss of childhood, the other filled with hard work and loss of childhood.
Scenerio One. Gulsoma age 12, recalling her what happened since she was 4 years old.
"But it wasn't for lack of trying. Gulsoma said when her father-in-law finally let her out of the shed, he bound her hands behind her back and beat her unconscious. She says he revived her by pouring a tea thermos filling with scalding water over her head and her back."
Read the rest here.
Scenerio Two. Chew Ying Ting, age 14, recalling recalling her daily activities.
"The 14-year-old now begins her day with a 6 a.m. wake-up call and finishes it at 10 p.m. or later, after several hours of homework and extracurricular activities. What most adults would regard as a long daily slog is entirely unexceptional for Singaporean youth. "I've seen people studying till 1 a.m.," Ying Ting shrugs."
Read the rest here.
Aren't our children fortunate?
Monday, March 20, 2006
How to measure accomplishments
A human accomplishment of liberty presiding over dis-humanity. Accomplishment in the media is measured by the numbers of IEDs or the tv crews injured. Forgotten are the numbers of hospitals, schools, lives rebuilt, saved and born.
History in the modern era changed with hooligans. Brutality counterattacked with grace and humanity. May our children learn the right history, whether to turn the other way or take on the brutal with heart.
Our stars are remapped with technology, may our hearts and future be refilled with compassion, honour and humanity. Being the better person is difficult and the road to recovery is paved with landminds. Churchill did not look the other way with the holocaust and the villianious occupation of South East Asia. Years later his name is synonamous with greatness.
Time will allow the names of those who sacrificed and are still in the line of fire everywhere, to appear in history books, in the same sentence of greatness. In time, the tactics employed in Afghanistan and elsewhere will be standard in defense handbooks. In time, we will realize the Twin Towers have risen in spirit. In time, burkas are extinct, a purple finger is pride, responsibility is honour. In time, though not soon enough, honour returns.
In time, our hearts will be stronger and our minds are clearer as the big picture fades to the credits. Our patience, strength and some funny spirit some where have brought us here, one day at a time. In time, we will measure accomplishments with mutual standards.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Almost time.....
I had cleared off the reminder of last fall, the leaves and wilthered plants. Revealed under the layers of slime and "good thing I am wearing gloves" mysterious cover, are shoots of tulips, hyacinth, hostas and chrysnthemums. A true indicator of Spring.
The overnight winds guts have spared us. Too bad the doggie deposits are still in my yard.
How to explain to a 3 yr old, that Jerry Rice has ..... retired ...............again.
We'll find other programming and tell her Dancing with the Stars will follow shortly. Programming of praise:
* The Unit (so far they have not insulted any uniforms, yet.)
*Numbers (The elf from Santa Clause is a math wiz now. If an 8 year is intrigued by Mathematics, I am not writing an algorithm to analyse the possibility of failing interest.)
*CSI (er... there are times when sleep overtakes the "scientific eveidence")
*Iron Chef (Food.)
The list of shows rocks the younger one to sleep, while ignites the curiosity in the mental challenge of an 8 year old. Who did it and how will they solve it.
Oh and have to include GUNNY from MAIL CALL. HooAH!!
Friday, March 10, 2006
"Patience is a virtue to the next level of enlightenment that will result in closure."
My reflection for today.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Glad you are home safe Capt'n B.
Semper Fi.
I had to laugh when I saw this headline and laughed harder when I read the article. For a better insight, China is still a communist country, oppression exists, liberty is not in their vocabulary, human rights standards are below par. China's protest to this report, thus, is hypocritcal.
*For example, to credit the largest dam in the world, hundreds and thousands were FORCED from their homes with little advance notice. Villages were simply flooded, analogous Atlantis.
*The one child per family rule remains, with the exception of a female as a first born. Afterwhich you have the option of a second child. If your firstborn is a son, you are done with childbearing. Any further reproduction will result in criminal judgement. If you bear a girl, you have the option of giving the child up or termination (aka tie a stone to the child and aim for a body of water, or any means comfortable. Trust me on that fact, I have a first hand relation.)
*etc etc etc. mumbling another language.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Just for F.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Crashed, Broke, on the line.
There are some issues with the Oscars, no one has seen the projects you are praising about!! Talk about rubbing an open wound with salt, let a chinese direct a movie on gay cowboys, while you let a westerner refuel a feud between the Japanese and the remainder of Asia. Brag about their high dollar door gifts for the overpaid pampered spoilt. By the way, the politically incorrect cross dressing has been overdone - Tootsie and Mrs Doubtfire.
Happy birthday to you,
I did not mean to send that virus to you.
Wait till I track the source down,
I'll take them to PC Downtown.
Guts will start flying,
Teach them for the crap they are writing.
Anyway.... you are another year
Celebrate with pork chops & Playboy (hehehe) & Rogaine Hair Gel (?),
Yeah I know, payback is hell,
Especially when I'll be the target a few days later.
This opportunity is rare.
Maybe a little unfair.
But to pick on a friend on his birthday.
Is just a friendly affair.
High Five Fred!! Salute!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
1. Younger (Nah.. unfitting, got to be kidding me)
2. Taller (Nah.... no hope there)
3. Better groomed (Nah.... a real lost cause)
4. Better fed (Nah... I shall eat on his behalf)
5. Bulkier (Perhaps, if he does the extra pushups for me)
er ... I never expected it to be so difficult when we head into higher digits.....
ah-huh!! Finally!
In a few days, a dear friend will be a year WISER.
Dont worry, Fred, I wont disclose that you are actually 68 years old on March 32, 2006. Salute!
Yeah yeah, smart ass.
Now listening to: Three Doors Down
Now eating: er... leftover ribeye steaks, grilled red bell peppers, pork fritata, steamed sausage.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Day of the Finale
The mall is run by idiots, no one knows where anything is or is too busy on their cell phones to wait on a customer. Or the aisles are so narrow, you cannnot navigate the carts provided by the store. Need I elaborate further? That's why I prefer Lowe's.
What a farce if Jerry Rice won Dancing with the Stars. Well he came close, last of 2 couples !!! Imagine Mr San Francisco treat with the ugly mirror ball trophy? Well 2 months of anguish is over, bring back my programming! I wonder how many football fans will come out of the closets that they watched all of Jerry Rice's routines.
The Olympics .... I finally finally finally heard my beloved Andre Bocelli. Ahhhhh.... his distinct roar and the anthem that fills the morning commute accompanied by his slightly older more grey image on the tele, .... PRICELESS, well almost, just not a Clearance sale, or a coupon thing....
Now that all the excitment has swelled past expectancy, maybe the tele may suffer an unexpected cardiac arrest. What would the kids do with all the extra time?? Let me find the mop and broom, if I have one.
Now listening to: Andrea Bocelli, Somos Novias.
Now eating: leftover rotini and homemade sauce, banana bread, lemon tarts and A&W Rootbeer. Salute! Good eats Fred. (hehehe) *burp
Good Night.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Shocking Possibility.
Freaking insane and his posse assaulted liberty and humanity. Like a child taunting a friend at a game, "tag you are it".
What if the world was not comforted by compassion and united by a word, "Resolve"?
What if the leader of the free-world just shrugged it off as if it was a minor fender bender?
No Homeland Security Department, terror attacks occur as frequently as petty crimes.
Our streets look very much like Manhattan on Sept 11, 2001, or imagine Los Angeles in "Escape from L.A." with Kurt Russel.
What if the leadership of the free world was not as resolute as George Walker Bush?
What if the terrorists took over the remainder of the world, and USA is the sole Democratic Country?
What if there was another successful terror strike here?
Who should take the blame when our children cannot play outside in summer because of bioterror or radioactive dust? The arrow points to the ones who have pinned down with bull secretion that impede the very agencies swore to protect the Liberty for all? Hmmm.....
So what if this guy is right? How disturbing.
On a different note, Thursday night, sayonara Mr Rice!
Just go home already. Not sure if we will even catch tonight's episode of Fumbling with the Stars.
Put those 2 boys in time out, Davis and Henrick. Grow up because you are examples to little eyes.
Update: After much thought, I answered myself. There are a few characters out there whom I know on a personal level, who are in agencies that swore to protect liberty and justice for all. Shhh! Let's keep this a secret... those guys won't let the terrorists win.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Jerry Rice is Cooked
Jerry Rice has a houseful of fans here, but his performance is getting painful to witness when compared to his contemporaries. Reminder: Evander Holyfield. Holyfield did not win any bragging rights, instead he gained alot of ... of.... er....(nicely)...MOCKERY!
Dear Mr Rice, you are cooked. We love your game and your courage. But please pick up those feet,dance not stomp and smile that San Francisco treat for the next generation of admirers.
By the way we are heading into another cold spell here, considering there are some who are working on their tan lines. And this is warmer than last week!

Days like these bring out the beast in me, I may have to cook up some kambing soup, a big pot of chicken rice, sota ayam or a bak kut teh. Better than chilli (not the spicy chilli peppers, rather a thick soup of ground beef, onions, tomato past, paprika, chicken broth and yukky BEANS). Will update the kitchen situation, held at the mercy of discriminating taste palates.
Now listening to: 3 Doors Down, When I'm Gone.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Something worthwhile
Brad Kasal is someone you should know or at least seen. He was duely recognized for his duty. I am still choked up whenever I read about his heroics. I only hope that my children appreciate his sacrifice and realize the true meaning of their own chant, Semper Fi. (sorry Fred. Fair seas and calm waters. Go ahead, correct me.)
Now listening to: A teenager making excuses about not staying home or getting a job. Parties at his college. Why he is late changing oil in his car. Sheesh.
Update: Jerry Rice continues his futile attempt at dancing for another week , however I think this is his farewell performance. Enough torture already!! This Winter Olympics lack excitment, some winners are already etched, such as Pluskenko. Yawn, realistically, no one has been flawless like Victor Pertrenko or more flamboyant than Philippe Candelora. Fortunately we can steer our overflowing excitment towards the endurance of Jerry Rice's twinkle toes. whooopeee. What should I fall asleep to? Olympics or ballroom dancing.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Somethings are just priceless that leave me speechless, thus I will not write about them.
Here are the topics I have been keeping tabs on:
The US Army kow-tows to Michael "the Lord of Embeded Journalists" Yon.
Jerry Rice's future in "Dancing with the Stars" is foggy. Realistically, he is not improving as fast as his competitors. He better hope a dancing genie will rise from his Superbowl Ring.
The Singapore Council of Churches condemned all pictures of the prophet Mohammend, claiming that content is insensitive.
The Olympic Games begin in a few hours in Turino Italy. Events that I'll jump for: Men's Cross Country skiing, may the rivalry persist; Andre Bocelli's performance on Feb 11th, and Ice Hockey, of cos.
Oh yeah ... it is snowing here.
Now listening to: Rolie Olie Polie!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Sour Grapes
Now the trash talking begins. I am in Browns territory, plenty of trash talk over morning coffee.
"Bad official call, Seahawks were robbed, One sided game., etc etc." Bunch of *******. There is a reason why those guys are playing on the field and the rest are spectators.
No need to be vulgar, just because the Browns stink!!
This Patriot fan was happy just to watch them play!
Again: Only 1 Champion: the Steelers.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Win the one for the Thumb!
Game analysis for Superbowl, is available elsewhere.
Bets are at your local AM Vets.
Chips and salsa are being eaten at 10:30am, hopefully we have some left by 6PM!
Just looking forward to a good game and the dynamic end to the season, much to my children's delight.
Addition: Salute to those who make the Superbowl possible. Those who sacrificed, still active and future active defenders of liberty and freedom. Salute to you for successful missions even if we dont hear about it.
Dear Paul, RIP, this one is for you.
Sir! SALUTE!! Sir!!
Now Listening to: Can't Help Fallin in Love, Amore, Andrea Bocelli.
(Yeah I coughed up the $14.00 for the CD. Freaking good listening!! Beautiful! Album details in a later entry. Thinking of deary R)
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Bad Mix
2006 is the Year of the Dog according to the Chinese Zodiac.
I am not an expert or remotely educated on the Chinese Zodiac, well, all the residents on my expense account are farm dwellers. Yeah sadly that is all I have to offer.
Back to the year of the dog, some bad combinations to avoid:
Pekinese + Bulldog = Peekabull: a dog that likes to play hide and seek
Cocker Spaniel + Doberman + Poodle = Cockadoodle: a dog that can be a bit chicken
Terrier + Bulldog = Terribull: not a very nice dog
The complete list. (Phew! My doggie is not on the list, I think)
My favourite: Bull Terrier + Shih-tzu = Uh, never mind....
How do they come up with this stuff??
Off the track: Havent seen Jerry Rice's fate this week on Dancing with the Stars. Although it is too cool that his good luck charm is hanging from his neck, his Superbowl ring. Yeah baby!!
Now Listening to: Steelers Fight Song.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Here We GO! Superbowl!
Bring it home boys!!
Go Steelers!!
Pluck the feathers off the Seahawks.
Go Seahawks!!
er ... Good luck.
Whatever it is ... Looking forward to a good game.
To those who are not familiar with NFL Superbowl, this is the annual "World Cup" final. The big hype in this line-up:
*Seahawks have never won a Superbowl.
*The quarterbacks (the one who throws the ball) on both teams are excellent players.
*Pittsburgh's quarterback is from the town that I live in.
*Jerome "The Bus" Bettis is from Detroit, Michigan. He delayed his retirement last year, to relish in the chance to play in his hometown. 30 years of brilliance will shine this Sunday, as the Bus makes his final stop, HOME.
*etc etc.
Final notes to self: Need to replenish the snacks, find the sweeper, too bad I havent gotten that BIGGER tele. All in all, it will be loud in my house on Sunday! I even have my own cheerleaders romping around. They use Carebears for pom-poms instead.
Bittersweet, sometimes painful, exciting, adrenaline pumping. Just like any other sport only one thing matters:
Now there is this stupid: IPods causes hearing loss?
There is a volume dial on the device!!
In the words of Forrest Gump's Mommy:
Nuf said.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Here We Go!
Steelers Here we go!
Pittsburgh going to the SUPERBOWL!
This is one game most parents are proud of.
Bettis, good career, all the way home to Detroit. Your mama is really proud!
Big Ben ...the local boy turned NFL quarterback.
The parents here are all proud of you, even if they are not fans of the Steelers.
This parent is proud of you.
"Always remember where you came from.
A lot of little Trojans are looking up to you."
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Fight Song
There is a spike for the search for the Steelers Fight Song.
Yes those are the lyrics to the song itself. Contact me for the song. Until I find another way to post it.
Here We GO! Steelers Here we Go!
Pittsburgh going to the Superbowl!!
The last breath
My regret, not there for someone special during the last breath.
I was told never have any regrets, but some things are priceless.
Now listening to: Nina Simone, I Love you Porgy
Sunday, January 29, 2006

Uncle Jimbo wrote a good one on the Israeli-Palestinian Situation.
Go Uncle GO!
Further reading of his wisdom was detoured by this picture.
That is a cool pair of boots.
Hate to be the one receiving the boot from her. Unless you are really out there.