Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dear IOC, you failed.

Dear IOC,

Congratulations on your failure to uphold the ethics of Olympic Games.
Congratulations on the message of bad sportsmanship to the next generation of athletes. Hard work and dedication means nothing as the bias judges dice and slice your life away.

Thank you for disappointing the youth for their clean efforts vanquished before their eyes due to political agendas of grownups.

Many kudos to you as the mothers and fathers, who have encouraged their children at all the sports meets to do their best, are angrily shouting and crying for the kids. Why bother to try so hard any more?

Obvious to the billions of spectators that American Men and Women Gymnastics Team outperformed their Chinese contemporaries. The scores betrayed the audiences, sending a huge nuclear mushroom cloud signal, announcing that the red flag on the chests of the athletes determine the standings.

Well, dear IOC, think about how you failed those kids who worked hard to preserve the Olympic dream.

.... more to come.

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