Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Chug Chug Chug

Chug Chug Chug
Chug Chug Chug
Chug Chug Chug

A full bottle of Root Beer down the hatch! Mission almost accomplished.
Complete the rework of the half-bath, with 2 coats of paint. There is a 20 year old superstition I have with paint colours and labels, like the name, like the colour, ie. Portland Blue, Morrocan Desert, Soothing Sage.

Chug Chug Chug.

Catching up on the week in the blogosphere (aka my other world). Everyone is heading on vacation!! Matt is in Margaritaville, leaving Blackfive.net in capable hands. LtCdr Smash is on another "vacation" in the Far East, stay safe Sir, oooohhh, the lovely Mrs Smash is running the show. Go check her out boys!! (hehehe) Michael Yon was on AC 360 (Anderson Cooper 360) on CNN.

The Unit began the season with a BANG. 1 guy took out a plane filled with hijackers and hostages. 3 weeks into the series, I am yawning and disappointed.
I finished the third episode last evening, (thanks to the recording capabilities on my overpriced cable box). The Unit is beginning to wear down really fast. Really Really Fast. Just kill each other already.
The series began with explosive and action reminiscent of The Rock. Sean Connery rules, especially when vulgarity rolls off his terse tongue. The Sean Connery in this series is the Allstate Guy. The Unit was sold as covert operation plus grenade tossing plus Martha Stewart in the kitchen after hours. 3 Weeks into the series, however, the unit is really sinking fast even CPR cannot help.
Filled with boring excessive dialogue and unusual painful amounts of mumbling, where is the action as promised, and lack of continuity
haste the membership into the "Special" List of bad tv. Sorry guys at CBS. Good pitch, good pilot, but your follow up is as short-lived as a dieting food junkie working in a Fried Chicken Buffet Joint. Take the dieter off the diet or move the dieter, because my hunger is getting more attention than your show.

I wonder how many times will it take to post this entry.

Now listening to: Queen, Radio.
Now Chugging: Green Tea Chai.


  1. Rootbeer..............right.


  2. Erhm ... Mr M. Just to refresh your memory of the relation between alcohol and me: At least I did it outside
