5:15PM. I have just moved 1 car length. Yeah! Hold the cheers, half a block remains, I estimate my position as car number 80. If only I can get out to take a picture.
Okay this joint does not have the best pizza in town.
A 12 inch pizza, regular crust, 1 topping- pepperoni, for $5.00.
Oh yes... I had a similar pizza for lunch too. Come on, you say, there are 2 other establishments in this town with the identical offer. So why subject your car to a torture of overheating?
Another carlength closer. Tears took over. Look at my rear view mirror, the endless headlights, depict a traffic jam on an interstate. All these people for pizza. "Dont judge a book by its cover." Dont judge this pizza by its toppings. Besides a break from cooking tonight, this pizza dinner is for a good cause, 50% of today's sales will head to The American Red Cross to benefit fellow Americans affected by Hurricane Katrina. Coincidentally the owner holds the title "World Fastest Pizza Maker". Really. 37seconds to make a pizza. Okay the details are here.
5:44PM If you can make 350 pizzas per hour, why am I still in line!
5:48PM Looking at my rear view mirror, I estimate about 40 cars behind me. Too many city police cruising by, or else I would be standing on my car to take a picture. Red light my butt. I went through a red-light. Looks like I am the twentieth car, because I can see the sign!! Hope I have enough gas. My brake pedal foot is starting to numb.
5:54 PM I can smell the pizza!!
6:04PM NO!! My Jeep just buzzed me... "feed me or you will be pushing this thing home"!
6:08PM 6 cars ahead of me. NO!!! It is RAINING!
6:12PM 3 cars ahead of me, I am next for the driveway!!
6:20 PM. Still 3 cars ahead of me. The caravan has stopped!! Turning off the car.
6:24PM I am in the driveway. I am in the driveway. But that van from Ann Arbor just cut ahead of me! Oh look! They are unloading trays of pizza dough, pizza sauce and pepperoni. I can assume they underestimated the demand or response to this event. The initial quota for 2000 pizzas must have been surpassed by hungry towners. We are cheating on our diets for a good cause. A nice lady just gave me a coupon for a free condiment on my next order. By the way, I am still in line.
6:30PM "How many?" "2 please" "okay, $10.00 and they should be coming up"
6:31PM "2 pizzas for you, very hot, straight out of the oven! Have a nice day!" Sure, I have heard that line before, straight out of ... OUCH! She wasn't kidding. This pizza must have just rolled off that white van with the mysterious blue trays of white balls.
6:32PM I am heading to the gas station, need to purchase gas at $2.959 per gallon and I also need to pee.
So I waited in line for over an hour, ate mediocre pizza, tested my bladder capacity, all for a good cause.
Your turn to help. I am sure the needy will not complain.
Thursday, Sep 8, 2005 - 07:25pm (PDT)
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