Thursday, August 09, 2007

It has been a long time

I have been here in the States for a long time. 1996 marked my last visit home to Singapore.

Yes indeed that was a long time ago. There have been many suggestions that I take up the citizenship of my country of residence, so far I have not heed any. Regardless of how I may sound now, I was born and educated in Singapore. A country of distinct and praise, who stands out amongst the Muslims neighbours to be a colourblind.

Indeed it was a long time ago. Imagine being away from home for such a prolonged period. In the meantime, my children are fascinated with the Merlion and the amazing spread of food available only on the microscopic representation on the world map.

Indeed someday I shall return home, with the next generation in tow.

Indeed someday Singapore will have a bigger stand on the international scene. Little is known, because of the lack of media coverage, Singapore's contribution to the tsunami relief efforts in Indonesia, the support in Iraqi Freedom, Desert Storm, and many more. How can a tiny Nation smaller than DisneyWorld sardined with 3.5 million afford such strength?

Indeed I was well-educated by the system, that encompass heart, empathy, ethics, loyalty, self-sacrifice and most of all honour. Honour thyself with ethical performance for the greater good with heart and loyalty. That is my doctrine which I cannot attest for the next generation. That was what I was taught and grew-up with. We survived the awful horrific occupation by the Japanese in World War II. Singapore also made a stand against racial and religious inequality, only to gain independence. The youth are indoctrinated with how things went bad in history, lessons written in time and blood. Most of all to always help others, and be COURTEOUS.

Indeed I miss Singapore. Home, is here where my children are. In time I will be home to Singapore.

Indeed it has been a long ride.

Indeed I will have stories to tell.

Indeed time has past.

Indeed it has been a long time.

Cheers! Happy Birthday Singapore.

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