Monday, November 12, 2012

I received this today


You may have served in Combat or in non-combat.


You may have retired out or you may have served for a short time. 
 You may have been a draftee or a volunteer. 
 You may have served in the Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or the Merchant Marines, 
 BUT YOU SERVED.  YOU DID YOUR JOB HONORABLY and for that I am PROUD to call you Brother.
 You may have served during Korea, WWII,. Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Iraq or Afghanistan, But you served, you did not run.


You have a DD 214 with those words "HONORABLY DISCHARGED"  two of the most noble words in the world.


Again I am proud to know each and every one of you.
 Today is Band of Brothers' Day* ; send this to all your brothers, fathers, sons and fellow veterans you know. Happy Brothers' Day!
 To the cool men that have touched my life: Here's to you!! 
I was never a hero, but I am thankful and proud to have served among them.

 A real Brother walks with you when the rest of the world walks on you.
 Send to all your Band of Brothers, because the fake ones won't.

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