Wednesday, November 30, 2005
A Pledge
"America will not run in the face of car bombers and assassins so long as I am your Commander-in-Chief."
President Outlines Strategy for Victory in Iraq
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, Maryland
America (or any country) will not run in the face of car bombers and assassins.
Note: Cindy Sheehan, please shut the hell up!! You are an annoying recurring bad commercial for the *&%#$!@.
Dont believe all you see. Some doofus posted this picture as a spiteful message to the soldiers and their weeping wives. Erhm.... doofus ... need I say more?
They are Proud and ...
"If I am lying by the road bleeding, I don't care if the medic coming to save me is gay. I just hope he is one of those buff gay guys who are always in the gym so he can throw me over his shoulder and get me out of there."
Wouldnt you? Read the rest here.
On the same context, my long time virtual-love, beautiful, brilliant, excellent song writer, and singer, George Michael (hold your tongues) is getting hitched. Right after Elton John takes his vows. *sobbing and cheering. What would you bring as a wedding gift? Especially when they already have all the bling-bling to buy anything. Be nice now.
Personal note: Irritates me that European musicians don't receive equal exposure here in the States. No one promoted Robbie Williams, Rick Astley or George Michael's latest works here. At least they are singing in proper English. (pun).
Monday, November 28, 2005
Steelers / Colts
Steelers: 7, Colts: 23.
The difference: Experience.
Steelers:7, Colts:26
Reason: see above.
A few notes for those not Stateside:
1. This game marks the return of quarterback for the steelers.
2. Colts are undefeated all season.
3. Monday Night Football - means set cable box to record game.
4. Steelers have only lost 1 Road game, Colts: NONE.
5.erhh.... That's all I have read up on today. (d'oh)
By the way... you guys over in the Palmy Land are so lucky to have a new neighbour. He even brought his own family from the petting zoo. Oh yeah, he is bringing his animals too. I hear he has something for uniforms.
Finder's keepers. Tag you are it!! We won't miss him. We thank you for taking him, one less worry on the streets over here, grown boys are less likely to run & hide from gloved men. Now we have to find another reason to educated our children against crotch grabbing. "See, what happens if you touch the wrong place? Your nose falls off."
I bet I have more to come....
Friday, November 25, 2005
Mr Miyagi!
"Daniel -San!"
We are all closet fans of The Karate Kid. Sure we even wanted our own My Miyagi too.
*clasp hands, bow respecfully.
Thank you, Mr Miyagi.
You may like it here...
cold (18F),
white (started snowing at 7:30am Wed, Nov23)
my "Things To do" list have been revised due to change in weather,
No good sales at the stores either.
On a lighter note:
The fireplace works,
The Christmas tree is up and decorated,
I accomplished 1 secret mission for the kids,
Had roti prata, corection, had to share my roti prata.
I would take a picture of the snow,
But it is too cold.
I would take a picture of the Xmas tree,
But it is too cold.
The camera is in the car in the garage, which is cold.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Must Read.
An unexpected place to snicker about ringtones.
And then add him to your "favourites".
Kodak moments.
Only Uncle Rummy!!
It is late, okay, later. So I am keeping the commentary shorter. Yawn. See the time this entry was posted?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
In Good Company
She just joined the ranks of:
- Margaret Thatcher (Great Britain)
- Corazon Aquino (Phillipines)
- Gloria Macapagal Arroya (Phillipines)
- Megawati Sukarnoputri (Indonesia)
- Indira Gandhi (india)
- Mary McAleese (Ireland)
- Helen Clark (New Zealand)
- Vaira Vike-Freiberga (Latvia)
- Tarja Halonen (Finland)
- Luísa Días Diogo (Mozambique)
- Begum Khaleda Zia (Bangladesh)
Elected leaders. Just happened to be women.
BBQ Ribs or Fried Chicken?
Monday, November 21, 2005
Kurilla and Team... Toast to you!
They may still hurt from their wounds and losses.
The formidable Michael Yon have chronicled their lives all the way home.
LTC Kurilla and his men probably delivered as much hurt if not more.
Saved more lives than lost.
Brought more smiles than tears.
Make more people like me stand up taller and prouder.
I raise a toast of Thanks.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Keep your nose outta it
The recent uproar in the death penalty sentence on an Australian in Singapore has risen to new heights of judicial systems. United Nations have joined the picket fence with other factions crying obsenities of insult at another country. What ever happened to "If you cannot do the time, dont do the crime?" When does justice become the infringement on human rights? Please note that law applies to everyone, regardless of race, religion or origin. Just for curiosity sake, why arent you picketing at Indonesia, Kosovo, Russia, the insurgents who strap themselves with explosives and infringe the living rights of others? The plenty inmates waiting in line at American institutions waiting for their execution, electric chair or by lethal injection, should they be pardoned for their crimes? But, but what is the difference in the sentences when both end the lives of the criminals? One for a murder and another for narcotics?
Isnt it a bigger crime not to control the drug traffic and dependency? This law has existed in Singapore since independence. Locals shun narcotics, and worse the addicts. School children spend their academic time on academics, not social responsibilities of drug use. No youngster flourish in the glory of selling crack at the street corner. Or plan a luxurious lifestyle from manufacture of meth using anhydrous ammonia stolen from a farmer. See the difference? See the deterrance? The high conviction rate may be an indication that the law is enforced equally.
In short, it works!
Dear Aussies,
I love you guys with respect especially having lived there too. Just like Las Vegas, lifestyle of the down-under should stay down-under. We know that lifestyle is uniquely yours, where alchohol is cheaper than milk, where your best meats are exported, and gold is still buried under Ballarat. Over the years too many of you have been caught with narcotics that earned either an infinite secured vacation or an expediated trip to the netherworld. Please, please "say No to Drugs." If you really really have to, bypass the countries with low tolerance for trafficking and narcotics. It may cost you your life.
Nuff said.
Feeling older at 50F
"What will you be when you are really old."
"Old? I'll show you old."
"You don't know what old is."
I beg to differ tonight.
The Steelers did not perform on my tele today, because it was almost 50F outside. A warm spell that beckoned me outdoors. Yes I braved the fresh air to allocate my time as follows:
* 30 minutes spent de-mining the yard of harzardous remnants aka big dog turds from a big dog.
* 30 minutes: untangling the 1000 feet extension cord to the tunes of "bloody sh*t, stoooopid fool" remixed with the all popular "F**king @#!$ @#!$"
* 30 minutes: reading the road map to appropriate required equipment, the tracks led to the neighbour's garage. Hmmm. The equipment must have walked themselves over there.
* 15 minutes: finding the starting line while setting off some of the mines camoflauged by the surrounding.
* 10 minutes: "What the $#@! isnt this thing working."
* 1 minute: Flip the power to the outlet.
* 3 hours: Plenty of blow & toss jobs involving twisting and bending of the back (in pain), ie raking and blowing leaves 100 feet to collection site, at the front of the house.
* 3 minutes: Clean up. Toss everything on garage floor and check shoes for animal perfume.
For all the aches and pain.... Priceless. (Bullsh*t)
I am hurting already, tomorrow is another day, for Tylenol Aches and Pain and Bengay ( if I have any left, not that I used it before. )
This is a friendly public announcement:
" If you can find someone else to do the hardwork for cheap to nothing, hire them. Quick."
For the record, I also had time to prepare "Ngau Lum Mien" (beef brisket with noodles) for dinner. Kids approved too!
Notes on this game:
1. No Ben Cheeseburger playing today.
2. Forgot to "I-control" the game.
3. I actually forgot about the game.
4. It was almost 50F today.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Take that! And that! And That!
to be continued...
Friday, November 18, 2005
23F /-5C at the moment.
11 °F / -12 °C
Sure, go ahead and jump into that private pool in the basking heat.
At least I have ...erh.... umm... Real Taco Bell, BBQ PORK Ribs and live Steelers-Ravens game this weekend!
(Probably wont watch but will post score).
You know who you are!! Hat Tip!
Here is a good one, compliments of Mr M.: It's Let's Roll, Not Let's Roll Over.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Where is the Fried Chicken?
My previous site logged my pleas and wagers involving the Colonel's splendid sustenance, thus I shall migrate the blog contents from the previous location.
Not today. Over time.
Darn.... fried chicken sounds good for dinner.
Extra Crispy. Guess the kids may have to endure another KFC meal tonight.
*smiling and drooling.
Thanks alot Mr. J!!
A non-american Marine?
Can a non-american serve in the USA military?
The answer: YES.
Non-citizen or "foreigners" can, have and are still fighting for liberty in the United States Military. Here is a good example, courtersy of Michael Yon.
There are some things that cannot be taken for granted.
A Backup is Good ...
Definition : backup, n 1: an accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage; "a traffic backup on the main street"; a reserve or substitute.
A backup sump-pump is a reserve sump-pump in the event of a sump-pump failure.
A backup sump-pump is good when the primary sump-pump burns up in the middle of the night while it is storming outside.
If the backup sump-pump is in place and operational, then one will not wake up to 1.5 inches of water in the basement.
On the other hand, if the backup sump-pump is sitting on a shelf in the garage, question who could have left the backup sump-pump on the shelf.
Just a thought for the day, in my second pair of wet socks.
Any volunteers??
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
It is that time of the year .. again
Thankgiving meals are being planned,
For me, I await the long weekend.
To complete work on my Navy Blue Living Room,
Projected to sew 2 furry blankets,
As Xmas presents for my little blooms.
It is that time of the year,
Where the snow will show up,
Heating bills bring my blood pressure up.
Xmas parking is a ....challenge even in 4x4,
Even Walmart becomes a shoppers' galore,
Then I wonder,
What happened to the 2005 New Years' Resolution reminder?
PS: Go ahead and laugh, those who substitude snow with bubbles or white cotton fluff.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Erh...... if the Browns win, a lot of bookies will be very very drunk tonight.
4th Quarter, Steelers: 27, Cleveland: 14.
The coach of the Browns has an interesting .... expression all throughout the game.
I read it as, "I hope there is a taco stand nearby." D'oh!!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
One for each state of the union
The number of Singaporeans in the States is remarkably.....small. I think we can almost put one Singaporean per state.
Really. Well maybe that is being generous. LAH!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
The Answers are ..
Go ahead click for the answer and the grinning statistics. I am trying to engrave another piece of trivial to the memory bank, may be handy in the event if I need to provide an illusion of my intelligence. Keyword: ILLUSION.
Still looking up on Dion Sanders. ...
By the way, you will be fined if you dont wear matching socks. And this did not happen in Singapore, suprise!
On the same note... Fall/Autumn is here. Harvest is underway with good crop yields and low grain prices. Shocking! The store displays have magically time-travelled to Christmas. Everyone is bulkier due to the extra clothing necessary to avoid hypothermia or catch a cold. I'll get to wear my favorite turtle-necks. Turkey and suggestive toy commercials rule the television programming. Gas is hovering around $2.30 per gallon.
For jest:
Trees are all botak.
Some almost chao-dah liao.
Some also si liao.
In a few weeks, it shall turn cold leh, buey tahan liao.
That is when a warm fireplace is damn shiok lah.
I will be shoveling snow, will you have snow boh?
For the non-Singaporeans, the italicized are Singlish. A local blend of English and various languages in Singapore. Grammatically incorrect but definitely comedic, lah.
Tsk Tsk tsk... 100% goes to the troops! 100%.
Visit the various branches to keep up with the hilarious challenges to each other.
Smash is still trying to rid his Canadian Navy Shoulderboards. (I'll be embarrassed to have them Smash.)
Blackfive has a must-read today.
A big round of applause for a job well done to Michael Yon, as he presents his work on the Senate Floor. Hoo Hoo!
What else??
Have you heard of Adopt-A - village? Of course not. Until now. Santa Clause wore camo.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
All talk no action.
News Alerts popped up about the CEOs getting grilled at a Senate hearing. YAWN!!!
1. The executives are not under oath. Whose idea was that? (Not which party's idea)
2. This hearing is designed to let the Americans know "they are not being gouged". Ah.... isn't this a little TOO LATE!! If the public was "gouged" will we get a refund for the price difference?
3. This is basically a rhetoric meeting, no results or actions will become of this hearing.
In short life continues with high priced gasoline powering the inefficient cars necessary to bring us to work in order to earn a laughable income to continue paying for the gas that powers the inefficient..... An unfortunate cycle with few winners, only the executives of oil companies.
When gas rose to $3.50 per gallon a few months ago, I asked my boss for a raise. He just laughed at the request.
Erhm... Gas = $3.50, Minimum wage = $5.50.
Price of gasoline was more than minimum wage in some areas.
Go tell the needy:
- they were not gouged,
- the economic model of free market works,
-the supply could have been cut-off (keyword: COULD)
- it is all a matter of supply and demand.
Yeah, they will buy that argument.
Well back to work.... have to feed the car.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Steelers - Update
Score : Packers :10, Steelers 20.
The highlight of the game was Troy Polamalu, Safety for the Steelers, aka "long-hair-dude-who takes-and-gives-a-lot-of beatings". He picked up a fumble and ran the ball for a touchdown. Oh no the Steelers are close to beating my beloved 49ers (from the '90s) winning streak.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
This would have been an exciting game, new vs old, Ben vs Brett (Favre). The missing componentof this equation, no Ben only Brett.
But I may watch the game for the long hair dude on the Steelers. He is like an energizer battery constantly taking the beatings at full speed.
A brain teaser!!
Name the members of the DREAM TEAM and their coach.
Yeap, the ONE and ONLY DREAM TEAM, who finished 8-0 in the Olympics, winning every single game, the true definition of team, the best talents in 1 team.
You know the best of the best of the best of the best.
Can you name all the players?? Or their loud mouth coach?
I couldn't, so I did a search after 3 hours of frustration.
Try that on someone you really want to irritate today.
Hehehe. Okay good night!!
Where art bed?
It is currently 3:41AM. I am finally going to give up the keyboard after leaving the imprint on the chair for the last hours.
But the pictures are so cute!!!

Gets you into the season isnt it? I hope this no-pay project works out. Will drop the link when the site is ready.
Wait till you see .... the black under my eyes!!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
WOW !!
A summary of why I tip my hat to the Smashes:
He began blogging when web-logging was still in diapers, beginning with his call to duty to his days in the Sandbox. Tales of Operation Iraqi Freedom live from the sandbox, daily haikus, Dragon Lady tales, the sounds and sights that he experienced, as well as relate the lives of coalition soldiers and Iraqis that mainstream media ignored. Someone read his logs faithfully and cried and cheered in the office when he eloquently recalled his return state side. You definitely have to read his archives. Many thanks to the beautiful Mrs Smash who allowed us into their lives as she remodelled their home and her successful recovery from an accident. If memory serves me correctly ( which is a challenge lately) LCDR Smash's site was featured on CNN, on a segment by Anita Hill. What ever happened to the Pulitzer?
Today he continues to spread the word on GWOT, the right word. I wonder what kind of security clearance he has.
Add him to your daily read list, at least see the beautiful Mrs Smash!!
Friday, November 04, 2005
This is alarming
Then I saw this:
"Upwardly mobile India treads on the young", on International Herald Times.
Floodlights, not light bulbs went off.
In a time when jobs are "outsourced" to India, this is unexcusable and simply despicable.
*think of something calm....

Awwww. (I think)
By the way that is part of the new line at Candle Lites on Broadway for Xmas. Cute.
You know what they say about paybacks
Man sues ex-girlfriend over glued genitals.
This is one that definitely should have stayed in the bedroom.
Falls into the same line of waking up with permanent marker on your face, shaved eyebrow, nail polish, butter in your hair. EWWW!!! I think this has to top the list, for now.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
A simple question.
De-Classified documents show Singapore as a target after 9/11.
What did we ever do to you terrorist?
Then again, why are you one?
Took the words right outta my keyboard
This guy took the words out of my
The Good News From Iraq is Not Fit to Print, Jeff Jacoby.
But that isn't a message Big Media cares to emphasize. Hostile to the war and to the administration conducting it, the nation's leading news outlets harp on the negative and pessimistic, consistently underplaying all that is going right in Iraq. Their fixation on the number of troops who have died outweighs their interest in the cause for which those fallen heroes fought -- a cause that advanced with the ratification of the new constitution.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Who to choose
If you can read this, chances are you are:
- PC literate,
- well versed in the policies of something,
- email is your preferred form of communication,
- the newspaper can be used as firestarters,
- educated and
- limber with the mouse and keyboard.
Now, let's have a little test. With the help of another, please tape your arms to the chair. Both arms. Send me an comment. Yeap, send me a comment. Hmmm. That is the situation for some who have just protected your liberty.
Read on.
Project Valour IT. Yeap another project that tugged on my nerdy pc heart strings. *tissues
Voice activated software and laptops will be supplied to Airmen, Marines, Sailors and Soldiers recovering from injuries or amputations. Regardless of your stand on their role overseas, we are all related. Try the theory of 6 degrees of separation.
To spice things up, the military branches have a friendly wager/war/challenge. At least among the bloggers.
Blackfive has the details here. Although I believe he is rather bias towards to the
Yes Scrooge, you can write it off on your taxes.
Spread the word. Shoo! Go!!
Steelers - Recorded
Okay, I finally caught the second half of Monday Night Football.
A few points:
1. Dion Sanders is still playing football??
- Awww ... John Madden just announced another dude named Dion
Sanders. - Sanders takes his seat at the Ravens sidelines, off comes the
helmet, *ka-boing my jaw fell opened to see the Flash. - I mean how old is that guy?
- Daddy wants a new car?
- Or he just a masochistic who enjoys getting beaten up?
- Where are the flashy jewelry and red shoes?
2. Big Ben touches the ball, Big Dude gets Ben!
- Ouch! I hope his mommy has a strong stomach.
- That boy was hit and squashed and pushed every time he touched
the ball. (through the eyes of a 7 year old girl) - Amist the fall to the ground due to the big dude on him, he threw
the ball, and the ball connects with the receiver. - Plonk! Crash! Whatever sound effects, Big Ben crashed to the
ground. (7 year old covers her eyes). - The pass was good. 7 year old jumps and cheer!
All these excitement over a quarterback reminiscence of another quarterback many many moons ago. In fact Dion Sanders may have played with him too (will check on that). His stature is smaller, blonder hair, and humble. *grinning as I think about the games I have watched. Still grinning. Done.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Steelers 20,
Ravens 19.
Phew...close one.
Will watch the last half of the game later, I have it recorded on the I-Control (hahaha).
PS: It is wet and COLD here (about 48F or 9C)!!