Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving is a little holiday smacked between Halloween and Christmas.
Over the years this day which is significant to America has eroded to commercialization of Christmas present giving. Forget about the Mayflower, Plymouth Rock, pilgrims or Indians.

I hope on my part, that I have bestowed the spirit and meaning to my children, Thanksgiving is about GIVING THANKS.

*We give thanks for family, immediate and distant.
*We give thanks for Liberty, to be able to celebrate this day in whatever fashion to our liking.
*We give thanks for technology, enabling us to navigate a route from an online search, easy hotel check ins, portable DVD players, fuel efficient cars, etc.
*We give thanks for the love we surround ourselves with and give to others.
*We give thanks for the material wants we surround ourselves with, which are needs to others.
*We give thanks in gifts.
*We give thanks in hugs.
*We give thanks in kisses.
*We give thanks in prayer.
Hopefully in a few weeks, we will remember to give thanks for Christ.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Yes I have reclaimed the computer!!

There are no lack of thoughts from the last 2 weeks. We officially have two Christmas trees on display, a white and the new PINK addition. The dogs have officially toppled the trees down countless times.

Someone went to the doctor's office on Thursday, first time in 4 years. Oh yes, the big baby is sick!

Something else to laugh about, my receipt at the gas pump. $15.00 for less than 5 gallons of gas. At this rate of fuel prices, Christmas will be really skinny.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

We got the votes here

On this day November 4th, 2007,
We were declared .....

We are Number ONE!
We are Number ONE!
We are Number ONE!
We are Number ONE!
We are Number ONE!
What is the excitment about?

Beats me. I am in the same dream.

That is the King in a tree. Just a recap, it was the only ornament that survived the flood.

We are Number ONE!
Yes! We are the first on the block (Maybe state) to put up our Christmas Tree!!
Eat your heart out neighbour, because you are Number TWO!
Now I can watch the game in peace tomorrow!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Drum Roll

Colours of the trees named off as a jingle from the back car seat, red, yellow, gren and brown. Look at the different colours of the trees! Change of season is as obvious as our coats we dorn.

The season is changing to the chill.

Also with this change is the method of parenting, as we hit one in the pre-teen stage. From adorable to hostile and angry. Oh yeah, feel sorry for me.

But as far as I am concerned, it is the GAME this Sunday that matters.