The crawler on shows "Stocks plunge as equity fears overtake trust". I could have predicted the result of the "
wtf-backward-Emergency Economic Rescue Plan passed by the overpaid-overweight-
overwined congress.
*smack, Adam Smith just slapped himself in the forehead. The god of economics would have graded all the
smucks a big freaking F. Economic stimulation always begin with the consumer and brand loyalty will always succumb to price. Duh.
In simpler terms for the lawmakers who are playing jackpot/one arm bandit with our taxes, give the CONSUMERS the ability to SPEND, they will only buy what they can afford.
Why extend credit to banks? Who are they lending the money to? Sheiks in the deserts who need a freaking heater? Who else needs a loan, besides the over extended families who can afford a monthly repayment of $1.00? Perhaps they can loan to the
CEOs who screwed it all up in the first place with the golden parachute, who now have to pay off their penthouse in
Give the consumers the tax rebates of $5000.00 each, they can use that for Christmas gifts, use it as a down payment for a car, pay down the credit cards, pay some of the backed up bills.
Hello?? Duh... simple economics. Supply and demand, consumers over producers.
Dear overstuffed Congressmen, you whine and cry about your little
broom closets in D.C., however your families are not starving or sacrificing.
Bring your egos down Main Street, live the consumer way, live on a minimum wage for 6 months. After which make your decisions wisely, for the people.
By then you will realize
SACRIFICE, going without new clothes or shoes, when replacement is long overdue, telling the kids the latest fundraiser has to wait for another month, telling the kids not to play outside in the cold because we cannot afford to get sick, farmers fixing equipment with duct tape, etc etc.
Yes, sacrifice.
Paulson, (I hope someone will bring this blog to your attention) Secretary of Treasury, you
NEED to listen to the families in America, not just the American family. The American dream is slowly turning into a nightmare, filled with too many uncertainties and too many things are given up. Do not listen only to the families who are facing foreclosure, listen to the families who rent because they could not afford the house payments to begin with. Listen to those who have 3 months of bills to catch up on, while the harsh winter is imminent. Those who have to ride a broken bike because the second car was taken away for non-payment. Talk to the parents who are trying to figure out which bill NOT to pay this month, so we can afford BASIC groceries.
Paulson, you need to stop and listen to the correct crowd.
You know, US the ones who are pleading and bleeding.