If you are expecting some philosophical -intense - psychological - wise - crack - personal - revelations, you are out of luck, aka you are on the wrong site.
I fulfilled all but 1 resolution for 2005. Still locating the GPS for 2006.
Going to drink to the new year - BEER, ROOT BEER, in my living room if I am still awake.
Thanks for worrying Fred.
Watching/listening to the New Year Countdown on the tele. Duran Duran is still cool. Those people are soooo lucky! They got to eat from the Canoli King. Someday.
To family,
To new friends, (R. and R. interesting)
old (aged) friends, (wax that head Fred!)
friend in a strees-free place, (going to miss you Paul)
Those who are still talking to me, (long list, you, you and you)
Those I have never met (hmmm scary list, this dude, that dude),
Those who will be and used to be,
May you look back and smile at 2005.
Learnt something in the past year to help meet the new challenges of 2006.
What almost broke me in 2005, made me stronger to face 2006.
Find your strength (and your own therapy).
I rekindled my passion for writing, (my therapy), you readers put up with me.
I am proud to write about something more important than me,
Now listenining to: Bon Jovi (on the tele),
Okay Jerzey dont sound that bad, they just smell bad!
Sorry Luigi!!
Going to do laundry too.

I'm worn out.