Monday, November 28, 2005


Steelers play the Colts tonight.
A few notes for those not Stateside:
1. This game marks the return of quarterback for the steelers.
2. Colts are undefeated all season.
3. Monday Night Football - means set cable box to record game.
4. Steelers have only lost 1 Road game, Colts: NONE.
5.erhh.... That's all I have read up on today. (d'oh)

By the way... you guys over in the Palmy Land are so lucky to have a new neighbour. He even brought his own family from the petting zoo. Oh yeah, he is bringing his animals too. I hear he has something for uniforms.

Finder's keepers. Tag you are it!! We won't miss him. We thank you for taking him, one less worry on the streets over here, grown boys are less likely to run & hide from gloved men. Now we have to find another reason to educated our children against crotch grabbing. "See, what happens if you touch the wrong place? Your nose falls off."

I bet I have more to come....


  1. Was he the same guy that thought Boys2Men was a delivery service? LOL
    Mr. M.

  2. I believe he failed to tip the mother, thus she took him to court. We should thank that lady!!
    At least we finally got him out of the California.
