Saturday, April 19, 2008

Minority White

This picture is politically direct.

SMILE and get a doggie treat (or maybe 3, each)
Yeah they are not spoilt.
Don't they look like little Boy Scouts?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Yawn again.

Lately this seems to be the habit. Fatigue kicked in hard the last few weeks. Probably because this cool weather is getting weary.

A huge cup of Timmy's sound good too.

The tulips peeked through the foliage of past fall. Birds chirp us awake with the earlier sunrise. While the wildlife returns to the backyard to signal the impending arrival of warm temperatures. Yes the deer have returned with bravery and vengence, to our backyards. Soon we will will be rolling up our sleeves, grabbing a shovel and "demining" the backyard. Erhm, 3 big dogs means 3 times the droppings to clear up.

Unfortunately no one has volunteered for cleanup duty.