Friday, June 30, 2017


200th operation for Team Rubicon, yes I am considering going into hostile Michigan to give them a hand. 

The poignancy lies that this operation will span over independence day in a county called Midland. 

Will spending time away from my home town on July 4th dilute the meaning of this day? I do not think so. This country was built on the blood sweat and tears of many to gain our independence and many more continue to sacrifice for our Freedom. The Freedom to celebrate and complain in what ever way about our country. In some sense, volunteers who give up their holidays with their families to help others should be applauded not chastised. 

When I spent Easter Sunday in Center, KY instead of my home church, there were some finger wagings at me for this "blasphemy". Here was my slam dunk reply, "I didn't know that we cannot  serve others in need on certain holidays."